This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository.
Squashed 'lib3rd/libzmq.git/' changes from 3a2b3bc625..661aa7c25b
661aa7c25b 1. 给clips的扩展添加了newline函数:因为其居然不支持;( f94fda4c8b 1. 修正了zmq的clips扩展代码中的BUG:socket在pollitems里面的表示应该是static_cast<void*>(zmq::socket),而不是shared_ptr的get函数的返回值:) 01c131269a 1. 修正了zeromq的clips扩展的zmq-poll-create的zmq::socket_t作为zmq::pollitems_t的错误,只需要void*转型就好了,cppzmq对其进行了封装。 e3f11d2581 1. 完善了zeromq的clips扩展:修正了bug,增强了异常输出细节:) d12828f1ca Merge commit '5cdc61f57a16adeaa009aef98c7203e5519dc5fc' 5cdc61f57a Squashed 'lib3rd/fmt.git/' changes from 16aec06179..e900d735bb 91464f1b58 1. 给xclips的zeromq的poll扩展添加了实例代码:) ac34875c0b 1. 更新所有的submodule 84d59546ee 1. 添加了scribble/text的命令行规则:用于使用Racket的Scheme语言来生成代码;) 1f8ddb536f 1. 改善了xcconfig的编写格式:不用挤在一行里面了;) 4e19c526d0 Merge commit '2cd6eead6ae57ee4801d4fc6be278b3d5e6277e7' 2cd6eead6a Squashed 'lib3rd/catch2.git/' changes from 7fcc19d02a..0f12995501 31a967f210 Squashed 'lib3rd/fmt.git/' changes from 901c9d8509..16aec06179 684c7099d9 Merge commit '31a967f210dc02b91ae781bf49f0fc220e36769f' 86b1dd3599 Merge commit '409ab3e528cce2e24cd652a31013800ad038c050' 409ab3e528 Squashed 'lib3rd/libzmq.git/' changes from c2556bb947..3a2b3bc625 3f76f5ce9a Merge commit 'ee8d949923300bf147f442cf599b61b7fb7369cb' ee8d949923 Squashed 'lib3rd/nlohmann-json.git/' changes from 972d6a3842..456478b3c5 9fdcb100d4 Merge commit 'e6f189510e4e6da1e3339313715e35340a43fb6e' e6f189510e Squashed 'lib3rd/libzmq.git/' changes from 907ec22475..c2556bb947 c2556bb947 Merge commit '3fa1a33cadbdd1ce655cd48e27057b46d9d565ee' 3fa1a33cad Squashed 'lib3rd/graphviz.git/' changes from 1be9b598bd..f7f1d9879b f7f1d9879b Merge commit '03ef654f94a0c4e894ee9ae374249d471ed0f0e8' 03ef654f94 Squashed 'lib3rd/fmt.git/' changes from 972d6a3842..901c9d8509 faee89cb71 Merge commit 'a3e4a1979a8a5112019adb00f849c021d3c3b4c6' a3e4a1979a Squashed 'lib3rd/cppzmq.git/' changes from a2ef92ef57..c4d4cf75dd ea3a14503e Merge commit '4340f78546420bb3ff3dfa24edb0e5960acf50b3' 4340f78546 Squashed 'lib3rd/cppcoro.git/' changes from 92892f31d0..69e575480a f1d39aa8c6 Squashed 'lib3rd/catch2.git/' changes from 972d6a3842..7fcc19d02a 0fd4056562 Merge commit 'f1d39aa8c6ca315a497a03d8a241a35a48609d26' 7fcc19d02a 1. 将rxcpp的头文件加入到shared的xcconfig文件中:) 901c9d8509 1. 默认关闭-Wdocumentation和-Wcomma两种警告 f090e67d8d 1. 给xclips扩展添加了starts-with,istarts-with,ends-with,iends-with,contains,icontains共六个Lexeme函数:) 5ca47cf3a2 1. 完善了clips::multifield的C++绑定增强;) f3688102f1 1. 修正了CLIPS的扩展JSON里面的一处json-set-value-for-path的BUG:当value类型为STRING或SYMBOL时,就不需要parse(很可能不成功)了! 65cd0b050f 1. 添加了自动pull子模块的sh脚本文件:并更新了所有的submodule a6a28abac3 1. 为了让zmq扩展的名称更加对称:zmq-poll-has-message修改成为了zmq-poll-router-has-message 61ad4d0ccc 1. 去除了ZeroMQ扩展的协议约束:发现是没有必要的!本来希望能够通过缓冲的方式组合成为完整的协议(Command,JSON)格式之后再发送,但是发现还不如直接组合好了再发给ZMQ处理!这也是职责单一原则的体现了:) 77849a42bb 1. 给XCLIPS的扩展添加了CompleteCommand的测试例子:发现CLIPS的command必须以换行符结束:( 2. 给ZMQ的XCLIPS扩展添加了更详细的日志输出! b2eb292589 1. 添加了到catch2的头文件搜索目录;) 9fbc9a30df 1. 将mustache的CLIPS扩展函数(render和render_with_partials)合并成为一个函数:mustache-render cc39081479 1. 完善了zeromq_poll系列CLIPS扩展函数 3ba1bf806e 1. 添加了zmq_poll的功能:便于在xclips里面从多个socket获取消息:) 2. 让clips.hpp支持multifiled的return和参数;) 90cc4d0b81 1. 修改了shared的xcconfig文件:是的能够自动链接libzmq库(iOS和macOS) 2ff6e80960 Merge commit '0f664910f18b0640b3b78afeefed64a8acc14e6c' 0f664910f1 Squashed 'lib3rd/yoga.git/' changes from a96a36ef59..4135420cba 7a7c3148e2 Squashed 'lib3rd/nlohmann-json.git/' changes from 456478b3c5..972d6a3842 605960815a Merge commit '7a7c3148e2884c3299104dd1381cb9c7e0f6216d' 6c3e5ae71f Squashed 'lib3rd/libzmq.git/' changes from f00f464566..907ec22475 a409a1bf6d Merge commit '6c3e5ae71f5ab8d688be3343c7cee7fd0055722d' 739aa1d7c4 Merge commit 'f7849a64697977c250db6362152d58da15f84156' f7849a6469 Squashed 'lib3rd/graphviz.git/' changes from f8b9e0351..1be9b598b 0c07e74f71 Squashed 'lib3rd/fmt.git/' changes from 5944fcad3..972d6a384 ebdf5d1467 Merge commit '0c07e74f71c34ee0b47a957f186bbf01fe904272' a8b072532f Squashed 'lib3rd/cppzmq.git/' changes from a3e5b54c3..a2ef92ef5 08711af11d Merge commit 'a8b072532f4c196c67d69a4a226233bb1a49f301' 35b558a979 Squashed 'lib3rd/catch2.git/' changes from 37cbf4a4f..972d6a384 4f3e3c3cbe Merge commit '35b558a979a36c1a2bed4aba8df4c8a37f4db476' 972d6a3842 1. 将CLIPS的代码(包含扩展)做成了CMakeLists.txt的模式:便于多项目之间自动管理依赖和链接:) 3c5a3237ad 1. 清理了xclips的冗余花括号;) b475573a4b 1. xclips的扩展zmq发送数据的长度不正确的BUG得到了修复:) 2. xclips的zmq扩展添加了一个zmq_close函数:) 0d06803c41 1. 补充了一个macos遗漏的xcconfig数据 b7884259b2 1. 将在xcode里面配置的各种项目属性拿到了独立的xcconfig文件中:这样后面类似的项目使用起来更方便:) 01b78370fc 1. 将CLIPS扩展里面的CLIPS协议更换为SEXP协议,同时将read-clips修改为read-sexp:这样,就可以用到CLIPS之外的LISP语言上:) 1d04fcff41 1. 完善了CLIPS的JSON扩展的value_for_path和set_value_for_path函数:) 6ccbcfcfe5 1. CLIPS的JSON扩展库,第一次编译测试通过了;) 187a3624a1 1. 给socket的扩展添加了block_reading的读取功能:实现【等待】能力;) 243f672a5d 1. 添加了zmq扩展的version函数;) a58373b275 1. 给zmq的扩展添加了RAW的protocol 5c8b442d8c 1. 删除router的回显显示:这是多余的操作,用户可以自己来操作 c0f2d17728 1. socket可以发送任意的子节序列了:将之前的protocol从socket里面剔除了;同时读取的时候,不会发生阻塞了;) 873e4d9283 1. 修正了uuidgen的编译错误:因为我clips.h头文件里面定义了太多的【短宏】和boost的uuid库里面的LHS和RHS冲突了! 8fcd588bf6 1. 给CLIPS的扩展添加了一系列的utility函数:) 5481c08a71 1. 添加了expand-for-eval和expand-and-eval两个函数:但是有些限制,暂时没用上:( 8607930317 1. 添加了read-until的CLIPS扩展函数:主要用于process的处理:) e6ca7a0ef3 1. 用宏的方式来简化了CLIPS扩展的代码量:主要是重复代码 9c0361dd82 1. 发现了一处zmq解析协议的BUG:需要同时支持CLIPS和JSON格式:) 0041fc0f82 1. 添加了process的terminal的支持:使得CLIPS可以直接利用第三方的命令行工具作为自己的子函数(微服务):O) 2. 结果process的system-output函数也做到process模块里面了;) 3. 修复了一个clips::boolean类型的一个bug 9037810238 1. 重命名read-system为system-output:语义更加明确 b0757bba84 1. 调整了CLIPS的扩展,使其能够在iOS下也能正常工作了;) 1b2f1be749 1. 添加了read-system的函数:能够从命令行的输出中返回结果了;) d5a4c88c4a 1. 添加了boost_1_73_0的代码:) dedb452bfd 1. 关闭了一处CLIPS扩展的日志输出 c08ab5dafd 1. 给CLIPS扩展添加了mustache_render_with_partials函数:用于使用mustache模版引擎的partials功能:) 2. 重命名test-bench-execute为:test-benchmark:) 6af0c40726 1. 添加了CLIPS扩展支持的协议:CLIPS和JSON两种协议:)并改善了错误报告:) bd391aa7c5 1. 修正了CLIPS的String扩展在输出给router时候的问题:之前只处理了输入,现在处理输出 71bfba3252 1. 将readcommand调整为read-command:这样就和CLIPS的read-number的习惯吻合了;) cfb3ad7811 1. 给CLIPS的扩展添加了readcommand命令:用于读取一个完整的command:在使用ZMQ和socket的时候很必要:) 487dabcb55 1. CLIPS的socket扩展也能够一次读取一个完整的命令了;) 8182908268 1. 现在ZMQ的CLIPS绑定已经可以按照CompleteCommand的方式来缓存一个完整的命令在发送出去了;) 51177fed47 1. 给CLIPS的String的词法在只有【双引号】的基础上添加了【反引号】【单引号】功能支持:尽量减少了使用【 斜杠\】转义的需求! a5c9065cbe 1. 给CLIPS扩展添加了mustache的模版引擎支持:) 84a678c09b 1. 成功的引入了ZMQ的功能到CLIPS扩展中:) fd2d7f74dc 1. 发现CLIPS的API里面的argumentCode和expectBits有关系,但是并不一样!!! 013f018f34 1. 发现了测试中的一些bug:对CLIPS的扩展的test_bench功能进行了测试:) 791cd81896 1. 重命名select_action为create_primitive_value:更加贴近具体的意义 f37bdc52fb 1. CLIPS的扩展终于完全正确了:(read)已经可以读取到正确的值了:)之前没有使用RouterUnreadFunction 9b102f94bb 1. 清理了clips扩展中的不需要的内容 8c5f26bb33 1. boost::asio的socket添加到了CLIPS中:也就是说,从今以后,xclips可以直接使用网络了;) d6fa51b303 1. 改写了clips.hpp和clips.cpp文件,首次支持了network的router功能:还未经过严格的测试! 9d31a33723 1. 添加了libzmq的ios版本的ignore描述 ed464d0dc0 1. 添加了mstch.git的submodule:git的submodule被提交了;) c0b533a865 Merge commit '7f82b73a2f035d403a7130fc1f24af8bdea2603d' as 'lib3rd/mstch.git' 7f82b73a2f Squashed 'lib3rd/mstch.git/' content from commit 0fde1cf94 774da9e0ef 1. 添加README的内容描述了mstch.git的subtree和submodule:) 77f83483f2 1. rpc.git子模块的路径错误:删除之! a6c208be67 1. 添加了rpclib.git的子模块:) 3859c03acd Merge commit '2c2a7ed46e66d3f950e8b6a7535a426d74e9ba05' as 'lib3rd/grpc.git' 2c2a7ed46e Squashed 'lib3rd/grpc.git/' content from commit c07ddb4504 8f9fb5bb54 1. 添加了grpc的子模块 2. 添加了备注到README e36912c152 1. 确保CLIPS_unicode的clips_core_6_40在macOS和iOS下都可用:主要区别是system函数,iOS下不可用 ddec83cd12 Squashed 'lib3rd/nlohmann-json.git/' content from commit 456478b3c 3424cfdfa5 Merge commit 'ddec83cd12c8291848d6f0fffffd2d6632d46f4c' as 'lib3rd/nlohmann-json.git' 2e40a6d3ae 1. 忽略了libzmq.git和rttr.git的build文件:) 243f5ce3a3 1. 调整了yoga.git的编译选项:使得其能够在iOS和macOS下都能够使用:) 4144a547fa 1. nlohmann-json.git的subtree制作错误:需要修正! 56385dfb0c 1. 修正GraphViz的sincos链接的问题:系统的sincos是C++的Symbol,C暂时不能用!!! 5c752390a7 1. 调整GraphViz的plugin代码从【SHARED】改为【STATIC】形式:且在xcode的linker中添加【-all_load】链接选项;然后将union_find.c从libspine.a中剔除(和libcommon.a重复了),终于链接通过了:) 9fa0502000 1. 修改graphviz.git的subtree代码:使其能够在macOS和iOS下正常使用:) d22bbd6573 1. 添加了boost_1_72_0的源代码:) 6a1e39def2 Merge commit 'c599d74aa6c40018e53a4248c4df0ef3da4be3ac' as 'lib3rd/clips_uml.git' c599d74aa6 Squashed 'lib3rd/clips_uml.git/' content from commit 7bd70cb68 ab6550485e Merge commit 'b674b6386c63840269a33c3ae6c9ebdcad4499d0' as 'lib3rd/clips_core_6_40.git' b674b6386c Squashed 'lib3rd/clips_core_6_40.git/' content from commit 516c97053 eb2a817ed4 1. 更正了添加subtree的脚本:前面有错误! 65f786ffec Squashed 'lib3rd/graphviz.git/' content from commit f8b9e0351 772fdd4309 Merge commit '65f786ffecb67ad12562461c5004ae1243d3d1b8' as 'lib3rd/graphviz.git' 93e55cb88a Merge commit '958153ed0dc0c1eb8d56efddfff1b3b2eba06f91' as 'lib3rd/nlohmann-json.git' 958153ed0d Squashed 'lib3rd/nlohmann-json.git/' content from commit 6ad0a586e b00486b488 Merge commit '1bdf861f36fe2684a8a8c8ab33b2fef4c416234f' as 'lib3rd/rttr.git' 1bdf861f36 Squashed 'lib3rd/rttr.git/' content from commit b16fccf0f 5fc0beca1a Merge commit '3dff2711ebf2329c63a2321ec4f4e760e202cbfc' as 'lib3rd/cucumber-cpp.git' 3dff2711eb Squashed 'lib3rd/cucumber-cpp.git/' content from commit dd424c1a9 67e0ed5d6c Squashed 'lib3rd/yoga.git/' content from commit a96a36ef5 dd876f76fd Merge commit '67e0ed5d6c1dfdbe59205bf56afc354e54416261' as 'lib3rd/yoga.git' b2454f0c14 Squashed 'lib3rd/fmt.git/' content from commit 5944fcad3 e61dae7b09 Merge commit 'b2454f0c14c18e13cb71a8be0b25ec8d0c96591b' as 'lib3rd/fmt.git' 07d93fd16b Merge commit '6f6c4814e5c78cea60e31b9921ce50e8a8f86402' as 'lib3rd/rpclib.git' 6f6c4814e5 Squashed 'lib3rd/rpclib.git/' content from commit 3b00c4ccf 1dd0834682 Squashed 'lib3rd/libzmq.git/' content from commit f00f46456 53274f487f Merge commit '1dd083468264c4604aee3ae024704ba5e4e973cf' as 'lib3rd/libzmq.git' aacec21578 Squashed 'lib3rd/cppzmq.git/' content from commit a3e5b54c3 2f22b31685 Merge commit 'aacec21578be08301d16795093d53773ac327f0d' as 'lib3rd/cppzmq.git' ee739256ef Merge commit '9f189958342e9b6a9d40afd6e455835953c86145' as 'lib3rd/cpplinq.git' 9f18995834 Squashed 'lib3rd/cpplinq.git/' content from commit 581f9a981 802b64f830 Squashed 'lib3rd/cppcoro.git/' content from commit 92892f31d 3b0c13428b Merge commit '802b64f830c24b12bab1877d888fc48ddf479f79' as 'lib3rd/cppcoro.git' 5ad8caf8f6 Squashed 'lib3rd/catch2.git/' content from commit 37cbf4a4f 6034403f33 Merge commit '5ad8caf8f6a59fd769d6f71edd718ab594dccb07' as 'lib3rd/catch2.git' ff27304c91 Merge commit 'a03ac0b68644c6e26c26d4a8134656bfb50bcf89' as 'lib3rd/rxcpp.git' a03ac0b686 Squashed 'lib3rd/rxcpp.git/' content from commit a71a89a27 6ad0a586e4 1. 添加了更新submodule的子子孙孙的README 07b5419f00 1. 添加完成了所有的submodule:) 1dc9e87948 1. 增加了subtree和submodule的说明文件 978b3336ff 1. 提交一个README来初始化git仓库 REVERT: 3a2b3bc625 Merge pull request #3943 from bjovke/small_fix REVERT: c32462cde0 Small fix. REVERT: c89390f0f5 Make including Clang optional REVERT: efaeec33fc RELICENSE grant REVERT: 2e87390656 Initialize some CMake variables as empty before build REVERT: c95f7d0933 Merge pull request #3935 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: cf9ccbbd37 Problem: metadata is stored for PUB sockets and never processed REVERT: 821ab88f96 Problem: XPUB leaks unprocessed metadata on close REVERT: b5a8825542 Merge pull request #3930 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: 38349198a6 Problem: MSAN complains about uninitialised buffers in CURVE greetings REVERT: 35c4c22c81 Problem: z85 decode test might not always get valid input and pass REVERT: 85e198c5b4 Problem: wrong testcase name in z85_decode_fuzzer REVERT: 1ac753979a Problem: z85_decode fuzzer does not run regression tests with corpora REVERT: 51c90a6cd5 Problem: z85_decode fuzzer fails if fewer than 5 bytes are passed REVERT: c1d195641d provide minimal support for TSAN (#3929) REVERT: 6e62fb19b4 Merge pull request #3925 from bjovke/timers_issue REVERT: 2887c0fbb1 Problem: Usage of invalidated iterator of _timers container in zmq::poller_base_t::execute_timers (). Solution: Safe iteration through _timers container, valid only for std::multimap (currently it is). REVERT: 907ec22475 Merge pull request #3922 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: 55dfa239ff Problem: build fails with Clang 10 REVERT: 8df0d99cd8 Merge pull request #3921 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: 2d23b599f2 Problem: test_bind_fuzzer does not use corpus for regression tests REVERT: dccf1723cc Problem: invalid address results in out-of-range string access REVERT: 3033112645 Merge pull request #3918 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: 6815138501 Problem: unfinished message can be leaked by client pipe REVERT: 6439d32254 Problem: fuzz tests do not check that legitimate clients work REVERT: afacdbeccf Merge pull request #3913 from somdoron/delay_bind REVERT: ad3b36ab95 problem: test_xpub_manual is flapping REVERT: e7f0090b16 problem: zeromq connects peer before handshake is completed REVERT: 18cacf2ec1 Merge pull request #3910 from bluca/obs_release REVERT: 364ae768fe Problem: removing latest_branch breaks ABI CI job REVERT: 4a863e334a Merge pull request #3909 from nyfix/std REVERT: f474b226b6 allow C/C++ standard to be specified at build time, default to C++11 if supported REVERT: 820efb31bd Merge pull request #3908 from bluca/obs_release REVERT: e1d07b61ca Problem: release script for OBS build fails often REVERT: 0244d809a2 Merge pull request #3905 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: fb9d055578 Problem: test_bind_curve_fuzzer might get stuck on some input REVERT: c33da0ea5b Problem: we lack an (internal) definition of severity for security issues REVERT: 675a007d74 Problem: does not mention 4.3.x series REVERT: abb315a6da Problem: potential memory leak in test_connect_curve_fuzzer REVERT: be77a8d932 Merge pull request #3903 from bjovke/msvc_cplusplus REVERT: a1d82598bb Merge pull request #3904 from somdoron/CHANNEL REVERT: 3da84c6d06 problem: no thread-safe alternative for ZMQ_PAIR REVERT: 804d528114 Problem: MSVC always reports __cplusplus macro value as 199711L. Some newer features are switched off even with latest Visual studio version. Solution: Add check for MSVC version along with __cplusplus check. REVERT: 28cb820f4f Merge pull request #3902 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: 98efa79f54 Problem: ZMQ_DISABLE_TEST_TIMEOUT does not work anymore REVERT: 397ac80850 Problem: ZMTP v1 static allocator is needlessly resized REVERT: 061ce6cea1 Merge pull request #3901 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: 5fd0711196 Problem: memory leak in test_connect_null_fuzzer REVERT: 243503c29e Problem: set infinite timeouts on some tests by mistake REVERT: f7b215c639 Merge pull request #3900 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: fd3e5daaeb Problem: fuzzing Github action ran on pushes on forks and fails REVERT: 346f8b8b20 Problem: uninitialised error in testutil helper REVERT: 5819867cd3 Problem: fuzzer curve tests use random keys REVERT: d7e58fc880 Merge pull request #3899 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: 9f94aa866f Problem: oss-fuzz images not tested on PRs REVERT: 5b7f67a822 Problem: memory sanitizer not enabled in CI REVERT: c2ffe2e6d2 Merge pull request #3897 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: 2ac5ee7307 Problem: test_hello_msg binds to hard-coded port and fails when it's in use REVERT: 04ecff399b Merge pull request #3896 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: 3770937de3 Problem: we want to check for undefined behaviour in the CI REVERT: 0c5396849b Problem: syntax errors in REVERT: cdd9e9d1f4 Problem: Travis uses old-old-old-stable Ubuntu by default REVERT: 96d3cb39e4 Problem: fuzz input which causes extra-large message allocation not stored REVERT: 9ab3fbeee2 Problem: we want to have multiple seed corpora per fuzzer binary REVERT: c4fd6dfea7 Problem: sanitizer tests cannot allocate much memory REVERT: 7df845fb82 Problem: memory sanitizer detects uninitialised global variable usage REVERT: 309d1f1cb7 Merge pull request #3894 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: 6b259224ee Problem: fuzzer regression tests do very little REVERT: c8e62cb2e0 Problem: no dictionaries and seed corpora for fuzzers REVERT: 60ccf54fa6 Problem: sub/cancel broken with CURVE REVERT: 534580c31d Merge pull request #3893 from gummif/gfa/blob-ref REVERT: 103e39bd6f Merge pull request #3892 from gummif/gfa/poller-event REVERT: 47a080aac0 Problem: extra blob copy REVERT: 284d90a436 Problem: unnecessary event struct and UB REVERT: e05fe370fe Merge pull request #3890 from gummif/gfa/retfd REVERT: e18772f942 Problem: -1 used for invalid socket REVERT: aa29f7caff Merge pull request #3889 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: 1443c0e787 Merge pull request #3887 from gummif/gfa/unify-fd REVERT: 5867d7cf5f Merge pull request #3888 from gummif/gfa/poller-fd REVERT: d426f2ab0c Problem: Multiple fd_t definitions REVERT: a909e7296d Problem: testutil build broken with gcc 4.4 on CentOS 6 REVERT: 882cb6fdfb Problem: static analysis shows dead store in testutil REVERT: 12a2f81717 Merge pull request #3885 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: bf22a9f3e9 Problem: Poller event fd unspecified REVERT: 96787c35f8 Problem: no fuzz testing for API with variable input REVERT: 57df836381 Problem: no fuzz testing for CURVE REVERT: 8e774f3cd6 Problem: no integration with fuzz testing REVERT: c6d3bc68c8 Problem: ZMTP mocks duplicated across tests REVERT: 4f35d1af1a Problem: using BSD sockets in test is duplicated across many tests REVERT: c81a973cd8 Problem: assert macros not detecting errors from syscall that do not return -1 on failure REVERT: 727637082f Problem: test_shutdown_stress_tipc fails sometimes REVERT: b56195e995 Merge pull request #3882 from laplaceyang/relicense REVERT: 491defdf12 RELICENSE: Grant from laplaceyang. REVERT: 9984d43143 Merge pull request #3879 from somdoron/master REVERT: 81056a7237 problem: appveyor is very slow REVERT: a525323757 Merge pull request #3878 from Eelis/master REVERT: f00f464566 Merge pull request #3866 from gummif/gfa/poller-refactoring REVERT: 063f14a940 Problem: out-of-bounds array access in socket_poller::check_events. REVERT: 0b32fb3629 Problem: poller item lookup can be simplified REVERT: d882e807dd Merge pull request #3876 from somdoron/HELLO_MSG REVERT: 08d94d0e16 Merge pull request #3877 from gummif/gfa/spinlock-fix REVERT: 6ca07a30e3 problem: checking the wrong socket when sending hello msg REVERT: 2745ac31d7 Merge pull request #3875 from bluca/test REVERT: ff80089939 Problem: Spinning on atomics can cause hangs REVERT: 5a78bad2a8 Problem: coverage CI job fails REVERT: 7cac73401a Problem: test_many_sockets always fails on Windows REVERT: ada6f0c058 Merge pull request #3871 from somdoron/DISCONNECT_MSG REVERT: 7ce7b8b888 Merge pull request #3874 from shgalym/patch-1 REVERT: d0b5713709 typo fix root README REVERT: 97a52af242 Merge pull request #3872 from gummif/gfa/poller-size REVERT: 9c6738bb45 Problem: No support to query poller size REVERT: 81444136d5 problem: router doesn't know when peer disconnected REVERT: 4c1d720a47 Merge pull request #3870 from somdoron/HELLO_MSG REVERT: 93da6763b0 problem: ZMQ_HEARTBEAT is not useful without sending an hello message REVERT: 718ad8ab96 add wss transport and fix tipc tests when building using cmake on linux (#3857) REVERT: 7276b6809a Merge pull request #3868 from gummif/gfa/poller-sleep REVERT: ef4bb9aa5e Merge pull request #3865 from gummif/gfa/poller-fd-init REVERT: 458d805eb6 Problem: poller sleeps forever if no events REVERT: a468ac782a Problem: poller item fd uninitialized REVERT: 7b1fef28f9 Problem: boilerplate when init msg from data copy (#3860) REVERT: 347ff07c94 Merge pull request #3862 from gummif/gfa/poller-formatting REVERT: fa2af05d47 Problem: Strange zmq_poller doc formatting REVERT: ae45ac4e1f Merge pull request #3861 from gummif/gfa/send-doc REVERT: cbdf075658 Problem: zmq_send doc does not match declaration REVERT: 3c13e9222d Merge pull request #3851 from gummif/gfa/ts-int REVERT: e1fc84141d Problem: ZMQ_THREAD_SAFE is not bool REVERT: 323420c5ea Merge pull request #3850 from JSYoo5B/git-ignore-fix-track REVERT: eceaaf360b Problem: executable sources are not tracked REVERT: 876d4bfead Merge pull request #3849 from ferdnyc/zeromq-config-install REVERT: a97158aa2a Add relicensing statement for ferdnyc REVERT: 31569c78d9 Problem: CMake config doesn't support multiarch REVERT: bb9135da4f Merge pull request #3847 from JSYoo5B/protocol-literals-refactor REVERT: 38fd1fdc8e Problem: some cond. compile may cause problem REVERT: 4f436ce00f Problem: some conditional compile was not applied REVERT: ebd22ecf85 Problem: literals protocol names still remains REVERT: 0c7ee438a8 Merge pull request #3848 from JSYoo5B/optimize-gitignore REVERT: 2478887d4a Problem: gitignore is messed up REVERT: 656205b5f9 Merge pull request #3844 from bluca/format REVERT: f9417dab4d Problem: msg_t functions do not respect coding style REVERT: 07d3687621 Merge pull request #3843 from JSYoo5B/man-udp-not-mentioned REVERT: ded0d83e47 Problem: wildcard address with udp not mentioned REVERT: 296beecd24 Problem: UDP is not mentioned in bind and connect REVERT: f915971653 Merge pull request #3838 from JSYoo5B/osx-build-doc-issue REVERT: 87f9e377dd Problem: building on OS X may failed REVERT: 2206cb37e0 ip_resolver_t: Silencing C++-warning -Wnon-virtual-dtor (#3837) REVERT: de0102e927 Fixes old Simon being in there REVERT: 99cf1c2e96 Fixes tabs REVERT: c0abfae0d4 Add relicense REVERT: 0d42929193 Adds QNX as possible to compile on REVERT: e765143b42 Merge pull request #3833 from bluca/news REVERT: 4f45ac135a Problem: formatting not up to date REVERT: 09476b3d7f Problem: NEWS out of date with latest changes REVERT: e2de3b7986 Problem: no NEWS entry for ZMQ_RECONNECT_STOP REVERT: debbe08fb8 add option to stop trying to reconnect on ECONNREFUSED (#3831) REVERT: 66ee3ee46c Merge pull request #3832 from stac47/fix_unused_variable REVERT: f0b0e80da0 Fix unused-variable warning in perf/proxy_thr.cpp REVERT: c7e99cdc4c Merge pull request #3829 from gcsideal/master REVERT: 76969bf51c Add relicense grant by Laszlo Boszormenyi (GCS) REVERT: 98e82ddff3 Merge pull request #3828 from sappo/master REVERT: 67e6a8c233 Problem: Usage of ANDROID_BUILD_DIR not documented REVERT: e293b0b9b3 Problem: Setting TOOLCHAIN env vars should be done by helper REVERT: 511d39c179 Problem: Unable to overwrite the ANDROID_BUILD_DIR REVERT: 917921095e Merge pull request #3827 from sappo/master REVERT: 1fc4f513f4 Problem: Tables in README are difficult to read REVERT: 341f56ccac Problem: Android build is hard to understand REVERT: d5bd1642d1 Merge pull request #3825 from bluca/relicense REVERT: b4bfd0f058 Add grant by ninoles REVERT: 52044b38f7 Merge pull request #3823 from somdoron/ZMQ_PEER REVERT: 70bc7dd925 problem: zeromq doesn't has a thread-safe peer to peer socket REVERT: 821685f249 Merge pull request #3822 from somdoron/GROUPMAXLENGTH REVERT: 05194eb549 problem: maximum size of group doesn't match the RFC maximum size REVERT: f17a794d59 Merge pull request #3814 from bluca/sub_cancel_decoder REVERT: a7bb41ef77 Merge pull request #3820 from somdoron/WSENCODING REVERT: 652834296b problem: ws_transport is missing the path the endpoint name REVERT: 071ec1a9bb problem:Fallback to localhost in ws_address has no effect REVERT: 6b75209f0e Merge pull request #3821 from bluca/relicense REVERT: 8c618e0247 Grant from KLNikita REVERT: 7bfd9512e6 problem: ws_encoder allocate a new msg for masking REVERT: dca59c940e Merge pull request #3819 from bluca/relicense REVERT: b7c1d932fb Grant by asafkahlon REVERT: 38b6888c3e Problem: libzmq does not advertise ZMTP 3.1 REVERT: 253e9dd27b Problem: libzmq does not send ZMTP 3.1 sub/cancel commands REVERT: d4af92cd15 Merge pull request #3818 from SCOREC/xlClang REVERT: f4dff8eed6 relicense stmt REVERT: 49ecde8d80 support compiling with IBM XL 16.1 w/ clang front end REVERT: 0d073e0b67 Merge pull request #3816 from somdoron/SCATTER-GATHER-DOC REVERT: 40de45396f problem: no docs for scatter-gather REVERT: 27f2f5e745 Merge pull request #3815 from gummif/gfa/doc-typo REVERT: ee32b833a7 Add relicence agreement REVERT: f80830c4a8 Problem: Documentation for option name mismatch REVERT: e7f802d1ac Merge pull request #3813 from sigiesec/code-style REVERT: 21b8d5cff7 Problem: duplicated code in tests related to monitoring REVERT: 495fb00b7e Problem: pointee types are unnecessarily non-const REVERT: db8f4fba21 Problem: redundant inline/ZMQ_FINAL declarations REVERT: 21d80e42a8 Merge pull request #3812 from pavel-pimenov/RELICENSE-pavel-pimenov REVERT: c9845bfbf4 RELICENSE pavel-pimenov REVERT: 84ec65482f Merge pull request #3808 from sigiesec/fix-test-monitor-to-be-checked REVERT: d8851c5ca8 Merge pull request #3807 from sigiesec/fix-test-heartbeats REVERT: 66094678d1 Problem: intermittent deadlocks/timeouts in test_monitor and test_security_zap REVERT: 0a1fc44ed7 Merge pull request #3811 from sigiesec/fix-libsodium-1-0-0 REVERT: dfcca75d0b Problem: curve_encoding_t build fails with old libsodium versions REVERT: 58b636675a Problem: on POSIX systems, all tests have a timeout of 60 seconds; disabling it via ZMQ_DISABLE_TEST_TIMEOUT doesn't work anymore REVERT: 577d64c007 Problem: intermittent timeouts on test_heartbeats REVERT: 06bdebfe8d Merge pull request #3805 from sigiesec/curve-zerocopy REVERT: f1513f96d8 Merge pull request #3806 from sigiesec/increase-reconnect-ivl-timeout REVERT: e7043c815d Problem: intermittent timeouts of test_reconnect_ivl REVERT: 4177bf7445 Problem: curve_encoding_t involves unnecesary heap allocations and copying of message data REVERT: 2fa8185340 Problem: cannot use static libsodium library on Windows REVERT: b01685ea0a Problem: no unittests for curve_encoding_t REVERT: 48aed8df11 Merge pull request #3803 from bluca/relicense REVERT: 499624927a Submitting permission to relicense under MPLv2 statement. (#3804) REVERT: 78b94a4fcf Problem: testutil.hpp pulls in min/max macro definitions on Windows REVERT: 4ad239acbc Problem: curve encoding and decoding are not easily testable REVERT: a7b328a79a Revert "Problem: nuget internal metadata not maintained, no relicense" REVERT: 7cceedda2d Grant by phreed REVERT: f6de0dcafa Grant by xantares REVERT: 687241e93f Grant by jimenezrick REVERT: af5ac60631 Merge pull request #3801 from bluca/relicense REVERT: d69f4dc855 Problem: commented out code in CMakeLists.txt REVERT: d2a8be8da7 Problem: nuget internal metadata not maintained, no relicense REVERT: a2b4cca266 Merge pull request #3802 from FredTreg/patch-1 REVERT: 0b66262bda Adding relicensing grant from FredTreg REVERT: 2a6cc306da Grant by acsearle REVERT: 3e394fddb4 Problem: naming convention violated by curve_mechanism_base REVERT: fc8eec6d39 Add relicense from zoobab REVERT: 75dfbae0d1 Merge pull request #3798 from std-any-emplace/msvc-cmake-clang-buildfix REVERT: e73789620d Merge pull request #3797 from std-any-emplace/msvc-cmake REVERT: e29495373e Add an extra space after "/Z7". Else the flag gets joined with the flag following this and clang-cl does not like that. REVERT: 9b66fe2fba Both libzmq and libzmq-static are trying to work in precompiled.pch. Solution: enforce order. Fixes REVERT: fde2a7a65d Merge pull request #3795 from sigiesec/final-override-analyze REVERT: 406c423c9a Problem: C-style casts used REVERT: 78961eeab7 Problem: non-modifying member functions not marked as const/static REVERT: 41e3f14d6a Problem: ptr/ref parameters and local variables are non-const but never modified REVERT: 759fed8e7e Problem: meaningless inline specified on function declarations REVERT: f8f7913737 Problem: irregular loop conditions REVERT: 628adf1cb7 Problem: inconsistent polymorphic inheritance REVERT: 6d69898240 Merge pull request #3794 from sigiesec/fix-ctx-shutdown REVERT: fbf85448c3 Clarify used C++-standard for compilation. (#3793) REVERT: 36a8df2f8c Problem: sockets can be created after calling zmq_ctx_shutdown REVERT: ebc9314339 Merge pull request #3790 from std-any-emplace/master REVERT: 337ec270a4 EAGAIN: Refer to ZMQ_RCVTIMEO when receiving in blocking-mode REVERT: 349e3e21db Merge pull request #3789 from std-any-emplace/master REVERT: feb4f3d424 Fix minor typo REVERT: 81d522bb66 Refer to zmq_socket because there are more thread-safe sockets than just client/server REVERT: 72865e1b61 Merge pull request #3788 from colletted/feature REVERT: 64fc106123 Problem: preious commit contains tabs Solution: replace tabs with spaces REVERT: 851ae90319 Problem: No relicense agreement by Denis Collette Solution: added relicence agreement REVERT: 1450681fb4 Problem: Issue #3766 states that strtok is not thread safe and should be replaced REVERT: b7dd31db5a Merge pull request #3785 from bluca/wss_option REVERT: 1f00a5bf59 Problem: WS build option is independent of DRAFT REVERT: ddae567f16 Problem: ZMQ_WSS socket options not defined in src/zmq_draft.h REVERT: 07052ad309 Merge pull request #3784 from bluca/news REVERT: 68e6d8c07f Problem: NEWS out of date with latest changes REVERT: d47b7fa065 Merge pull request #3783 from std-any-emplace/master REVERT: c09b794ac6 Add a relicense-file. REVERT: 8004c10f39 Documentation fix regarding thread-safety of zmq_poll/zmq_poller.txt. See REVERT: 1b8a352480 Merge pull request #3782 from mloy/fix_websocket_without_path_with_test REVERT: 65ce499bef Added relicense file mloy REVERT: 67adc458df Roundtrip test for websocket url without a path REVERT: c357c378d8 fix: websocket url without path REVERT: 7ea72e5692 Merge pull request #3780 from somdoron/WSPINGPONG REVERT: 60ef14f80b problem: ws_engine don't support WS RFC close control msg REVERT: b120ec33a9 problem: ws_engine don't support WS RFC ping-pong REVERT: b9b901e89d Merge pull request #3775 from ffontaine/master REVERT: d59dcbcaeb acinclude.m4: add -latomic to PKGCFG_LIBS_PRIVATE REVERT: a9cca0d568 Merge pull request #3772 from kanonet/mingw-lib REVERT: c5dab4f48f mingw: add missing namespace REVERT: 73eb1eac05 Merge pull request #3767 from bluca/libbsd REVERT: 382c6d7186 Update array.hpp (#3769) REVERT: c560a41473 Problem: mingw build broken REVERT: 3832bd6b11 Problem: UWP build fails REVERT: 21f763c872 Problem: libbsd not used on Travis REVERT: 9d2899af87 Problem: libzmq.pc does not include gnutls dependency for static linking REVERT: 2c2ff01e85 Problem: CMake does not look for NSS using pkg-config REVERT: 068385c951 Problem: internal reimplementation of strlcpy used by default on Linux REVERT: 246cc77efc Merge pull request #3763 from sigiesec/replace-strcpy REVERT: 59095f9d06 Merge pull request #3765 from sigiesec/various-improvements REVERT: 3dbbc28bb8 Problem: use of unsafe strcpy REVERT: 334e837b88 Problem: ws_engine uses unsafe strcpy REVERT: 14ab794671 Problem: local functions not declared static REVERT: fa804c7783 Problem: pseudo-loops which had exactly one iteration REVERT: 579aa5b440 Problem: non-loop-variables initialized via loop initializer REVERT: d4cc592387 Problem: loop variable modified in loop step and body REVERT: a64c3e6c7d Problem: redundant consecutive return statements REVERT: ddbf45cf8d Problem: redundant break after return REVERT: 2256bd5b0b Problem: unnecessary copying of string literals REVERT: 4c3f115469 Problem: raw malloc used unnecessarily REVERT: 30e2398e67 Problem: WSS-specific members and options are compiled without ZMQ_HAVE_WSS REVERT: 9e548bd591 Problem: insecure and inefficient strcpy used REVERT: 3e7995f7f7 Merge pull request #3758 from sonoware/fix-set-cpu-affinity REVERT: 8089529148 Problem: ZMQ_HAVE_PTHREAD_SET_AFFINITY not set correctly REVERT: 3a3192e983 Adds RELICENSE for sonoware REVERT: eb54966cb9 Merge pull request #3757 from sigiesec/fix-windows-signaler-regression REVERT: 9f16513ebe Problem: loop sending signaler event is obscure REVERT: 3ace237988 Revert "Removed unreachable code paths" REVERT: 9b67fe8a98 Merge pull request #3755 from sigiesec/more-improvements-analyze REVERT: b88b12c77c Problem: sonar has no access to git history REVERT: f60f909899 Problem: missing use of C++11 = delete and = default REVERT: 86d7de38ca Problem: redundant empty destructor REVERT: 400107d765 Merge pull request #3754 from sigiesec/code-improvements-analyze REVERT: 76460c5e17 Problem: clang-format outdated REVERT: f8adf9ea55 Problem: unnecessary value parameters REVERT: cb2b377d9f Problem: redundant else after return REVERT: 1d9c6bcf09 Problem: unittest_udp_address not properly formatted REVERT: fdabd73da6 Problem: parameters not const where const possible REVERT: 84267e734b Problem: inconsistent parameter names on definition/declaration REVERT: cd954e207d Problem: use of C-style casts REVERT: a83c57d0bb Problem: identifiers not conformant with naming convention REVERT: 18edd28955 Problem: clang version used for analysis is outdated REVERT: de3e03c147 Problem: new clang-tidy contains checks that do not apply to libzmq REVERT: b9ddf62261 Merge pull request #3752 from sigiesec/update-sonar-scanner-analyze REVERT: d2fbfa7bd8 Problem: sonar-scanner binary is outdated and no longer available REVERT: df993d113c Merge pull request #3751 from sigiesec/windows-domain-sockets-signaler REVERT: cf7e0fb066 Problem: test_capabilities fails on Windows when IPC support is available REVERT: 76b7478290 Problem: there is no VS2019/IPC build job REVERT: ca552d563f Problem: listener socket uses TCP loopback connections which sometimes go awry REVERT: bd4c2d60ba Problem: zmq::listener_t::create_wildcard_address not reusable in ip.cpp REVERT: 3bcaea535c Problem: zmq_fdpair function is very long REVERT: 65d2f1f498 Problem: if IPC enabled libzmq does not compile when in uwp build (#3747) REVERT: 51bf2aff35 Merge pull request #3746 from drolevar/master REVERT: 5a854780f2 Problem: cannot send arbitrary data from XSUB to XPUB. REVERT: 85df75584e Merge pull request #3743 from bluca/test_ws_bindport REVERT: 00a448b1f0 Problem: WS tests bind to hard-coded TCP port and fail when ran in parallel REVERT: a61db18eee Problem: WSS LAST_ENDPOINT returns WS transport REVERT: c711941e9a Problem: wildcard port binding does not work with WS sockets REVERT: 79d75f017c Problem: WS sockets return TCP protocol strings with ZMQ_LAST_ENDPOINT REVERT: 75d9d84100 Merge pull request #3744 from liedtkeInTUM/fix_output_name REVERT: 0cca4b2ce9 Add relicense statement REVERT: d9d4dbbbd4 Problem: static libs are generated without given basename REVERT: 0f9dd85e89 Merge pull request #3741 from drolevar/master REVERT: 04761133bf Fix zmq::select_t::loop formatting REVERT: d5198693e8 Add relicense grant for Andrij Abyzov REVERT: 108977c838 Change XSUB -> XPUB multipart message processing. REVERT: e0d9e21374 Merge pull request #3738 from eldruin/external-output-name REVERT: 0605d06f1e Add license grant REVERT: 0bd8f70264 Allow renaming library from the outside REVERT: 97df2dac3a Merge pull request #3735 from viciious/no-libsodium-spec REVERT: e2e0f5c5f0 Add the relicense statement REVERT: 39c63994f9 Remove the superfluous build requirement of libsodium-devel REVERT: b788270bda Merge pull request #3734 from somdoron/tls_key_expired REVERT: a1aeae92cd problem: test_wss_transport expired REVERT: af86d93d5f Merge pull request #3726 from bluca/capsh_option REVERT: c57b2a5cc4 Merge pull request #3729 from bluca/fd_oob REVERT: 9ced36e407 Problem: WSAEventSelect checks for FD_OOB, but select does not REVERT: 854354bbd6 Merge pull request #3728 from njsmith/patch-1 REVERT: 4f188fe1ab Fix typo in email address REVERT: 30e966fe1b Merge pull request #3727 from Botje/fix-poller-example REVERT: 9e4f55d741 RELICENSE: Add grant for Dries Harnie REVERT: ba6695c59a Problem: zmq_poller example is wrong REVERT: bfa8cf3089 Problem: test_pair_tcp_cap_net_admin requires sudo but is enabled by default in CMake REVERT: 805564b996 Merge pull request #3717 from sigiesec/add-win-ipc-support REVERT: 302436515c Problem: windows socket error number cleared before saved to saved_errno REVERT: 66d0f3511f Problem: ipc transport not supported under Windows REVERT: a33f1101dc Merge pull request #3724 from benjdero/qol-improvements REVERT: c1168b2374 Rename my license agreement REVERT: c995032595 Fix android build fail check when using a different locale than english REVERT: 0d0899bc0d Download the NDK only the first time REVERT: 7ee36a177a Make sure the new file erase the old one and don't get a different name REVERT: 947893e79f Keep the unzip quiet but make sure it doesn't fail silently REVERT: 11d49d4f47 Merge pull request #3721 from bluca/gnutls_pkg REVERT: 44b13a3aa4 Problem: libzmq-dev not installable with libczmq-dev on Ubuntu 16.04 REVERT: 86722502e9 Merge pull request #3720 from BenjaminDeroche/master REVERT: a67f7b09a4 Add the relicense statement REVERT: d2099b7593 Problem: Android build script is severely outdated REVERT: 58deca3fb3 Merge pull request #3716 from sigiesec/fix-winxp-support REVERT: 7f43e7ff75 Problem: build targeting Windows XP is broken REVERT: 92e3226869 Merge pull request #3714 from mdionisio/remove_libm REVERT: 9f65720dc0 Revert "Problem: pkg-config file cannot be used for static linking on CentOS 7" REVERT: 683bf1d732 Merge pull request #3713 from mdionisio/useless_ceil REVERT: f07f47b1e3 avoid to use ceil function REVERT: f370cc0070 Add RELICENSE grant for mdionisio REVERT: c1ff4c2b52 Merge pull request #3711 from yan12125/centos7-static-linking REVERT: ca30ee78f6 Add relicense note for @yan12125 REVERT: 765c24740d Problem: pkg-config file cannot be used for static linking on CentOS 7 REVERT: 96bc59a6ce Merge pull request #3708 from bluca/gnutls_pkg REVERT: 5bcb7dc5fe Problem: test_wss_transport doesn't compile without DRAFT REVERT: 688213dbe4 Merge pull request #3706 from somdoron/master REVERT: efb9c5698e Merge pull request #3707 from bluca/gnutls_pkg REVERT: be83fe27e2 Problem: RPM builds do not print test failures logs REVERT: 5bfb13032e Problem: packages not build with TLS support REVERT: de845bd021 Merge pull request #3705 from somdoron/ws_mechanism REVERT: cad10d9580 problem: some files are missing in git ignore REVERT: 55c9e5037f problem: mingw and cygwin builds fail because of line error REVERT: 2d6a66a81d problem: test_xpub_nodrop fails frequently REVERT: 9b15658eb1 problem: zero-sized messages cause assertion when glibc assertion are on REVERT: 539718f35a Merge pull request #3704 from somdoron/ws_mechanism REVERT: 618227f63c problem: GNUTLS handshake is getting blocked because of timeout on some versions REVERT: 810d3b43d1 Merge pull request #3703 from somdoron/ws_mechanism REVERT: a9bb526403 problem: wss transport return incorrect return code for error REVERT: 8d9acb72c1 Merge pull request #3702 from somdoron/ws_mechanism REVERT: 2018be643a problem: valgrind complain about uninitialized value REVERT: 977f137a83 problem: cannot check WS and WSS capability REVERT: 41b9af2c79 problem: WS transport doesn't support mechanism REVERT: 95797422aa Merge pull request #3701 from JonDyte/master REVERT: 9e60dbe780 RELICENSE: add Jon Dyte license grant. REVERT: 28f5c9545a Merge pull request #3700 from bluca/relicense REVERT: 42408dd9aa Add grant by nixman REVERT: 1c7ed2484b Merge pull request #3698 from ThePrez/ibmi REVERT: 94f92b64ed Add IBM i to platform list REVERT: fb2db30b19 Add relicense notice REVERT: 25320a3c7b Add IBM i build support via 'os400' clause REVERT: 9bb6b21423 Merge pull request #3695 from somdoron/tls REVERT: 7296fb5b15 problem: unsecured websocket is rarely used in production REVERT: 2e9b2f8843 Merge pull request #3696 from bluca/relicense REVERT: a43f03316e Add grant by MongoDB, Inc. REVERT: 8fe620901f Merge pull request #3690 from ipechorin/master REVERT: 598d9babf6 Add relicense grant REVERT: 4ebe92333e Merge pull request #3687 from trya/fix_conflate REVERT: 2fe9dd9101 Problem: ZMQ_CONFLATE on PUB sockets delivers to only one subscriber at most REVERT: 38b485dd75 Merge pull request #3685 from trya/relicensing REVERT: f24c019ec1 Merge pull request #3686 from trya/doc_sock_block REVERT: 45e1fc059b Add relicense grant REVERT: 4378d71247 Problem: Documentation about socket blocking on send operations is incorrect REVERT: 8d34332ff2 Merge pull request #3683 from dimpase/patch-1 REVERT: 3290faa8e6 relicense by dimpase REVERT: a25e3168bb Allow "configure --disable-maintainer-mode" REVERT: d76664017c Merge pull request #3681 from TobiSchluter/bugfix/dont_include_winsock2 REVERT: 38d144731d Add relicensing file REVERT: cb211e4f1e Problem: inclusion of winsock2.h leads to ordering issues in user code. REVERT: 3ecaf9fe6e Merge pull request #3680 from bluca/nss_pkg REVERT: bd5220c505 Problem: nss package has different name on SUSE REVERT: 9b4deeffdb Merge pull request #3679 from bluca/nss_pkg REVERT: 3e4c90bbf4 Problem: package build fails on SUSE Tumbleweed REVERT: 79535f39ca Problem: there are already many Travis builds REVERT: 5dd433501f Problem: packages are not build with nss REVERT: 9acdafb001 Problem: spec file includes libsodium-devel twice REVERT: adf348b667 Merge pull request #3677 from somdoron/sha1_conflict REVERT: 2fb9e93cfa problem: ci doesn't build with nss REVERT: 9be8334938 problem: sha1 external module conflict with czmq REVERT: e756743a12 Merge pull request #3674 from herbrechtsmeier/relicense REVERT: f505e02988 RELICENSE: add grant from Stefan Herbrechtsmeier REVERT: be0f52fe57 Merge pull request #3673 from jcfr/relicense-jcfr REVERT: 0858038367 Merge pull request #3672 from bluca/relicense REVERT: a643e58902 Relicense granby by RPGillespie6 REVERT: 064d5438e6 Merge pull request #3671 from somdoron/ws_protocol REVERT: 52e0d965b3 problem: ws_engine doesn't check Sec-WebSocket-Protocol REVERT: df1bec03c0 Merge pull request #3670 from somdoron/ws_host_path REVERT: a48fdd6a7f problem: ws_engine doesn't send correct host and path REVERT: 3413e05bd0 Merge pull request #3668 from UniStuttgart-VISUS/master REVERT: 00cf36e933 Added relicense REVERT: 2ec56d25b6 Safer regex replace, keeping options like "/Zc:twoPhase-" intact REVERT: a084deb0b2 Merge pull request #3666 from diorcety/license REVERT: 0bbe531861 Relicense: diorcety REVERT: 4256e5413c Merge pull request #3664 from cbusbey/relicense REVERT: ccabb48265 grant relicense REVERT: 3d656e1ff1 Relicense: Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin REVERT: e33eedc663 Merge pull request #3661 from bluca/autoconf_static_only REVERT: 223e9266e0 Merge pull request #3662 from bluca/relicense REVERT: 9785e37875 Grant by psl-felipefarinon REVERT: 2fe2ce1e37 Problem: static-only test run fails REVERT: 21bfa58dad Merge pull request #3660 from bluca/relicense REVERT: 10aea5c65d Grant by kreuzberger REVERT: 826e7db7be Merge pull request #3659 from bluca/xpub_user_msg REVERT: 6fb8ef0711 Problem: can no longer send user data from XSUB to XPUB REVERT: c737e5720f Merge pull request #3654 from bluca/relicense REVERT: 1925bdccb1 Grant by skaller REVERT: 62fe9bf147 Merge pull request #3653 from rcxdude/master REVERT: ecc2eb42ce Add relicense permission REVERT: 017e7d3605 Merge pull request #3652 from mvilim/relicense REVERT: a55f2a52e3 Relicense permission REVERT: 3e3c3d7ba5 Merge pull request #3651 from brian-peloton/master REVERT: 41a58da49c Merge pull request #3650 from bluca/relicense REVERT: 8a3140064f Grant by dmeehan1968 REVERT: db8447d3b1 Merge pull request #3649 from bluca/relicense REVERT: 757ae967cf Grant by paddor REVERT: 1a0d52db05 Grant by mbarbisan REVERT: e30186cb00 Merge pull request #3648 from bluca/relicense REVERT: b566e2cc77 Grant by jbreams REVERT: 48c6290888 Grant by DaiyuHurst REVERT: a76233b727 Merge pull request #3647 from msune/msune_licensing REVERT: ea9d948cde RELICENSE: add relicense agreement from msune REVERT: b3582da8fb Introduce extended set/get methods for ZMQ contexts (#3642) REVERT: 2aa87c94cc UDP engine aborts on networking-related errors from socket syscalls (2) #2862 (#3640) REVERT: 7559d2daaf Merge pull request #3639 from sigiesec/fix-win-binaries REVERT: c1377ff168 Problem: appveyor binary archives do not contain import libraries REVERT: f48c86d077 UDP engine aborts on networking-related errors from socket syscalls #2862 (#3638) REVERT: e492dea80e Merge pull request #3637 from spotify/relicense REVERT: 74e7ee0e66 Add relicense agreement from Spotify AB REVERT: 56ace6d03f Merge pull request #3636 from schulzch/cmake-precompiled REVERT: 878f1d51f5 Add ENABLE_PRECOMPILED option. REVERT: 9bb197e030 Merge pull request #3613 from TomzBench/mingw-fix REVERT: 1d21d2f4e4 Merge pull request #3634 from bluca/relicense REVERT: 205c52009d RELICENSE: add grant by Daniel Krikun REVERT: e9b67001dd Problem: invalid syntax for calling convention on function pointer REVERT: 19f2d9e529 Merge pull request #3633 from Neopallium/master REVERT: d63a00b98f Re-license Robert G. Jakabosky (Neopallium) REVERT: f4cbe4ba45 Add relicense grant REVERT: 5de89531f2 Merge pull request #3632 from Suudy/master REVERT: 65e67b32bf RELICENSE: Add relicensing grant REVERT: ab51e0a81f Merge pull request #3626 from bluca/relicense REVERT: 48ea043311 Merge pull request #3630 from hnwyllmm/patch-1 REVERT: 5650bbab1d Adds relicensing grant REVERT: 66a228ef46 Merge pull request #3628 from murphybytes/murphybytes-relicense REVERT: 9d53203ccf relicensing REVERT: e8e13c17ad Merge pull request #3627 from f18m/master REVERT: e979988d66 RELICENSE: chymanfx REVERT: 78c435044d Merge pull request #3625 from jlauenercern/master REVERT: 95176a53a4 RELICENSE: Joel Lauener REVERT: a979a99523 Add relicense grant (#3624) REVERT: 057331e3f9 Merge pull request #3623 from miniway/relicense REVERT: b00494226c Relicense permission REVERT: c87215380a Merge pull request #3622 from jens-auer/master REVERT: cc83fed11a Add relicense statement REVERT: 8443313e0b Merge pull request #3621 from bluca/relicense REVERT: 3c951f7d1c Merge pull request #3620 from bebopagogo/master REVERT: 3bb2a0d487 RELICENSE: Aleksander Melnikov REVERT: becf469865 Add relicense agreement from Brian Adamson REVERT: e161907db9 Merge pull request #3619 from bluca/relicense REVERT: 87988bf4c8 Problem: formatting error REVERT: 6b71823ad0 Merge pull request #3618 from AxelNennker/master REVERT: 3c8f4a431e relicense REVERT: edc266b3ab RELICENSE: Manuel Segura REVERT: c0db5c3ae3 Merge pull request #3617 from claws/relicense_permission REVERT: cd4fac3a0c relicense permission REVERT: db82835995 Merge pull request #3616 from dennisklein/relicense_permission REVERT: c44be4aa60 RELICENSE permission REVERT: 1ef3a68629 Merge pull request #3615 from drbobbeaty/master REVERT: 4e7a58b983 Merge pull request #3614 from garlick/relicense_garlick REVERT: 7d8c86241c Added my relicense doc REVERT: 304843373c Add relicense agreement from Jim Garlick REVERT: 64d58c432c relicense add REVERT: ec0aa6cef6 Merge pull request #3612 from fanquake/travis_sudo_deprecated REVERT: 87b81926aa no void pointer to store function pointer REVERT: 114b1f9516 problem: no relicensing agreement for fanquake REVERT: abe26f0dc3 problem: sudo:false has been deprecated by Travis CI REVERT: 5f95e53e0f Allow to graph results from TCP links at 100Gbps nicely. REVERT: 9cdef8aa0c Better script for performance tests REVERT: b66b2857ad Merge pull request #3610 from hxw/master REVERT: 4cd39feb68 Add re-license grant file REVERT: 62d8346447 add DragonFly BSD to platforms list REVERT: c3eab89e53 Merge pull request #3608 from hxw/master REVERT: 72854e6342 problem: DragonFly BSD does not allow mapping global IPv4 addresses when IPv6 is used REVERT: ba679bcce8 problem: configure for DragonFly need FreeBSD also defined REVERT: 6b6043600e Merge pull request #3607 from f18m/master REVERT: 877c32dc3d Add scripts to ease performance graph generation REVERT: 21a0815f2f Merge pull request #3605 from bl0x/master REVERT: 5a519e1686 Add RELICENSING statement for bl0x. REVERT: 45243cd009 Fix build on SL6.9. Fix #3603. REVERT: a8d19057b1 Merge pull request #3602 from bluca/formatting REVERT: 4d5e97adac Problem: formatting errors introduced by #3601 REVERT: 9dcbdd1b09 Merge pull request #3601 from jacquesg/win32threadname REVERT: b3123a2fd1 Problem: __try and __except isn't universally supported on windows REVERT: 47fc979b2a Merge pull request #3600 from drbitboy/master REVERT: 853aa9801e Problem: include/zmq.h is not so much broken as inconsistent in how it declares the file descriptor (fd) of a socket in struct zmq_pollitem_t vs. struct zmq_poller_event_t REVERT: 20a4e4d1be Merge pull request #3598 from ssbl/contributing REVERT: 475a029514 Problem: PR template is mostly about contributing guidelines REVERT: ed4317b0e9 Merge pull request #3597 from ssbl/redundant-check REVERT: f07d88be09 Problem: redundant check in condition REVERT: 49f4ef1759 Merge pull request #3595 from aixxe/master REVERT: 63409579e7 Problem: Usage of 'if_nametoindex' not supported in Windows XP. REVERT: 69e451c1fa Merge pull request #3594 from mancasg/master REVERT: 1bbbd77ac4 RELICENSE: Mancaș George grant REVERT: 13387c5cdc Problem: stream_engine use after free Solution: Don't allow concurrent heartbeat timers REVERT: 60cca513a1 Merge pull request #3593 from jean-airoldie/doc_poller REVERT: 1bd94a979d Problem: behavior of closing a socket registered... REVERT: c83fa74767 Merge pull request #3591 from jean-airoldie/max_sockets REVERT: 7675995fe8 Problem: incorrect ZMQ_MAX_SOCKETS default value in doc REVERT: 49636f4c88 Merge pull request #3588 from inuik/master REVERT: afa11b0dfd Copy debug libraries for debug builds REVERT: a56d36b8e5 Merge pull request #3587 from somdoron/stream_engine_base REVERT: 157b2a2ee0 problem: ws_engine duplicate code from stream_engine REVERT: 184e7a55e5 Merge pull request #3585 from bluca/fixes REVERT: 7262701876 Problem: build on centos6/ubuntu12 still broken REVERT: efd7188760 Merge pull request #3584 from bluca/fixes REVERT: 496c8eb05a Problem: missing copyright and license header from new file REVERT: 10a0baf691 Problem: wrong copyright dates in newly added files REVERT: 38c31154d0 Problem: build broken with older compilers REVERT: 021c6a706b Problem: no license.txt file for external/sha1/ REVERT: 3692b26649 Merge pull request #3579 from somdoron/zws2 REVERT: feeed3f27e Merge pull request #3580 from sigiesec/use-libsodium-based-allocator REVERT: 4756ff3046 Problem: use of tweetnacl vs. libsodium is ambiguous REVERT: 39941a0c82 problem: browser cannot communicate with zeromq directly REVERT: 1781cff37b Problem: plaintext secrets placed in insecure memory REVERT: 92dbb4caee Problem: no C++ style secure memory allocator available REVERT: 8a7a9cb90f Problem: clang-format produces C++11 style nested templated arguments REVERT: d9dce8f068 Merge pull request #3578 from ssbl/unused-parameter REVERT: e26f094193 Problem: unused parameter in benchmark function REVERT: 9c5cf8573c Merge pull request #3573 from sigiesec/use-std-vector REVERT: 02f7dca678 Merge pull request #3570 from bluca/static_analysis REVERT: 1de4cf6ffa Problem: use of malloc is error-prone REVERT: 77cd206100 Problem: errors do not fail ABI CI test REVERT: eec972a5b4 Problem: unused variable in test tool REVERT: c819eedd89 Problem: missing rc checks in udp_engine REVERT: b5db4b4421 Merge pull request #3568 from somdoron/master REVERT: 71decb996d problem: wrong api_key for bintray REVERT: 89ac4a0f6c Merge pull request #3566 from TomMD/fix/leaks REVERT: b99bf4e1ce Merge pull request #3567 from myd7349/fix-include-dir REVERT: bb3fa9c048 Problem: Missing ZeroMQ_INCLUDE_DIR when only static lib is built REVERT: 90ff30c086 Free memory when curve_client sends invalid ready message. REVERT: 27057263cd Merge pull request #3565 from bluca/newver REVERT: 491a0ae107 Problem: 4.3.2 is out, need new version REVERT: a84ffa12b2 Finalize changelog for 4.3.2 REVERT: fa82aa1120 Merge pull request #3564 from bluca/news REVERT: c2488ed520 Problem: packaging versions out of date REVERT: f5f1880b58 Problem: NEWS not up to date for v4.3.2 REVERT: 0f01fb5134 Problem: markdown errors in zmq_getsockopt.txt REVERT: 8e6bafcbe0 Problem: application metadata not parsed correctly when using CURVE REVERT: ddd0da2f57 Merge pull request #3476 from TomMD/fix/memory-leak REVERT: 367cedb7c6 Fix request-handling memory leak REVERT: 2c89c069a9 Tommd relicensing statement REVERT: 5368ae0571 Merge pull request #3562 from bear-metal/lourens-relicense REVERT: 3ec1bf5096 Add relicense agreement from Lourens Naudé REVERT: 5f8a7b1c22 Merge pull request #3561 from zeromq/secpolicy REVERT: 153deece66 Problem: no security policy REVERT: d5067df2dd Merge pull request #3559 from ssbl/inconsistent-naming-convention-fix REVERT: 1186e9868a Problem: code doesn't follow libzmq naming conventions REVERT: 4a855fba8c Merge pull request #3557 from bluca/docs REVERT: 364561953a Problem: zmq_disconnect documentation is confusing and breaks semantics REVERT: eba6fb2988 Problem: ZMQ_IN/OUT_BATCH_SIZE are dangerous REVERT: a43c842e0d Merge pull request #3556 from ssbl/better-names REVERT: 68b744fac5 Merge pull request #3555 from jean-airoldie/batch_size_sockopt REVERT: d1e6fe19b4 Problem: variable and type names are not descriptive REVERT: cfcab66c71 Problem: {in,out}_batch_size must be configured at compiled time REVERT: 4904bf7177 Merge pull request #3550 from jean-airoldie/heartbeat_test REVERT: 241b073fd3 Problem: missing heartbeat test for draft sockets REVERT: fcf828d34b Merge pull request #3547 from jean-airoldie/unbind-doc REVERT: 15dafb1c1c Problem: radix tree's apply function uses incorrect resizing logic (#3548) REVERT: 4d933c28be Problem: disconnect & unbind doc is misleading REVERT: b17e854f15 Merge pull request #3546 from skicc/patch-1 REVERT: 0503abb336 RELICENSE REVERT: d2be018800 CMake: don't try to link with librt on MinGW REVERT: 9534bbfc4d Merge pull request #3539 from guillon/dev-socks-tests REVERT: 153418e175 Add tests for SOCKS proxy support REVERT: 46b498e590 Merge pull request #3544 from somdoron/master REVERT: e27a13a8ba problem: no artifacts for x64 on windows REVERT: 8f66156aa3 problem: tests might fail and prevent deployment REVERT: 27f9be1125 Merge pull request #3542 from guillon/fix-test-asserts REVERT: f203064374 Problem: test assertions not reporting the right line number REVERT: aa6b6440f2 Merge pull request #3541 from somdoron/master REVERT: ee6755ff1d problem: appveyor with libsodium change the current directory and break the build REVERT: 3cb1c377dd Merge pull request #3540 from somdoron/master REVERT: 0a696d8774 problem: no artifact repository for windows REVERT: aac3cd4d93 Merge pull request #3535 from bluca/format REVERT: 321c288005 Problem: philippeleite relicense statement not added to the repository REVERT: 3c06ec118f Problem: formatting errors REVERT: 1fdb152b9d Merge pull request #3537 from philippeleite/patch-2 REVERT: 8a02f70706 pthread_equal to compare thread ids REVERT: 2202587267 Merge pull request #3534 from guillon/dev-socks-basic-auth REVERT: 58c30dc7d1 Add support for SOCKS5 basic authentication REVERT: 68558bc394 Merge pull request #3532 from guillon/fix-socks-connect REVERT: 42cfa697f2 Fix issues with SOCKS5 proxy connection REVERT: 9736f57f08 Add RELICENSE grant for guillon REVERT: 178f9e3f3c Merge pull request #3527 from rotty/pr/clarify-zmq_msg_send-wording REVERT: fae26774f5 Problem: Unclear `zmq_msg_send` failure semantics REVERT: 96b9eece15 Merge pull request #3521 from jackpimbert/master REVERT: 940f54e7ce Problem: PGM doc missing info on high data rates REVERT: 840b9ba4fa Problem: No relicense agreement by jackpimbert REVERT: 4dca26767e Merge pull request #3518 from ackalker/fix-use-of-test REVERT: 196cb723df Add RELICENSE entry REVERT: 9a397666d2 acinclude.m4, Fix several non-portable uses of `test` REVERT: cef806550c Merge pull request #3516 from moretromain/fedorafix REVERT: 5b07a1199c Fix compiler error REVERT: 2b63a89635 Merge pull request #3515 from moretromain/win-threadname REVERT: 27005cc1ae Implement thread name on windows, cleanup thread naming internals REVERT: 046ccfc408 Merge pull request #3513 from bluca/clang7 REVERT: 9cb266edaa Merge pull request #3512 from bluca/fixes REVERT: bde18f3ede Problem: comments before ifdefs are wrongly formatted REVERT: 5de3aa1555 Problem: clang-tidy 6 has issues with comments REVERT: 19ff4d0b6a Problem: zmq_socket_monitor_versioned_typed duplicates zmq_socket_monitor_versioned REVERT: 797439c8e2 Problem: typos in manpage entry for ZMQ_XPUB_MANUAL_LAST_VALUE REVERT: 41be0f5386 Problem: new xpub option is in critical path REVERT: a53dfe936a Problem: many unnecessary ifdefs covering new xpub option REVERT: 9bcfc251f4 Problem: new test_xpub_manual_last_value not built by automake REVERT: 2f98f7034b Support XPub socket send last value caching to last subscription pipe with ZMQ_XPUB_MANUAL_LAST_VALUE. (#3511) REVERT: 6b51f03377 Merge pull request #3509 from jean-airoldie/monitor_typed REVERT: 8738ada00f Problem: Endpoints are sometimes not unbound quick enough REVERT: 7836ec752c Problem: Potentially unitialized variable in #3508 REVERT: 3aca047b96 Merge pull request #3508 from jean-airoldie/monitor_typed REVERT: 606a8f7967 Problem: Socket monitoring only allows ZMQ_PAIR REVERT: e285fe6ea7 Merge pull request #3502 from sigiesec/fix-plain-hello-message REVERT: 6e1c58e86e Problem: PLAIN HELLO message incorrectly uses WELCOME literal REVERT: 65dd38b268 Merge pull request #3499 from sigiesec/fix-windows-build REVERT: d46c580977 Problem: signature of zmq_poller_fd does is incompatible with regular error handling REVERT: 548f31d4b4 Merge pull request #3498 from sigiesec/fix-windows-build REVERT: 63c4d8be78 Problem: syntax error on Windows related to socket descriptor type REVERT: d3f52b2b91 Merge pull request #3497 from sigiesec/fix-cmake-config REVERT: 8996912cad Problem: generated ZeroMQConfig.cmake does not work when only static or shared library was built REVERT: f41f51461f Merge pull request #3496 from sigiesec/cleanup-cmakelists REVERT: 2d8ef84760 Problem: CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES used in a wrong way, check_function_exists is problematic REVERT: 3e5843d073 Problem: include directives are cluttered throughout CMakeLists.txt REVERT: 7c53567b93 Problem: extra character in option name REVERT: 9e4b6632c2 Problem: misspelled ar program name REVERT: 635f093744 Problem: redundant output in CMakeLists.txt REVERT: ea109fcaab Merge pull request #3493 from moretromain/cmake-fix REVERT: a565718505 RELICENSE: moretromain grant REVERT: 8eee5eb1a8 Fix a typo in CMakeLists.txt REVERT: 7971be930b Merge pull request #3491 from bluca/gcc9 REVERT: ca2e8b3b19 Problem: build broken on Fedora 30 REVERT: 8c8110a136 Merge pull request #3490 from jean-airoldie/zmq_poller_fd_doc REVERT: cdbe120738 Problem: No invalid pointer handling for zmq_poller_fd REVERT: 19dd8195be Problem: Missing doc & unit tests for zmq_poller_fd REVERT: 92eedc5716 Merge pull request #3489 from normano/master REVERT: dad917e04e fixed date REVERT: 97b51e81d3 Added RELICENSE for normano contribution REVERT: 9780011846 Fixed zmq_socket_monitor example REVERT: 9bee21b364 Merge pull request #3484 from jean-airoldie/poller_fd REVERT: 05aadc4e38 Problem: no relicense agreement by jean-airoldie REVERT: 046534480b Problem: Cannot get thread safe socket fd REVERT: 501f9d8da4 Merge pull request #3483 from ssbl/dead-code-fix REVERT: e9678efe00 Problem: unused Windows-specific code in sleep_ms REVERT: e3a96778b6 Merge pull request #3481 from neheb/patch-1 REVERT: 761af4939f Add RELICENSE entry REVERT: 091e15a28d Add <ios> include to fix uClibc++ compilation REVERT: 9067e3ac9d Merge pull request #3480 from ipa/zeromq-3479 REVERT: 0a5ca642e2 corrected name in the signature of relicense statement REVERT: c65fa0a34d Problem: QNX crosscompiler needs additional parameters to chosse the correct platform REVERT: c531514c33 Problem: no relicense agreement by ipa REVERT: e1a895917c Problem: libzmq does not build on QNX 6.6 using CMake #3479 REVERT: 494a82f0e7 Merge pull request #3478 from Omegastick/master REVERT: 7d26319247 Problem: No relicense statement for Omegastick REVERT: 43e398ed86 Problem: Radix Tree benchmarks break when project is used as a submodule REVERT: cc99846156 Merge pull request #3477 from bluca/manpages REVERT: f4b0f327de Problem: markup error in zmq_socket.txt REVERT: 8f77150c80 Problem: man errors, can't break lines REVERT: de4d69f597 Merge pull request #3473 from bluca/format REVERT: 3c21eed0a1 Problem: CI format check fails REVERT: 5b140baf45 Merge pull request #3472 from bluca/hardening REVERT: 320ed68ce9 Problem: immediate binding hardening not used by debian package REVERT: db7bdd1b1a Some explicit endpoint type changes to support GCC 5 (#3468) REVERT: 6c613902da Merge pull request #3467 from sigiesec/improve-hwm-pubsub-test REVERT: b9041bf78c Problem: missing information on assertion failure REVERT: d328f90bb7 Problem: inadequate recv variant used which assumes 0-terminated string REVERT: a5ee4fb001 Problem: code duplication for multiple transports, multiple test cases combined in one REVERT: 06f5a6f282 Problem: use of generic assertion macro REVERT: d4401b230b Problem: test case not making use of test_bind helper function REVERT: bdccfe4097 Merge pull request #3464 from bluca/ericcson_grant REVERT: 2de7f9ccf9 Relicensing grant from Ericsson REVERT: e20861a065 Merge pull request #3463 from sigiesec/fix-3269 REVERT: 42e27b7d0d Problem: socket returned by ZMQ_FD cannot be used with CreateIoCompletionPort REVERT: 25bb43c33a Merge pull request #3461 from sigiesec/refactor-tests REVERT: 47dba21005 Problem: code is unnecessarily imperative REVERT: bfec30b1e5 Problem: test_address_tipc is unnecessarily verbose REVERT: 386de33030 Problem: code from bind_loopback_tipc is duplicated REVERT: 0e0bead3cf Problem: code from bind_loopback_ipc is duplicated REVERT: 7f64b925aa Problem: code from bind_loopback_ipv4 is duplicated REVERT: 8dc933f2ed Problem: non-expressive test case name REVERT: 34999d5069 Problem: s_send(more) can be replaced by safer send_string_expect_success REVERT: af4fa22fd8 Problem: default test setUp/tearDown functions duplicated in many test programs REVERT: 2b80dd7add Problem: test_bind used with explicit endpoint where bind_loopback_ipv4 could be used REVERT: 454c0b834a Merge pull request #3460 from bluca/borken REVERT: dc91981df7 Problem: removing header from testutil.hpp breaks unittest build with gcc8 REVERT: 6d77558c77 Merge pull request #3459 from sigiesec/migrate-testutil REVERT: c2cd2966ab Problem: no documentation of testutil_unity functions REVERT: de622c8198 Problem: functions are unnecessarily declared in header REVERT: 1450830611 Problem: unused include directives REVERT: d0c4402daf Problem: needless use of macros REVERT: a62e9d35be Problem: internal functions present in header file REVERT: 5d74eba64a Problem: remaining basic assertions REVERT: 5b40bdb194 Problem: redundant specific of testutil headers REVERT: 347708bcf2 Problem: test utilities are in headers and recompiled for every test REVERT: cbd4157638 Problem: tests without test framework REVERT: 9528983d95 Problem: tests without test framework REVERT: 90a4d268d9 Problem: tests without test framework REVERT: 6ed03e9333 Problem: tests without test framework REVERT: 75cd23d6af Problem: tests without test framework REVERT: 06e713e9e0 Problem: tests without test framework REVERT: 4ab381436d Problem: tests without test framework REVERT: 6f083df5fb Problem: tests without test framework REVERT: 2f40d21618 Problem: access to moved object REVERT: 740780293a Problem: tests without test framework REVERT: e17232f725 Problem: possible use-after-free REVERT: f083e60d8c Problem: use of extra context REVERT: 924d47f818 Problem: tests without test framework REVERT: f4b9cc994d Merge pull request #3457 from sigiesec/migrate-zap-test REVERT: 0266d4ac27 Problem: testutil_monitoring not using unity REVERT: f46a96926c Problem: test_security_curve uses custom assertion macro REVERT: efaca82bff Problem: testutil_security not using unity REVERT: 6e0724609a Problem: errno not output on test failure REVERT: 669fc4df5a Problem: test_security_zap not using a test framework REVERT: 99e53698c5 Merge pull request #3456 from bluca/test_fd_port REVERT: 168aa83d08 Merge pull request #3453 from panlinux/validate-group-before-using-1462 REVERT: 98875a9ddc Problem: TCP and UDP test sockets use hard-coded port REVERT: 830b3428ec Problem: new test binary not ignored REVERT: 1f656fd19d Problem: no relicense agreement by panlinux REVERT: d81f3ec21c Problem: test_filter_with_supplemental_process_owner_gid fails REVERT: 645df4e602 Merge pull request #3449 from sigiesec/migrate-security-tests REVERT: 17c47da01c Merge pull request #3452 from jacquesg/strnlen REVERT: b26542bbfc Problem: strnlen may not be available REVERT: c1d2e71861 Merge pull request #3451 from jacquesg/devpoll REVERT: 04f5ae20af Problem: Solaris 10 had unknown, active users REVERT: 8759d20d4b Problem: tests link to two different flavours of the runtime library, causing heap corruption REVERT: ae1bc03e9e Problem: artifacts published on appveyor are missing pdb files REVERT: 8a2296711d Problem: epoll_t no longer requires _worker REVERT: 212ab4f834 Problem: /dev/poll doesn't compile REVERT: 36a16ec7d1 Problem: test_security_plain not using a test framework REVERT: 223ef516b6 Problem: test_security_null not using a test framework REVERT: bd6fa4bbb3 Merge pull request #3445 from bluca/relicense_hp REVERT: f4f2ebfe95 Update HPE statement as requested by the grantor REVERT: 1198a8ec91 Merge pull request #3444 from bluca/relicense_hp REVERT: 84e9a1a022 Relicensing grant from HPE REVERT: 1e9a8c97ea Merge pull request #3441 from bluca/test_xpub_nodrop_flaky REVERT: 0bbd38f5d4 Problem: text_xpub_nodrop sometimes fails REVERT: 2f5c2f4a48 Merge pull request #3440 from emtr/proxy-performance-fix REVERT: d41ed6180b Proxy performance fix, ticket #3439 REVERT: 2e6464864e Merge pull request #3438 from sigiesec/fix-appveyor-test-execution REVERT: 028aecc6d9 Problem: app…
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