A collection of apriltag libraries and a ros node. Note: The ROS2 (foxy) branch is no longer actively supported. Use instead this package.
Clone this repo into the "src" directory of a ROS workspace, including submodules, and build:
catkin config -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cd src
git clone --recursive https://github.com/versatran01/apriltag.git
catkin build
a c++ library from http://people.csail.mit.edu/kaess/apriltags/
a c library from http://april.eecs.umich.edu/wiki/index.php/AprilTags
To decide which detector to use, have a look at the performance comparison of UMich vs MIT detectors.
a ros node for detecting apriltag.
Detect apriltags in image topic ~image
roslaunch apriltag_ros apriltag_detector_node.launch camera:=camera
Detect apriltags in images
rosrun apriltag_ros apriltag_detect image1.png image2.png -t 0 -b 2
apriltag ros messages
This software and any future contributions to it are licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
Note: Michael Kaess's code under apriltag_mit is covered by a GPL V2 license.