A static web gallery generator. If you have some pictures on your hard drive and want to publish them as a static web gallery site. PGAL can help you do this.
Install Python
- If working with GNU/Linux or Mac, Python should be already installed
- If working with Windows, an option to have Python is to install Cygwin: http://cygwin.com, and select Python as a part of installation
- Another option is to download and install Python via the official site: http://python.org/downloads/
Install pip, lxml package for Python
- Install pip for Python: http://www.pip-installer.org/en/latest/installing.html
- Use pip to install lxml
pip install lxml
Use Python to run pgal.py, show the help
pgal.py --help
PGAL will use the drive folder tree as the gallery website tree map, and use the folder/file name as website links. Therefore, a properly arranged and named folder with pictures inside will be helpful to generate a tidy clear gallery site. See sample0 for an example gallery folder.
To try sample0 gallery, which is included as a sample in PGAL release package, run pgal.py like this:
pgal.py -t ./sample0 -r ./sample0.xsl -i index.html -j ./js/jquery.js,./js/slimbox2.js -c ./css/slimbox2.css
The command line above will generate a static website in folder sample0 if nothing go wrong. The generated sample0 gallery can be viewed from here: http://viewplatgh.github.io/pgal-demo/sample0/