📌 Business Card, A React Web App made with ViteJS tool. It is based on digital business cards. It is a solo project from scrimba to devlop good understanding on reactjs. Building this project helps in grasp react fundamentals and material UI's components like Container, Box and Stack. I also added cool icons from Material UI Icons.
- React Components: Creating reusable components and use them to build a dynamic and interactive card display.
- CSS Styling: Styling components using CSS in React.
- Deployment: How to deploy React project to a hosting service or platform.
When I improve this repository, I'll add some more features such as downloading or sharing the card. I want to include a form where users can input their personal and professional information (such as their name, title, profile, contact information, and social media handles), and then generates a stylized business card based on that information.
- GitHub: Business Card
- Live Site: Business Card
- GitHub: Vikas Parmar
- LinkedIn: Vikas Parmar