- React web app (vhspace.org)
- Node lambda backend
- Infrastructure-as-code using the AWS CDK.
Contributions are welcome! Open a PR.
Assumes you have Node >=16 and AWS credentials configured.
npm i -g pnpm
pnpm i
# backend
pnpm dev # deploy AWS resources and run sst backend local dev server
# frontend
pnpm dev:web # start react local dev server (not connected to local backend)
# if running sst
pnpm dev:web:sst # start react local dev server talking to sst backend
The static react app frontend lives in web/
Backend lambda services are in services/
CDK infrastructure as code.
- Route53 - creates hostedzone for vhspace.org and requests ACM certificate
- Web - builds our react app and creates a CloudFront distribution to host it
Pushes to main
are deployed by https://seed.run