google hashcode sqooba(newbies) edition
- Adriano
- Valentin
- Read problem fast (5min)
- Brainstorm (up to 10min)
- ReRead (up to 10min)
- Reformulate goal easily, with all constraints (in one sentence)(5min)
- Diverge(10-15min)
- High level thinking
- Define Building blocs & methodology(10-15min)
- Generate small, stupid, but VALID solution, submit and verify. (10min-4h)
- Diverge (up to 30min)
- Parse
- Pseudo-code for Building blocs & randomization
- Agree on pseudo-code
- Extreme-code
- Drink beer
###Iteration nº1 List of videos sorted by size in ascending order (10,20,300,...) Size of the cache servers Hashmap key: video id, value: sum of requests for video (popularity) Hashmap key: video id, value: popularity/size