It is considered Alpha software and may contain bugs or change significantly between patch versions.
A web3-react standard connector for Vimworld Dapps
Nufinetes-Link is a connector for connecting your Vimworld dapps and Nufinetes with a simple customizable configuration.
It runs on web3-react/core library, and provides a complete and useful status of the Wallet Connect connection used by our dapps.
The chains currently supported are VeChain Mainnet and Testnet, and chains that will be supported in the future will be BNB Chain , and every other EVM compatible chain.
- Install Web3-React core library
yarn add @web3-react/core@8.0.25-beta.0
- Install nufinetes-link to dapp
yarn add @vimworld/nufinetes-link
After installation, you can create a nufinetes connector for your dapp as follows
import { initializeConnector } from "@web3-react/core";
import { NufinetesConnector } from "@vimworld/nufinetes-link";
export const [nufinetes, hooks] =
initializeConnector <
NufinetesConnector >
((actions) =>
new NufinetesConnector(actions, {
// you should add rpc rules if you need nufi-link to acesss Evm chains
rpc: [],
[818000000, 818000001]);
// interfaces of rpc parameters array
interface BasicChainInformation {
urls: string[] // an array of rpc urls
name: string // name of the network
interface ExtendedChainInformation extends BasicChainInformation {
nativeCurrency: AddEthereumChainParameter['nativeCurrency'] // string, native currency of current network
blockExplorerUrls: AddEthereumChainParameter['blockExplorerUrls'] // string, blockExplorerUrl
As the codes above shows, initializeConnector exports an array includes "nufinetes" and "hooks",
export const [nufinetes, hooks] = initializeConnector<NufinetesConnector> ...
"nufinetes" is the instance of the connector. you can attempt to connect eagerly on mount (only try to get connection status, if not conneted, only returns a disconnected status without attempt to connect).
useEffect(() => {
void nufinetes.connectEagerly();
}, []);
While you want to connect the wallet, you can use nufinetes to activate the wallet
await connector.activate(
desiredChainId === -1 ? undefined : getAddChainParameters(desiredChainId)
You can pass either a chain id number or an rpc rule object to connector.activate method, then the connector will try to connect to your designated network.
and also a deactivate method is provided
<button onClick={() => void connector.deactivate()}>Disconnect</button>
export const [nufinetes, hooks] = initializeConnector<NufinetesConnector> ...
"hooks" is a collection of hooks that provides every kind of wallet status.
const {
} = hooks;
- useChainId: the chain id of current wallet
- useAccount the priority account that current wallet provides
- useAccounts all accounts provided by the linked wallet
- useIsActivating returns true while the connector is attempting to activate
- useIsActive while the connector is activated and current chain id equals the desiredChainId (if provided), returns true to tell dapp that the wallet is connected correctly.
- useError returns any error that connector throws
- useProvider returns a instance of Wallet Connect.
In the dapps you can freely use these states according to your business.
there is an Enum varible called "NufinetesConnectorErrors" exported from root directory
import { NufinetesConnectorErrors } from "@vimworld/nufinetes-link";
It contains some errors that may occoured
export enum NufinetesConnectorErrors {
// connector will throw this error when the chain id of your linked wallet does not have a corresponding rpc address. To solve this error you should provide a rpc url while initializing the connector
NO_AVAIL_RPC = 'No RPC url available for this chainId',
// when you click to close the qr modal, this error will be throwed
USER_CLOSE_MODAL = 'User closed modal',
a react context provider called Web3ReactProvider is exported by '@web3-react/core'
import { Web3ReactProvider } from "@web3-react/core";
You can use this context provider in your app entrance, then to use wallet status everywhere in your dapp
in entrance components, for example App.tsx
import { Web3ReactHooks, Web3ReactProvider } from "@web3-react/core";
import { NufinetesConnector } from "@vimworldinc/nufinetes-link";
import { MetaMask } from "@web3-react/metamask";
import { hooks as nufinetesHooks, nufinetes } from "../connectors/nufinetes";
import { hooks as metaMaskHooks, metaMask } from "../connectors/metaMask";
const connectors: [
MetaMask | NufinetesConnector | WalletConnect,
][] = [
[nufinetes, nufinetesHooks],
[metaMask, metaMaskHooks],
export default function ProviderExample() {
return (
//1. pass an array of connectors to Web3ReactProvider
//2. or pass a connetor as a connectorOverride to the provider, this makes the provider ignore the connectors above and always return connectorOverride as the priority connector
// connectorOverride={[nufinetes, nufinetesHooks]}
...children components
there are two ways to pass available connectors to Web3ReactProvider
- pass an array of connectors to Web3ReactProvider in this way the provider will set all the connectors passed as available connector, and the priority of these connectors is based on the order of the connectors array. in the example, nufinetes will be the first priority connector. only if nufinetes is disconnected, Web3ReactProvider will seek for MetaMask connection.
- pass a connetor as a connectorOverride to the provider if you passed connectorOverride to provider, the provider will always take this connector as the priority connector, no matter how many other connectors you passed in "connectors" attribute.
It is important to set 'lookupENS' attribute to false, because currently our nufinetes provider is just an native Wallet Connect instance, lookup for ens name is not supported on it.
in children components
import { useWeb3React } from "@web3-react/core";
const CurrentWallet = () => {
const {
} = useWeb3React();
const handleConnect = () => {
return (
{isActive ? account : <div onClick={handleConnect}>Connect Wallet</div>}
export default CurrentWallet;
web3-react/core also provides a useWeb3React hook for developers to use the web3react context. In the basic usages showed the methods to get wallet status by each hooks, now you can directly get all wallet status by a single useWeb3React hook, and this hook can be called everywhere ! The useWeb3React hook also exports the connector instance, you can bind some wallet activation actions everywhere in your dapp.
If you don't want to use the native web3ReactProvider, or you have some customized status in your dapp, you can create your own context to provide any wallet and dapp status you need.
One way is to create a context that extends native provider in entrance component
<Web3ReactProvider connectors={connectors} lookupENS={false}>
<DappContent />
in ExtendProvider
import { useWeb3React } from '@web3-react/core'
export const ExtendProvider = ({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) => {
const { connector, chainId, accounts, isActivating, error, account, isActive, provider } = useWeb3React()
const [authCode, setAuthCode] = useState('')
const [signing, setSigning] = useState(false)
// some async function to get authCode by connected account
getAuthCode(account).then(code => setAuthCode(code)).finally(()=>{
}, [isActive])
return (
In this example, we used native wallet status in another Context, while the wallet is connected, then the ExtendContext will get the linked account and use it to get an auth token for your dapp.
Another way is to create a completely new context here is an example:
export const WalletProvider = ({children}: {children: ReactNode}) => {
// you can manage your desired wallet type by your state manager
const walletType = useSelector(selectWalletType)
const chainCorrect = useSelector(selectChainCorrect)
const someOtherStatus = useSelector(selectSomeOtherStatus)
// create a function to get correct connector by current walletType
const [connector, {useAccount, useProvider, useChainId, useIsActive, useIsActivating, useError, useAccounts}] = getTargetConnector(walletType)
const account = useAccount()
const accounts = useAccounts()
const web3Provider = useProvider()
const chainId = useChainId()
const isActive = useIsActive()
const isActivating = useIsActivating()
const error = useError()
const customizedStatus = useMemo(()=>{
return someOtherStatus && isActive
}, [someOtherStatus, isActive])
return (
account: chainCorrect && account,
provider: web3Provider,
currentChainId: chainId,
isActive: chainCorrect && isActive,
connector: connector,
error: error,
chainCorrect: chainCorrect,
customizedStatus: customizedStatus
In this example, you provided all web3React native wallet status, such as 'account', 'isActive' or 'provider', and you created some new wallet status like 'walletType', 'chainCorrect' or any 'customizedStatus'. Managing multiple wallet connections and their status will be very easy!