GET STARTED WITH THE GOOGLE COLAB LINK HERE : This is the baseline code for C4MTS Task2. => How to use the code or google colab notebook. Step1 : There is an option on top when you open the code, "OPEN IN COLAB". This opens the file in the google colab. Step2 : If you are unable to exercise step1 then the .ipynb file can be downloaded and uploaded on google drive. Then you can open the file in google colab. => The train data and the test data should be uploaded on the google drive.
- The command "from google.colab import drive" "drive.mount('/content/drive/')" connects the colab notebook to the google drive.
- The command "%mkdir /content/drive/MyDrive/myNewfolder" is used to make a new directory in the drive.
- The command "%cd /content/drive/MyDrive" is used to change the current working directory to the filled path.
- To submit the results in the reuqired format, the code is given on how to write and make files "n.png". => Some issues that will be faced using this google colab are:
- RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. The following command can be used to solve the issue :
import torch
The runtime can be deleted and started again.
Steps to clear delete and restart runtime:-
- Go to Runtime option
- Disconnect and delete runtime
- Restart Runtime
- Switch to GPU can be done as follows
- Go to Runtime option
- Change Runtime type
- Switch to GPU