(more features)
Added functionality. Improved translation process. Refactoring. Bug fixes
Feature - Translator classes are now separate from the compiler class, and in different namespace
Feature - The powerful ability to define custom decorators has been added to the JSON translator and templates
Feature - {nlcomment} decorator has been added to the inbuilt translators and templates. It combines the {empty} and {comment} decorators
Feature - "TIME_STAMP", "VERSION", "SHORT_TIME_STAMP" and "SHORT_VERSION" sockets have been added to the "JSON_COMMONER" template set and support for the sockets have been added to the inbuilt Json translator
Feature - CLI argument and CLI and API functionality for specifying a behavior when an error is encountered - namely "stop" and "ignore"
Feature - CLI argument and functionality for outputting logs to a file has been implemented
Feature - Support for artifacts have been added to the CLI app, but is not yet implemented in the API (some consideration is needed)
Refactored - CLI app has been fully documented
Refactored - API has some refactoring done
bugfix - timestamp produced by inbuilt translators had single digits "2:1:42.270 (UTC)" is now fixed e.g. "02:01:42.270 (UTC)"
bugfix - serious bug in "JSON_COMMONER" template set affecting empty items have been removed
bugfix - a bug has appeared during refactoring, where CLI app erroneously reports "Parser red 0 tokens in 0 reductions.", that has been fixed