In this project we tried to implement Honey-Pot like server which will act as a proxy server for any main server. Honey-Pot is used to track the behavior of attacks which are done on any main servers. By studying the type of attacks, the system designers design the system update in such a way that it may cover all the loopholes in the system. As the title states that it’ll be a honeypot like structure and not the exact honeypot. Our system will not only record the IPs and location but it will also take the screenshots of the user’s system so that the images can be studied later and the exact activities can be traced out. The need for this system is because along with tracking IP of the user, taking screenshots might give us a clear vision of any kind of unusual activity
This data Stored in Json file contains username and password of a specified user and then the user might use this credentials for logging into a Web Server.
Login Page Now we enter the Credentials taken from the json data and thus we enter in the Login page
Case: i) If username and Password is correct
Case: ii) If Password is either Wrong or Username is Wrong
Then We Are given 3 attempts for the purpose of Login.
If user entered the wrong credentials for 3 times out honeypot system will began where,
We Store IP of the user and all other details
The Keylogger:
Screenshots and logs taken by the keylogger
Image Capture:
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