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👋🏻 Welcome to Rubik

This is a 42 project with the goal of solving any given rubik's cube in 20 moves or less, in less than x seconds. I wanted to make it a bit more challenging for myself, so there's also a front-end visualisation to the project

🧊 What you can do

  • When you start the program, you will see the cube and 3 buttons

  • If you press the screen (not on the cube), keep your moused press and move aroun, you can rotate the cube

  • If you drag pieces of the cube, you will rotate the faces (WIP)

  • You can also move the cube with the keyboard. At the moment you can

      f (front cockwise), m (middle clockwise), b(back clockwisse), 
      u (up clockwise), C (center clockwise), d (down clockwise), 
      l (left counter-clockwise), c (vertical center counter-clockwise), r (right counter-clockwise) 
      other moves are WIP 
  • If you press ctrl+Z, you will undo your last move. This is limited to one move anullment.

You will find comments in the code to explain things and I'll add some documentation here on the project

Messy notes below, will be refactores, need to store my stream of consciusness 👇🏽

To do:

  • Set background and create cube ✅

  • figure out how to make each section of the cube rotate up, down, left and right (have to split the cube into sections one way or another) ✅

  • code main cube movements per section

  • add actions 3- if you click and drag left, right, up or down the cube section rotates

    1. add button "shuffle" and "solve"✅
    2. display result
  • figure out how to solve the cube in less than 20 moves

transform 3d y = 0: x = 0; x= 1; x = 2 (transform (x*-200)+200) (x*-200)+200) y = 1 (transform (y*-100)+200) (x*-200)+200)

function rotateFrontClockwise("z", 1, y, x) (fixed, value, mover, changer){ const miniCubes = document.querySelectorAll('.mini-cube'); miniCubes.forEach(miniCube => {

        a way to figure out which of x y z has to be constant 
        a way to determine which of the coordinates will be used to iterate the cycle 
        a way to determinate which of the coordinates will impact the transofrm and new position 

        a general piece of code that can handle all clockwise moves for any given face and any given coordinates

        trying to build on this code underneath. Lets not write code right now but understand how to organise the problem 

        let [x, y, z] = miniCube.dataset.position.split(",").map(Number);

        if (z === value && variableName(z)) {
            if (y == 0){
       += `translate3d(${(changerx*-100)+200)}px, ${(changer*100)}px, ${(0)}px) rotateZ(90deg)`;
                // newPosition = [2-x, x, z];
            if (y == 1){
                if (x == 0){
           += 'translate3d(100px, -100px, 100px) rotateZ(90deg)';
                    // newPosition = [x+1, y-1, z];
                if (x == 1)
           += 'rotateZ(90deg)';
                if (x == 2){
           += 'translate3d(-100px, 100px, 100px) rotateZ(90deg)';
                    // newPosition = [x-1, y+1, z];
            if (y == 2){
       += `translate3d(${((x*-100))}px, ${((x*100)-200)}px, ${(z*100)}px) rotateZ(90deg)`;
                // newPosition = [0, x, z];
            // miniCube.dataset.position = newPosition.join(",");
            console.log("id " + + " " + miniCube.dataset.position);

I have position with [x,y,z]
one of the three coordinates is fixed 
one of the three cordinates filters the minicubes
one of the three coordinates manipulates transform and position

F: z = 1 rotateClocwise("z", 1, y, x)
F' z = 1
M: z = 0
M' z = 0
B z = -1
B' z = -1

L: x = 0;
L' x = 0;
C x = 1;
C' x = 1;
R x = 2;
R1 x = 2;

U y = 0;
U' y = 0;
S = y = 1 second from top 
S' y = 1;
D y = 2;
D' y = 2;
           filter all minicubes with coordinate == fixed coordinate
           if a coordinate is > than an interested second coordinate, then a condition of movement and change of position applies

function doTransformation(minicube, x, y, z, axis, rot){ += translate3d(${x}px, ${y}px, ${z}px) rotate${axis}(${rot*90}deg) }

function rotateZ(fixedCoordinate, rotationDirection){ const miniCubes = document.querySelectorAll('.mini-cube'); miniCubes.forEach(miniCube => { let [x, y, z] = miniCube.dataset.position.split(",").map(Number); if (z == fixedCoordinate){ if (y == 0) dotransformation(minicube, (200 - (x100)), x100, 0, "X", rotatiomDirection); if (y == 1){ if (x == 0) dotransformation(minicube, 100, -100, 0, "X", 1); } }) }

4 formulas (200 - (num100)) (num100); (100)(-100) (0)(0)(0) (-100)(100) (num*-100) ((num*100)-200)

if F rotateZ(1, 1){ foreach minicube with z == 1; first row dotransformation(minicube, (200 - (x100)), x100, 0, "X", 1); second row

third row
 dotransformation(minicube, (x*100), (x*100)-200, 0);

to first three mini cubes 


if z == 0 for x = 0; x < 3; x++ dotransformation((200 - (x100)), x100, 0);

new idea

fare un controllo sul transform attuale e ricavare ciò che deve essere trasformato se ho ruotatoZ 90, allora per ruotareX in realtà devo ruotareY e viceversa se ho ruotatoZ si 180, allora per ruotare X devo ruotare Xdeg*-1

bocciata questa idea

serve un algoritmo che mi calcola come interagiscono tra di loro le rotazioni degli assi
pensando a questo, devo pensare a gestire anche i casi opposti in cui le rotazioni sono


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