This is a web application where the user can find the most common e-commerce features like: buy products, sell products, announce items and so on.
(You can see all the dependencies in the package.json file)
As you can see on 🚀 Main technologies topic, this application depends on a PostgreSQL database, so you must have it installed.
First things first:
Clone the project (you'll need a personal access token):
git clone
Access its directory:
cd launchstore
Install its dependencies:
npm install # feel free to use another package manager, but you might want use npm once there's already a package-lock.json file in the root directory
Access your postgresql server
Run each one of the 4 steps that are in the database.sql file
Create an account and an inbox on You'll need the SMTP credentials to continue (username and password)
Create a
file in the root directory with the same content that is in the .env.example file and fill the variables with your own data:
For example:
Run the seed file:
npm run seed
Start the server by running the
script:npm run dev
This project was created and developed with ❤ by Victor Badaró