Nightly Vim Windows build snapshots (more information).
Signed releases will occasionally be provided on a best effort approach.
- 8.1.1711: listener callback called at the wrong moment
- 8.1.1710: Coverity found dead code
- 8.1.1709: Coverity warns for possibly using a NULL pointer
- 8.1.1708: Coverity warns for using uninitialized variable
- 8.1.1707: Coverity warns for possibly using a NULL pointer
- 8.1.1706: typo in #ifdef
🔑 Signed Files:
Signed 32-bit installer (If you don't know what to use, use this one)gvim_8.1.1711_x64_signed.exe
Signed 64-bit installergvim_8.1.1711_x86_signed.zip
Signed 32-bit zip archivegvim_8.1.1711_x64_signed.zip
Signed 64-bit zip archive
🔓 Unsigned Files:
64-bit installergvim_8.1.1711_x86.exe
32-bit installergvim_8.1.1711_x64.zip
64-bit zip archivegvim_8.1.1711_x64_pdb.zip
pdb files for debugging the corresponding 64-bit executablegvim_8.1.1711_x86.zip
32-bit zip archivegvim_8.1.1711_x86_pdb.zip
pdb files for debugging the corresponding 32-bit executable
Compiled with:
- Strawberry Perl 5.28
- ActiveTcl 8.6.6
- LuaBinaries 5.3
- Python 2.7
- Python3 3.7
- Racket 6.10.1
- RubyInstaller2 2.4
See the README for detail.