Nightly Vim Windows build snapshots (more information).
If you do not know what to use, use the 32bit installer (use the signed one, if available).
Signed releases will occasionally be provided on a best effort approach.
- 8.2.1651: spellfile code not completely tested
- 8.2.1650: Vim9: result of && and || expression is not bool in script
- 8.2.1649: GTK3: using old file chooser
- 8.2.1648: Amiga: no common build file for Amiga (-like) systems
- 8.2.1647: Vim9: result of expression with && and || is not a bool
- 8.2.1646: Amiga: Unnecessary #include
- 8.2.1645: GTK3: icons become broken images when resized
- 8.2.1644: Vim9: cannot assign 1 and 0 to bool at script level
- 8.2.1643: Vim9: :defcompile compiles dead functions
- 8.2.1642: otions test fails
- 8.2.1641: Vim9: cannot use 0 or 1 where a bool is expected
- 8.2.1640: Amiga: missing header for getgrgid()
- 8.2.1639: options window cannot be translated
🔓 Unsigned Files:
32-bit installer (If you don't know what to use, use this one)
64-bit installer
32-bit zip archive
64-bit zip archive
pdb files for debugging the corresponding 32-bit executable
pdb files for debugging the corresponding 64-bit executable
Interface Informations
- Strawberry Perl 5.28
ActiveTcl 8.6.6(Disabled for now. See #194.)- LuaBinaries 5.3
- Python 2.7
- Python3 3.8
- Racket 6.10.1
- RubyInstaller2 2.4
See the README for detail.