Single Page Application that shows you the cheapest flights between two italian airports (stop-overs included).
It uses the ShippyPro Flight Engine API to fetch airports, airlines and flights data.
Need a vacation? Explore now! 👈
🌐 Website
A solo project built in 1 week as a coding challenge given by ShippyPro during the interview process.
The mocks were designed in Figma with a mobile-first approach and support phones, tablets and desktops.
User experience is taken very seriously providing several microinteractions to guide and delight visitors during the flow.
A caching layer based on local storage improves the overall performance, making API calls less frequent.
Reliability is granted by e2e tests done with Cypress.
The app's quality is cheked against various Lighthouse audits run on the desktop version
This app is still in active development, here are some ideas I'm working on:
- Internationalization
- 4K screens support
Built with Typescript, React, and Sass. API calls made with Axios and animations with GSAP. E2E tests powered by Cypress. Deployed on Netlify.
First step is to clone this project
$ git clone
$ cd flightty-pro
Get an API token from the ShippyPro team.
$ cp .env.example .env
$ npm install
$ npm start
Happy hacking and remember: PRs are welcome! 😄