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Important: this library is currently only available on the internal Meemoo PyPI, make sure to update your pip-config

In this repository solutions for cross-cutting concerns will be gathered. This is a work in progress and it will always be...

Currently implemented:

  • Configuration
  • Observability
    • Logging
    • Correlation


Start by installing the library with pip install viaa-chassis, it is located on the Meemoo PyPI.


You can use the configuration to configure the other modules in the chassis. You call the ConfigParser and you will get a config dictionary containing all the keys and values. The dictionary is filled based on following priority:

  1. command line arguments (not yet implemented)
  2. environment variables
  3. config.yml file in the project root folder
  4. default values

The configuration parser expects a default configuration file named config.yml to be present in the project root folder. If this file is not present, it will fall back to sane defaults for the services itself exposes. This file minimally has one top-level section named viaa which is used to configure More sections may be added for application specific configuration.

If no configuration exists in the project root folder, will configure itself with sane defaults. For application specific configuration, the config.yml file is needed, of course.

An example config file, config.yml.example, is included in this repository:

    level: WARNING
  log_path: !ENV "/var/${LOG_PATH}"
  passwd: !ENV ${PASSWD}

In this example you can see how it is possible to interpolate values in your configuration via environment variables. Configuration values in which environment variables need to be expanded, have to start with the tag !ENV. The environment variable keys use the standard curly braces bash syntax: ${ENV_VAR}.

When the corresponding environment variables are not declared, the ConfigParser will raise a KeyError telling you which environment variable is missing.

More examples can be found under tests/resources/.


from viaa.configuration import ConfigParser
config = ConfigParser()


The logging interface is made to resemble the Python standard logging as close as possible. The biggest difference is that you can pass a config object when getting a logger instance. ALL logging will go to stdout as a JSON string, this means that logging by external packages will be formatted aswell. Formatting all logs as JSON makes it easier to parse the logs in other applications.

Running following example:

import logging as basic_logging
from viaa.observability import logging
from viaa.configuration import ConfigParser

example_dictionary = {"test_key": "test_value"}

config = ConfigParser()
logger = logging.get_logger(__name__, config)

basic_logger = basic_logging.getLogger()

logger.warning("Hello world!", string="extra info", dictionary=example_dictionary)
basic_logger.warning("basic log")

Will print:

{"message": "Hello world!", "string": "extra info", "dictionary": {"test_key": "test_value"}, "logger": "__main__", "level": "warning", "timestamp": "2019-10-03T12:52:21.857624Z", "source": ".\\<module>:12"}
{"message": "basic log"}


A tiny "Hello, World" service


This tutorial expects you to be familiar with Python and the basics of web application development. We will use Python 3.7 and virtual environments. To get set up, see this guide on installing Python.

Preparing the environment

First, let’s create a folder and virtual environment to isolate the code and dependencies for this project.

$ python -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install viaa-chassis

Now let’s write a tiny "Hello World" service, open your editor and put the following in

from viaa.observability import logging
from viaa.configuration import ConfigParser

config = ConfigParser()
logger = logging.get_logger(__name__, config)

if __name__ == "__main__":"Hello world!")

A small "Hello, World" webservice

Optional: make a new virtual environment and activate it.

First we install flask and viaa-chassis using pip. (Note: viaa-chassis is only available on the Meemoo PyPI)

$ pip install flask
$ pip install viaa-chassis

Put the following code in

from flask import Flask
from viaa.configuration import ConfigParser
from viaa.observability import logging

app = Flask(__name__)

config = ConfigParser()
logger = logging.get_logger(__name__, config=config)

def hello():'A call has been made')
    return 'Hello world!'

if __name__ == "__main__":

If you run this with $ python and visit you should see following output:

 * Serving Flask app "app" (lazy loading)
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: off
{"message": " * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)"}
{"message": "A call has been made", "logger": "__main__", "level": "info", "timestamp": "2019-10-17T09:57:16.336332Z", "source": ".\\"}
{"message": " - - [17/Oct/2019 11:57:16] \"GET / HTTP/1.1\" 200 -"}
{"message": " - - [17/Oct/2019 11:57:16] \"GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1\" 404 -"}