Docker build in any Docker container
This is useful for having containers with your build tools and then creating a runtime container for your application which is not polluted with the build tools and source code.
alias itsWhalesAllTheWayDown='docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $(which docker):$(which docker) '
Launch your builder and run bash.
itsWhalesAllTheWayDown --rm -it -v $(pwd):/myapp myapp-builder /bin/bash
Or if you have a build script as the ENTRYPOINT
itsWhalesAllTheWayDown -d -v $(pwd):/myapp myapp-builder ...args to your script...
Now run your docker commands from within the docker container you are running. It will talk to the external docker-daemon and build your image externally.
Add the alias to your .profile
, .bash_profile
, or .bashrc
docker build -t golang-dockerizer .
this may be broken right now
alias itsGophersAllTheWayDown='itsWhalesAllTheWayDown -e "APPDIR=$(pwd)" -e "EXTERNAL_GOPATH=$GOPATH" -v $(pwd):$(pwd)) --rm -it golang-dockerizer'
In your Golang project directory, create a Dockerfile like this:
FROM scratch
ADD GoappBinary /GoappBinary
ENTRYPOINT ["/GoappBinary"]
# include any other docker stuff you'd like
# ADD src/www /www
# EXPOSE 8080
# VOLUME /path/to/dir
Then run
itsGophersAllTheWayDown <image-name>
This will produce a Docker image with just your Golang app.
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