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Welcome to Octagon API 🥊

🚦 Lighthouse Score

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📜 Description

This is an open source project, created by a group of developers who love MMA.

Our purpose is to provide a free and fast API from this popular sport. There were lots of APIs for everything you can imagine, except MMA. That's the reason we created Octagon API.

Now, MMA fan developers can create their own projects with their favorite fighters information, bringing a breath of fresh air to the common API based projects.

Also, we created a web page for displaying our database information.

🗃 API endpoints
Endpoint Response
GET /rankings Returns whole rankings info.
GET /fighters Returns all fighters info.
GET /fighter/:fighterId Returns single fighter info.
GET /division/:divisionId Returns single division info.

For more extensive documentation, go to the API documentation

🤖 Scripts

Script Params Function
api:dev Starts a local instance of the API service.
api:publish Publishes the API. Requires wrangler installed and logged.
scrape Updates the /db the complete scraper: rankings and then fighter by fighter.
scrape:fighter --{fighterId} Updates /db/fighters.json with the provided fighter. Example: pnpm scrape:fighter --jon-jones.
scrape:fighters Updates complete /db/fighter.json.
scrape:rankings Updates /db/rankings.json.
lighthouse Generates and insert Lighthouse report badges in the

Project technical information

👩‍💻 Technologies

  • Front End: Astro, Svelte
  • PostCSS: autoprefixer
  • Scraper: NodeJS and node-html-parser
  • API: hono
  • Image processing: sharp

🦾 Providers

  • Web hosting: Vercel
  • API endpoints: Cloudfare workers

🎨 UI and web design

  • This is the used color palette.

  • These are the breakpoints used in the responsive design:

    • Tablet: 768px (48rem)
    • Desktop: 1024px (64rem)