A large collection of Describe source files
DataLists is a big collection of Describe Markup language source code files (.ds files) that link together in one large knowledge tree (aka list of lists). They are useful for showcasing the Describe Markup language, or simply for educational purposes, to build and test apps and extensions for the Describe transpiler, and more.
The DataLists repository also serves as a backup for World of lists, as the files in this directory are the actual articles of the free-content list-based online wiki, dumped from SQL databases and saved as files in folders. They are the result of the collaboration of the users on the free platform, and as such are licensed under the AGPL v3 license.
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Send me an email vchernev91@abv.bg (might take a few days)
You can reach me on Viber as well: +359-885-18-05-86