Minikonference webových designérů a vývojářů orientovaných na HTML, CSS a trochu JavaScript.
On your marks, get set, GO!
The things you need to install to run SUPERKODERS DevStack
Node >= 8.12.x
npm >=3.10.x
gulp 4.0.2
Open your favorite Terminal and run this command.
$ npm start
Command $ npm run dev
starts virtual server at http://localhost:3000/ and all file watchers.
Templates will be automatically compiled (via. file watcher task) on every change in the folder /src/
# command to build compressed templates
$ npm run build
# command to build compressed templates with file watcher and local server
$ npm run minwatch
# command to build and compress templetes to zip file
$ npm run export
├── content # Folder for netlify CMS data
│ ├── meetup # Folder for meetup event data
├── node_modules # NPM packages
├── src # Source files
│ ├── admin # Netlify CMS
│ ├── content # Concatenated data
│ ├── css # Styles (using SASS - CSS extension language)
│ ├── fonts # Webfonts *not required*
│ ├── img # Images
│ ├── js # Javascript
│ └── tpl # Templates (using Nunjucks - templating language)
├── tasks # Set of asynchronous JavaScript functions
├── web # Generated files (html, css, js, images, fonts etc.)
├── .editorconfig # Set of rules to maintain consistent coding convention between different editors and IDEs.
├── .eslintignore # Set of ignored rules for coding convention
├── .eslintrc # Set of rules to highlight inappropriate coding convention in Javascript
├── .gitignore # List of excluded folders/files from git repository
├── .npmrc # The NPM config files
├── .stylintrc # Set of rules to hightlight inappropriate coding convention in styles
├── config.js # General devstack conig
├── gulpfile.js # Gulp config
└── package.json # List of NPM dependencies
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details