Content logic for the Paascongres 2017 event site
This WordPress plugin requires at least WordPress 4.7 and BuddyPress 2.7.
This plugin contains the following object structures and features:
- Lectures/Talks (post type) + Speaker (taxonomy)
- Workshops (post type) + Round (taxonomy) + Category (taxonomy) + Speaker (taxonomy) + Location (taxonomy)
- Agenda items (post type) + Day (taxonomy) + Location (taxonomy)
- Speakers (taxonomy)
- Locations (taxonomy)
- Associations (taxonomy)
- Settings for permalink structures and enrollment logic
The plugin is built with the following (unforced) plugin requirements in mind:
- BuddyPress for attendee profiles and enrollment
- BP XProfile Relationship Field for workshop selection in a profile field
The following plugins are suggested for use, depending on your configuration:
- BP Multiblog Mode for using a dedicated BuddyPress configuration in your Multisite subsite
- BP XProfile Field Read Only for marking profile fields uneditable
- WP Term Order to order taxonomy terms (associations, speakers, workshop rounds, etc.)
If you download Paascongres 2017 Content manually, make sure it is uploaded to "/wp-content/plugins/paco2017-content/".
Activate Paascongres 2017 Content in the "Plugins" admin panel using the "Activate" link.
This plugin is not hosted in the official WordPress repository. Instead, updating is supported through use of the GitHub Updater plugin by @afragen and friends.
You can contribute to the development of this plugin by opening a new issue to report a bug or request a feature in the plugin's GitHub repository.