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Laravel 5 Vue Cli integration

This package includes a preset that will modify a fresh Laravel 5.7 installation. It allows you to use Vue-cli along Laravel. It will also let you include them in your blade views, any assets generated by vue-cli-service.


With Composer

$ composer require vhanla/laravel-vue-cli

Next, add service provider into your config/app.php file in providers section:

  • Vhanla\VueCli\VuecliServiceProvider::class,


To change package configuration you need to publish configuration files:

$ php artisan vendor:publish

This will publish vuecli.php file inside your config directory.


  • First create a vue project inside resources directory using vue cli, it is recommended not to use git e.g. vue create --no-git <app-name>

  • Once finished creation of vue project using Vue-Cli, execute the vuecli preset: php artisan preset vuecli and follow the interactive setup. The preset command will detect vue project inside resources directory. Then it will ask you to pick it.

  • Blade views has two methods to invoke assets.

    • Development method: This method is better when we are developing. <script src="{{ vuecli('app.js') }}"></script>

      It allows to always read generated assets.json file contents even from cached views. Recommended only for local development mode, specially when using hashed filenames.

    • Cacheable method: This method is better for production mode. <script src="@vuecli(app.js)"></script>

      Once blade view is cached, the returned assets path will always be the same, until the blade template file is modified or php artisan view:clear is invoked.

    In other words, the first one will always read public/assets.json file in order to find out the specific asset file, while the latter will only read once before caching. Even clearer, with the first one, cached blade views will include <?php echo vuecli('app.js')... while the latter will not, instead it will write the path returned.


  • Includes a preset command vuecli that sets up a fresh Laravel project for vue cli.
  • You can use vue ui. However, running tasks from there seems to ignore vue.config.js file. It seems to be a vue cli bug.
  • Includes a blade directive @vuecli(assetname, boolean) where boolean value tells whether to ignore if asset is not found.
  • Includes a helper function vuecli('assetname', boolean) where boolean value tells whether to ignore not found asset.
  • Includes a blade directive @livereload(host,port) that adds it only if local (development) is detected.


  • Laravel 5.7 - maybe it would work on previous ones, I haven't tested.
  • vue cli 3+
  • webpack-manifest-plugin but preset will add it, so just update it if newer version.
  • webpack-livereload-plugin but preset will add it too, so just update it if newer version.


  • vue cli projects has some limitations, specially a static and even mandatory static assets directory public whose contents copies along with generated built assets into a default dist folder, which as you can see, it will force us to somehow modify that folder tree structure in order to use it along Laravel's. But don't worry, vue.config.js file is configured to achieve that, by allowing public directory as output directory, and settings the static assets resources/public which also will contain the index.php file that yarn build or npm run build will move to /public directory.

  • Vue development mode should be used only with yarn serve or npm run serve, that's due to the previous issue, i.e. files and changes generated for vue in development mode won't be easily accessible from PHP's webserver side.

  • HMR (Hot Module Replacement) is not included via Laravel's web server, only via vue cli's.

  • Some plugins for vue cli requires to make sure anything that writes to public directory be manually move to resources/public directory.

Known issues

  • If blank page is presented, make sure to use a virtual host a.k.a. local test domain, or update baseUrl since vue app will find maybe http://localhost/mylaravelapp/public/ different baseUrl which by default expects to be / instead of mylaravelapp/public.
  • If exception error about my asset name.js, make sure it exists in /public/assets.json.
  • If error on yarn build or npm run build shows - Propery "rules" is wrong type (expected object but got '[{}]') remove it from package.json.


  • Improve handling of vue cli development, as of now, production mode integrates better.
  • Improve handling of vue cli plugins, since some still uses and overrides modified public assets directory.
  • Improve default spa.blade.php template