#Prometheus Account Ledger This is the account ledger primitives for Prometheus: The Social Currency Network
##Install Instructions
npm i prometheus-account-ledger --save
- Transaction
- Entry
- Utility
- Transaction Service
- Entry Service
Transaction (contract, creditor, debitor, amount, items, hidden)
Returns a transaction object. Constructor will accept a single json object representative of its properties
const Transaction = require("prometheus-account-ledger").Transaction
var contract = 'QmQtX5JVbRa25LmQ1LHFChkXWW5GaWrp7JpymN4oPuBSmL' //hash of contract
var creditor = 'QmQtX5JVbRa25LmQ1LHFChkXWW5GaWrp7JpymN4oPuBS23' //hash creditor account
var debitor = 'QmQtX5JVbRa25LmQ1LHFChkXWW5GaWrp7JpymN4oPuBS09' //hash of debitor account
var amount = 1800 //amount
var items = [] //line items totalling to the amount
var hidden = false // private line items
var trans = new Transaction(contract, creditor, debitor, amount, items, hidden)
Returns an IPLD representation of a transaction object
var ipldTrans = trans.marshal() //buffer
Returns the multihash of an IPLD representation of a transaction object
var hash= trans.multihash() // base 58 encoded string
Entry (transaction, time, last, id, entryService)
Returns an Entry Object. Constructor accepts transaction objects and IPLD links to transaction objects. Constructor accepts json object representation of properties. Time and transaction are required parameters. Last must be another entry object or an IPLD link to an entry object with an older time stamp. It emits a 'transaction loaded' event when trasaction is set to a transaction object.
const Transaction = require("prometheus-account-ledger").Transaction
const Entry = require("prometheus-account-ledger").Entry
var contract = 'QmQtX5JVbRa25LmQ1LHFChkXWW5GaWrp7JpymN4oPuBSmL' //hash of contract
var creditor = 'QmQtX5JVbRa25LmQ1LHFChkXWW5GaWrp7JpymN4oPuBS23' //hash creditor account
var debitor = 'QmQtX5JVbRa25LmQ1LHFChkXWW5GaWrp7JpymN4oPuBS09' //hash of debitor account
var amount = 1800 //amount
var items = [] //line items totalling to the amount
var hidden = false // private line items
var time = new Date() //time of transaction
var trans = new Transaction(contract, creditor, debitor, amount, items, hidden)
var entry = new Entry(trans, time)
Returns an IPLD representation of a transaction object
var ipldEntry = entry.marshal() //buffer
Returns the multihash of an IPLD representation of an entry object
var hash = entry.multihash() // base 58 encoded string
Returns a promise that resolves to the prior entry object if present. If no entry service is present and last is an IPLD link an error will be thrown. It emits an 'entry loaded' event when last is set to an entry object.
entry.last((ntry)=> console.log(ntry.multihash())).catch((err)=> console.log(err))
TransactionService (ipldService)
Returns a Transaction Service. Constructor accepts an ipld service.
const Transaction = require("prometheus-account-ledger").Transaction
const TransactionService= require("prometheus-account-ledger").TransactionService
var contract = 'QmQtX5JVbRa25LmQ1LHFChkXWW5GaWrp7JpymN4oPuBSmL' //hash of contract
var creditor = 'QmQtX5JVbRa25LmQ1LHFChkXWW5GaWrp7JpymN4oPuBS23' //hash creditor account
var debitor = 'QmQtX5JVbRa25LmQ1LHFChkXWW5GaWrp7JpymN4oPuBS09' //hash of debitor account
var amount = 1800 //amount
var items = [] //line items totalling to the amount
var hidden = false // private line items
var trans = new Transaction(contract, creditor, debitor, amount, items, hidden)
var repo = new IPFSRepo('./test/.repo', { stores: fsb })
var bs = new BlockService(repo)
var is = new IPLDService(bs)
var ts = new TransactionService(is)
get (multihash)
Returns a promise that resolves to a transaction object retrieved from storage by its multihash
ts.get('QmQtX5JVbRa25LmQ1LHFChkXWW5GaWrp7JpymN4oPuBS23').then((trans)=> console.log(trans.multihash())).catch((err)=> console.log(err))
add (transaction)
Returns a promise that resolves to the multihash of the successfully stored transaction object
ts.add(trans).then((hash)=> console.log('Added Transaction: ' + hash)).catch((err)=> console.log(err))
EntryService (ipldService))
Returns an Entry Service. Constructor accepts an IPLD Service object.
const Transaction = require("prometheus-account-ledger").Transaction
const Entry = require("prometheus-account-ledger").Entry
const EntryService = require("prometheus-account-ledger").EntryService
var contract = 'QmQtX5JVbRa25LmQ1LHFChkXWW5GaWrp7JpymN4oPuBSmL' //hash of contract
var creditor = 'QmQtX5JVbRa25LmQ1LHFChkXWW5GaWrp7JpymN4oPuBS23' //hash creditor account
var debitor = 'QmQtX5JVbRa25LmQ1LHFChkXWW5GaWrp7JpymN4oPuBS09' //hash of debitor account
var amount = 1800 //amount
var items = [] //line items totalling to the amount
var hidden = false // private line items
var time = new Date() //time of transaction
var trans = new Transaction(contract, creditor, debitor, amount, items, hidden)
var entry= new Entry(trans, time)
var repo = new IPFSRepo('./test/.repo', { stores: fsb })
var bs = new BlockService(repo)
var is = new IPLDService(bs)
var es = new EntryService(is)
get (multihash)
Returns a promise that resolves to an entry object retrieved from storage by its multihash
es.get('QmQtX5JVbRa25LmQ1LHFChkXWW5GaWrp7JpymN4owuBSRt').then((ntry)=> console.log(ntry.multihash())).catch((err)=> console.log(err))
add (entry)
Returns a promise that resolves to the multihash of the successfully stored entry object
es.add(entry).then((hash)=> console.log('Added Entry: ' + hash)).catch((err)=> console.log(err))
getTransactionService ()
Returns a transaction service object that shares the same IPLD Service as the entry service object
var ts = es.getTransactionService()
Returns a utility object with static helper methods.
const Transaction = require("prometheus-account-ledger").Transaction
const Entry = require("prometheus-account-ledger").Entry
const Utility = require("prometheus-account-ledger").Utility
var contract = 'QmQtX5JVbRa25LmQ1LHFChkXWW5GaWrp7JpymN4oPuBSmL' //hash of contract
var creditor = 'QmQtX5JVbRa25LmQ1LHFChkXWW5GaWrp7JpymN4oPuBS23' //hash creditor account
var debitor = 'QmQtX5JVbRa25LmQ1LHFChkXWW5GaWrp7JpymN4oPuBS09' //hash of debitor account
var amount = 1800 //amount
var items = [] //line items totalling to the amount
var hidden = false // private line items
var time = new Date() //time of transaction
var trans = new Transaction(contract, creditor, debitor, amount, items, hidden)
var entry= new Entry(trans, time)
isTransaction (transaction)
Returns a boolean indicating whether it is a prometheus transaction object.
isEntry (entry)
Returns boolean indicating whether it is a prometheus entry object
isIPLDLink ()
Returns boolean indicating whether it is an IPLD link