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VESSL Helm Charts

This repository contains Helm charts to integrate a Kubernetes cluster with VESSL.

(Only one chart for now)

How to install on Kubernetes

helm repo add vessl
helm repo update
helm install vessl vessl/vessl --namespace vessl --create-namespace

Development guide

  1. Install depending charts

a. Add repos

helm repo add node-feature-discovery
helm repo add gpu-feature-discovery
helm repo add prometheus
helm repo add dcgm-exporter
helm repo add nvidia-k8s-device-plugin
helm repo add nginx-ingress
helm repo update

b. Update dependencies

cd charts/vessl
helm dependency update
  1. Make changes

  2. Test

helm install vessl ./charts/vessl --dry-run -n vessl --set agent.accessToken='dummy'

How to Release a Chart

  1. Update the chart version in Chart.yaml and push the changes.
  2. Create a pull request (PR) with the release label.
  3. Once the PR is reviewed and approved, you can proceed to merge it.


  1. Make dry run before your change, and check diff with the one after you change
# before change
helm install vessl ./charts/vessl --dry-run -n vessl --set agent.accessToken='dummy' > before

# after make some change
helm install vessl ./charts/vessl --dry-run -n vessl --set agent.accessToken='dummy' > after

# diff
diff before after

# cleanup
rm before after