Releases: vickzkater/the-helper-js
Releases · vickzkater/the-helper-js
Function List
- readURL (for displaying image after browse it before uploaded)
- reset_img_preview (for reset image preview to default image (no image))
- replace_all (for replaces some characters with some other characters in a string)
- number_format (formats a number with grouped thousands)
- copy_to_clipboard (copy text to the clipboard)
- open_window (to open a new window)
- set_param_url (set URL parameters)
- numbers_only (sanitizing value of number)
- username_only (sanitizing value of username - only allow alphanumerics, (.) dot, and (*) underscore)
- alphanumerics_only (sanitizing value of text - only allow alphanumerics and whitespace)
- datetime_format (for get date & time value)
- alphabet_only (sanitizing value of text - only allow alphabet and whitespace)
- viewable_password (for show/hide input password)
- scroll_to_elm_id
- validate_file_size