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Add Amb operator (#351)
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viceroypenguin authored Apr 26, 2023
1 parent 6b04d1e commit ea72541
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Showing 2 changed files with 254 additions and 0 deletions.
190 changes: 190 additions & 0 deletions Source/SuperLinq.Async/Amb.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
using System.Runtime.ExceptionServices;

namespace SuperLinq.Async;

public static partial class AsyncSuperEnumerable
/// <summary>
/// Propagates the async-enumerable sequence that reacts first.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TSource">The type of the elements of the source sequences</typeparam>
/// <param name="source">The first sequence to merge together</param>
/// <param name="otherSources">The other sequences to merge together</param>
/// <returns>An async-enumerable sequence that surfaces whichever sequence returned first.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="source"/>, <paramref name="otherSources"/>, or any of
/// the items in <paramref name="otherSources"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</exception>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// The implementation of this method is deeply unfair with regards to the ordering of the input sequences. The
/// sequences are initialized in the order in which they are received. This means that earlier sequences will have
/// an opportunity to finish sooner, meaning that all other things being equal, the earlier a sequence is (where
/// <paramref name="source"/> precedes any sequence in <paramref name="otherSources"/>), the more likely it will be
/// chosen by this operator. Additionally, the first sequence to return the first element of the sequence
/// synchronously will be chosen.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
public static IAsyncEnumerable<TSource> Amb<TSource>(
this IAsyncEnumerable<TSource> source,
params IAsyncEnumerable<TSource>[] otherSources)

foreach (var s in otherSources)
Guard.IsNotNull(s, nameof(otherSources));

return Amb(otherSources.Prepend(source));

/// <summary>
/// Propagates the async-enumerable sequence that reacts first.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TSource">The type of the elements of the source sequences</typeparam>
/// <param name="sources">The sequence of sequences to merge together</param>
/// <returns>A sequence of every element from all source sequences, returned in an order based on how long it takes
/// to iterate each element.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="sources"/> or any of the items in <paramref
/// name="sources"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</exception>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// The implementation of this method is deeply unfair with regards to the ordering of the <paramref
/// name="sources"/>. The sequences in <paramref name="sources"/> are initialized in the order in which they are
/// received. This means that earlier sequences will have an opportunity to finish sooner, meaning that all other
/// things being equal, the earlier a sequence is in <paramref name="sources"/>, the more likely it will be chosen
/// by this operator. Additionally, the first sequence to return the first element of the sequence synchronously
/// will be chosen.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
public static IAsyncEnumerable<TSource> Amb<TSource>(
this IEnumerable<IAsyncEnumerable<TSource>> sources)

return Core(sources);

static async IAsyncEnumerable<TSource> Core(
IEnumerable<IAsyncEnumerable<TSource>> sources,
[EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
var cancellationSources = new List<CancellationTokenSource>();
var enumerators = new List<IAsyncEnumerator<TSource>>();
var tasks = new List<Task<bool>>();

IAsyncEnumerator<TSource>? e = default;
CancellationTokenSource? eCts = default;
foreach (var s in sources)
#pragma warning disable CA2000 // Dispose objects before losing scope
// these will be disposed later
var cts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cancellationToken);
#pragma warning restore CA2000 // Dispose objects before losing scope

var iter = s.GetAsyncEnumerator(cts.Token);

var firstMove = iter.MoveNextAsync();
if (firstMove.IsCompleted)
// if the sequence returned the first element synchronously, then it is obviously "first", so
// choose it and forget the rest. we do not add this iter to the lists since those only track
// the items that need to be canceled and disposed.
e = iter;

// if the selected sequence is empty, then the amb sequence is empty as well.
if (!firstMove.Result)
yield break;


// async; add it to the list

if (e == null)
// who finishes first?
var t = await Task.WhenAny(tasks).ConfigureAwait(false);
var moveNext = await t.ConfigureAwait(false);

// since we built all three lists simultaneously, we can access the same index of each.
// we need the enumerator (to continue to enumerate it) and the cts (to dispose it at the end)
var idx = tasks.IndexOf(t);
e = enumerators[idx];
eCts = cancellationSources[idx];

// remove the selected item from the list of still-running iterators

// if the selected sequence is empty, then the amb sequence is empty as well.
if (!moveNext)
yield break;
// give each still-running task a chance to bail early
foreach (var cts in cancellationSources)

#pragma warning disable CA1031 // Do not catch general exception types
ExceptionDispatchInfo? edi = null;
_ = await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(false);
// because we canceled the cts, we might get OperationCanceledException; we don't actually care about
// these because we're intentionally cancelling them.
catch (Exception ex) when (
ex is OperationCanceledException
|| (ex is AggregateException ae && ae.InnerExceptions.All(e => e is OperationCanceledException)))
{ }
// if we're in the normal path, then e != null; in this case, we need to report any exceptions that we
// encounter.
catch (Exception ex) when (e != null)
edi = ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(ex);
// on the other hand, if e == null, then we silently ignore any exceptions, so that the original
// exception can propagate normally. this matches the behavior of await Task.WhenAll which only throws
// the first exception it encounters.
catch { }

foreach (var en in enumerators)
await en.DisposeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
// don't worry about any exceptions while disposing - theoretically these should be fast and
// error-free, but just in case...
catch { }
#pragma warning restore CA1031 // Do not catch general exception types


// properly dispose of the sources
foreach (var cts in cancellationSources)

yield return e.Current;
while (await e.MoveNextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false))
yield return e.Current;
await e.DisposeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions Tests/SuperLinq.Async.Test/AmbTest.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
namespace Test.Async;

public class AmbTest
public void AmbIsLazy()
_ = new AsyncBreakingSequence<int>().Amb(new AsyncBreakingSequence<int>());
_ = AsyncSuperEnumerable.Amb(new AsyncBreakingSequence<int>(), new AsyncBreakingSequence<int>());

public async Task AmbSyncReturnsFirst(int sequenceNumber)
var sync = AsyncEnumerable.Range(1, 5);
var async = AsyncEnumerable.Range(6, 5)
.SelectAwaitWithCancellation(async (i, ct) =>
await Task.Delay(10, ct);
return i;
await using var seq1 = (sequenceNumber == 1 ? sync : async).AsTestingSequence();
await using var seq2 = (sequenceNumber == 2 ? sync : async).AsTestingSequence();
await using var seq3 = (sequenceNumber == 3 ? sync : async).AsTestingSequence();

var ts = new[] { seq1, seq2, seq3, };

var result = ts.Amb();

await result.AssertSequenceEqual(Enumerable.Range(1, 5));

public async Task AmbAsyncShortestComesFirst(int sequenceNumber)
var shorter = AsyncEnumerable.Range(1, 5)
.SelectAwaitWithCancellation(async (i, ct) =>
await Task.Delay(10, ct);
return i;
var longer = AsyncEnumerable.Range(6, 5)
.SelectAwaitWithCancellation(async (i, ct) =>
await Task.Delay(30, ct);
return i;
await using var seq1 = (sequenceNumber == 1 ? shorter : longer).AsTestingSequence();
await using var seq2 = (sequenceNumber == 2 ? shorter : longer).AsTestingSequence();
await using var seq3 = (sequenceNumber == 3 ? shorter : longer).AsTestingSequence();

var ts = new[] { seq1, seq2, seq3, };

var result = ts.Amb();

await result.AssertSequenceEqual(Enumerable.Range(1, 5));

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