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API Object

As an alternative to importing individual objects into your library, you can access all methods in veracode-api-py from the API() object. Unless otherwise noted, the following methods call Veracode REST APIs and return JSON.

Table of Contents

Health Check

See also: You can also access these methods from the Healthcheck class.

  • healthcheck(): returns an empty response with HTTP 200 if authentication succeeds.
  • status(): returns detailed status of Veracode services, mirroring

Reporting and Findings

Analytics Reporting

  1. More information: See the Veracode Docs.
  2. See Also: You can also access these methods from the Analytics class.
  • create_analytics_report(report_type ('findings'),last_updated_start_date, last_updated_end_date (opt), scan_type (opt), finding_status(opt), passed_policy(opt), policy_sandbox(opt), application_id(opt), rawjson(opt)): set up a request for a report. By default this command returns the GUID of the report request; specify rawjson=True to get the full response. Dates should be specified as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS with the timestamp optional. Options include:

    • report_type: required, currently only supports findings, scans and deletedscans
    • last_updated_start_date: required, beginning of date range for new or changed findings
    • last_updated_end_date: optional, end of date range for new or changed findings
    • scan_type: optional, one or more of 'Static Analysis', 'Dynamic Analysis', 'Manual', 'Software Composition Analysis', 'SCA'. SCA is only supported for the findings type
    • finding_status: optional, 'Open' or 'Closed'
    • passed_policy: optional, boolean
    • policy_sandbox: optional, 'Policy' or 'Sandbox'
    • application_id: optional, application ID for which to return results
    • rawjson: optional, defaults to False. Returns full response if True, the GUID of the request if false
    • deletion_start_date: required for deletedscans report type, beginning of date range for deleted scans.
    • deletion_end_date: optional, end of date range for deleted scans.
    • sandbox_ids: optional, array of sandbox IDs (integers) for which to return results
  • get_analytics_report(guid): check the status of the report request and return the report contents when ready. Note that this method returns a tuple of status (string) and results (list); when status is COMPLETED, the results list will populate with results.


See also: You can also access these methods from the Findings class.

  • get_findings(app,scantype(opt),annot(opt),request_params(opt),sandbox(opt)): get the findings for app (guid).
    • scantype: Defaults to STATIC findings, but can be STATIC, DYNAMIC, MANUAL, SCA, or ALL (static, dynamic, manual).
    • annot: Defaults to TRUE but can be FALSE
    • sandbox: The guid of the sandbox in app for which you want findings. (Use the Sandboxes APIs to get the sandbox guid.)
    • request_params: Dictionary of additional query parameters. See the full Findings API specification for some of the other options available.
  • get_static_flaw_info(app,issueid,sandbox(opt)): get the static flaw information, including data paths, for the finding identified by issueid in app (guid) or its sandbox (guid).
  • get_dynamic_flaw_info(app,issueid): get the dynamic flaw information, including request/response data, for the finding identified by issueid in app (guid).
  • add_annotation(app,issue_list,comment,action,sandbox(opt)): add an annotation (comment, mitigation proposal/acceptance/rejection) to the findings in issue_list for app (guid) (or optionally sandbox (guid)). Note that you must have the Mitigation Approver role (regular user) to use the ACCEPTED or REJECTED action, or the Mitigation and Comments API role for an API service account to use this call.
    • issue_list: must be passed as a Python list of issue_ids
  • match_findings(origin_finding,potential_matches,approved_findings_only(opt),allow_fuzzy_match(opt)): return a matching finding from potential_matches for the origin_finding, based on the finding type.
    • approved_findings_only: limits matches to findings with approved mitigations.
    • allow_fuzzy_match: look for matches within a range of source lines around the origin finding. This allows for code movement but can result in flaws being mismatched; use sparingly.

MPT Scans and Findings

See also: You can also access these methods from the ManualScans class.

  • get_manual_scans_for_app(appid): get the manual scans for appid (guid).
  • get_manual_scan(scanid): get the manual scan information for scanid (int), returned by get_manual_scans_for_app().
  • get_manual_findings(scanid,include_artifacts(opt)): get the manual findings detail for scanid (int).
    • include_artifacts: if True, includes screenshots and code samples associated with the findings.

Summary Report

See also: You can also access this method from the SummaryReport class.

  • get_summary_report(app,sandbox(opt), build_id(opt)): get the summary report for app (guid) or its sandbox (guid). Optionally specify a build_id to get a summary report for an older scan.

Applications and Policy


See also: You can also access these methods from the Applications class.

  • get_apps(policy_check_after(opt)) : get a list of Veracode applications (JSON format). If provided, returns only applications that have a policy check date on or after policy_check_after (format is yyyy-mm-dd).
  • get_app(guid(opt),legacy_id(opt)): get information for a single Veracode application using either the guid or the legacy_id (integer).
  • get_app_by_name(name): get list of applications whose names contain the search string name.
  • create_app(app_name, business_criticality, description(opt), business_unit(opt), teams(opt), policy_guid(opt), custom_fields(opt array), bus_owner_name(opt), bus_owner_email(opt),git_repo_url(opt),custom_kms_alias(opt)): create an application profile.
    • business_criticality: one of "VERY HIGH", "HIGH", "MEDIUM", "LOW", "VERY LOW"
    • description: extended description of the application
    • business_unit: the GUID of the business unit to which the application should be assigned
    • teams: a list of the GUIDs of the teams to which the application should be assigned
    • policy_guid: the GUID of the policy to set for this application.
    • custom_fields: an array of custom field values for the application
    • bus_owner_name: the name of the business owner of the application
    • bus_owner_email: the email address of the business owner of the application
    • git_repo_url: the URL to the git repository containing the code for the application
    • custom_kms_alias: the alias for the Customer Managed Encryption Key (CMK), which will be used to encrypt/decrypt customer provided data. Note: The Customer Managed Encrytion Key feature must be activated and configured for your organization before attempting to set this value.
  • update_app(guid, app_name, business_criticality, business_unit(opt), teams(opt), policy_guid(opt), custom_fields(opt array), bus_owner_name(opt), bus_owner_email(opt),git_repo_url(opt)): update an application profile. Note that partial updates are NOT supported, so you need to provide all values including those that aren't changing.
  • delete_app(guid): delete the application identified by guid. This is not a reversible action.
  • get_custom_fields(): get a list of app profile custom fields available for your organization.


See also: You can also access these methods from the Sandboxes class.

  • get_app_sandboxes(guid): get the sandboxes associated with the application identified by guid.
  • create_sandbox(app,name,auto_recreate(opt),custom_fields(opt)): create a sandbox in the application identified by app. Custom fields must be specified as a list of dictionaries of name/value pairs, e.g. [{'name': 'Custom 1','value': 'foo'}].
  • update_sandbox(app,sandbox,name,auto_recreate(opt),custom_fields(opt)): update the sandbox (guid) in app (guid) with the provided values. Note that partial updates are NOT supported, so you need to provide all values including those you don't wish to change.
  • delete_sandbox(app,sandbox): delete sandbox (guid) in app (guid).


  1. Accessing: The Collections feature is available only to Veracode customers in the Collections Early Adopter program. As the Collections feature is not generally available yet, the functionality of the feature will change over time.
  2. See also: You can also access this method from the Collections class.
  • get_collections(): get all collections for the organization.
  • get_collections_by_name(collection_name): get all collections with a name that partially matches collection_name.
  • get_collections_by_business_unit(business_unit_name): get all collections associated with business_unit_name (exact match).
  • get_collections_statistics(): get summary counts of collections by policy status.
  • get_collection(guid): get detailed information for the collection identified by guid.
  • get_collection_assets(guid): get a list of assets and detailed policy information for the collection identified by guid.
  • create_collection(name, description(opt), tags(opt), business_unit_guid(opt),custom_fields(opt list),assets(opt list of application guids)): create a collection with the provided settings.
  • update_collection(guid, name, description(opt), tags(opt), business_unit_guid(opt),custom_fields(opt list),assets(opt list of application guids)): update the collection identified by guid with the provided settings.
  • delete_collection(guid): delete the collection identified by guid.


See also: You can also access these methods from the Policies class.

  • get_policies: Get a list of available policies.
  • get_policy(guid): get information for the policy corresponding to guid.
  • create_policy(name,description,vendor_policy(opt),finding_rules(opt),scan_frequency_rules(opt),grace_period_rules(opt)): create a policy
  • update_policy(guid,name,description,vendor_policy(opt),finding_rules(opt),scan_frequency_rules(opt),grace_period_rules(opt)): update a policy
  • delete_policy(guid): delete a policy

Dynamic Analysis


See also: You can also access these methods from the Analyses class.

  • get_analyses(): get a list of dynamic analyses to which you have access.
  • get_analyses_by_name(name): get a list of dynamic analyses matching name.
  • get_analyses_by_target_url(url): get a list of dynamic analyses containing url.
  • get_analyses_by_search_term(search_term): get a list of dynamic analyses matching search_term.
  • get_analysis(analysis_id): get the analysis identified by analysis_id (guid).
  • get_analysis_audits(analysis_id): get the audits for the analysis identified by analysis_id (guid).
  • get_analysis_scans(analysis_id): get the scans for the analysis identified by analysis_id (guid).
  • get_analysis_scanner_variables(analysis_id): get the scanner variables for the analysis identified by analysis_id (guid).
  • create_analysis(name,scans,schedule_frequency='ONCE',start_scan (opt),business_unit_guid (opt),email (opt),owner (opt)): create an analysis with the provided settings. Use setup_scan and related functions to construct the list of scans.
  • update_analysis(guid,name,scans,schedule_frequency='ONCE',start_scan (opt),business_unit_guid (opt),email (opt),owner (opt)): update the analysis identified by guid with the provided settings.
  • update_analysis_scanner_variable(analysis_guid,scanner_variable_guid,reference_key,value,description): update the scanner variable identified by the scanner_variable_guid for the analysis identified by analysis_guid.
  • delete_analysis_scanner_variable(analysis_guid,scanner_variable_guid): delete the scanner variable identified by the scanner_variable_guid for the analysis identified by analysis_guid.
  • delete_analysis(analysis_guid): delete the analysis identified by analysis_guid.

Scans and Occurrences


See also: You can also access these methods from the Scans class.

  • get_dyn_scan(scan_guid): get the scan identified by scan_guid. Get scan_guid from get_analysis_scans().
  • get_dyn_scan_audits(scan_guid): get the audits for the scan identified by scan_guid.
  • get_dyn_scan_config(scan_guid): get the scan config for the scan identified by scan_guid.
  • update_dyn_scan(scan_guid,scan): update the scan identified by scan_guid. Prepare scan with dyn_setup_scan().
  • delete_dyn_scan(scan_guid): delete the scan identified by scan_guid.
  • get_scan_scanner_variables(scan_id): get the scanner variables for the scan identified by scan_guid.
  • update_scan_scanner_variable(scan_guid,scanner_variable_guid,reference_key,value,description): update the scanner variable identified by the scanner_variable_guid for the scan identified by scan_guid.
  • delete_scan_scanner_variable(scan_guid,scanner_variable_guid): delete the scanner variable identified by the scanner_variable_guid for the scan identified by scan_guid.


See also: You can also access these methods from the Occurrences class.

  • get_analysis_occurrences(): get all dynamic analysis occurrences.
  • get_analysis_occurrence(occurrence_guid): get the dynamic analysis occurrence identified by occurrence_guid.
  • stop_analysis_occurrence(occurrence_guid,save_or_delete): stop the dynamic analysis occurrence identified by occurrence_guid. Analysis results identified so far are processed according to save_or_delete.

Scan Occurrences

See also: You can also access these methods from the ScanOccurrences class.

  • get_scan_occurrences(occurrence_guid): get the scan occurrences for the dynamic analysis occurrence identified by occurrence_guid.
  • get_scan_occurrence(scan_occ_guid): get the scan occurrence identified by scan_occ_guid.
  • stop_scan_occurrence(scan_occ_guid,save_or_delete): stop the scan occurrence identified by scan_occ_guid. Scan results identified so far are processed according to save_or_delete.
  • get_scan_occurrence_configuration(scan_occ_guid): get the configuration of the scan occurrence identified by scan_occ_guid.
  • get_scan_occurrence_verification_report(scan_occ_guid): get the verification report of the scan occurrence identified by scan_occ_guid.
  • get_scan_occurrence_notes_report(scan_occ_guid): get the scan notes report of the scan occurrence identified by scan_occ_guid.
  • get_scan_occurrence_screenshots(scan_occ_guid): get the screenshots of the scan occurrence identified by scan_occ_guid.

Global settings

See also: You can also access these methods from the CodeGroups class.

  • get_codegroups(): get the allowable code values for all code groups for Dynamic Analysis.
  • get_codegroup(name): get the allowable code values for the Dynamic Analysis code group identified by name.

Note: You can also access these methods from the Configuration class.

  • get_dynamic_configuration(): get the default Dynamic Analysis configuration.

Note: You can also access these methods from the ScanCapacitySummary class.

  • get_dynamic_scan_capacity_summary(): get the Dynamic Analysis scan capacity summary.

Note: You can also access these methods from the ScannerVariables class.

  • get_global_scanner_variables(): get the list of global Dynamic Analysis scanner variables.
  • get_global_scanner_variable(guid): get the Dynamic Analysis global scanner variable identified by guid.
  • create_global_scanner_variable(reference_key,value,description): create a global Dynamic Analysis scanner variable.
  • update_global_scanner_variable(guid,reference_key,value,description): update the global Dynamic Analysis scanner variable identified by guid.
  • delete_global_scanner_variable(guid): delete the global Dynamic Analysis scanner variable identified by guid.


See also: You can also access these methods from the DynUtils class.

  • dyn_setup_user_agent(custom_header,type): set up the payload to specify the user agent for a dynamic scan.
  • dyn_setup_custom_host(host_name,ip_address): set up the payload to specify the custom host for a dynamic scan.
  • dyn_setup_blocklist( urls:List): set up the payload to specify the blocklist for a dynamic scan.
  • dyn_setup_url(url,directory_restriction_type='DIRECTORY_AND_SUBDIRECTORY',http_and_https=True): set up the payload to specify a URL object for a dynamic scan. This payload can be used in other setup calls that require a url.
  • dyn_setup_scan_setting(blocklist_configs:list,custom_hosts:List, user_agent(opt)): set up the payload to specify a scan setting for a dynamic scan.
  • dyn_setup_scan_contact_info(email,first_and_last_name,telephone): set up the payload to specify contact information for a dynamic scan.
  • dyn_setup_crawl_script(script_body,script_type='SELENIUM'): set up the payload to specify crawl script information for a dynamic scan.
  • dyn_setup_crawl_configuration(scripts:List,disabled=False): set up the payload to specify crawl configuration for a dynamic scan.
  • dyn_setup_login_logout_script(script_body,script_type='SELENIUM'): set up the payload to specify login/logout script information for a dynamic scan.
  • dyn_setup_auth(authtype,username,password,domain(opt),base64_pkcs12(opt),cert_name(opt), login_script_data(opt), logout_script_data(opt)): set up the payload to specify authentication information for a specific authtype for a dynamic scan. The following parameters are required:
    • AUTO: username, password
    • BASIC: username, password, domain (opt)
    • CERT: base64_pkcs12, cert_name, password
    • FORM: login_script_data, logout_script_data
  • dyn_setup_auth_config(authentication_node:dict): set up the payload to specify authentication information for a dynamic scan. Set up authentication_node with dyn_setup_auth.
  • dyn_setup_scan_config_request( url, allowed_hosts:List, auth_config(opt), crawl_config(opt), scan_setting(opt)): set up the payload to specify the scan config request for a dynamic scan. url and allowed_hosts are set up using dyn_setup_url(). crawl_config is setup using dyn_setup_crawl_configuration(). scan_setting is setup using dyn_setup_scan_setting().
  • dyn_setup_scan( scan_config_request, scan_contact_info(opt), linked_app_guid(opt)): set up the payload to specify the scan for a Dynamic Analysis. scan_config_request is setup using dyn_setup_scan_config_request() and scan_contact_info is set up using dyn_setup_scan_contact_info(). Specify linked_app_guid (using get_apps() or get_app()) to link the scan results to an application profile.
  • dyn_start_scan(length,unit): start a dynamic analysis and set duration.

Software Composition Analysis (SCA)

Accessing: SCA APIs must be called with a human user, since the SCA Agent APIs do not currently support being called by an API Service User.

Workspaces, Projects, Issues, and Agents

See also: You can also access these methods from the Workspaces class.

  • get_workspaces(include_metrics(opt)): get a list of SCA Agent workspaces for the organization. The include_metrics parameter can add counts of issues and other attributes in the response, at some cost to performance, and defaults to False.
  • get_workspace_by_name(name): get a list of SCA Agent workspaces whose name partially matches name.
  • create_workspace(name): create an SCA Agent workspace named name. Returns the GUID for the workspace.
  • add_workspace_team(workspace_guid,team_id): add the team identified by team_id (int) to the workspace identified by workspace_guid.
  • get_workspace_teams(workspace_guid(opt)): get a list of teams. If no workspace_guid is provided, return all available teams.
  • delete_workspace(workspace_guid): delete the workspace identified by workspace_guid.
  • get_projects(workspace_guid,project_name(opt)): get a list of projects for the workspace identified by workspace_guid.
  • get_agents(workspace_guid): get a list of agents for the workspace identified by workspace_guid.
  • get_agent(workspace_guid,agent_guid): get the agent identified by agent_guid in the workspace identified by workspace_guid.
  • create_agent(workspace_guid,name,agent_type(opt)): create an agent in the workspace identified by workspace_guid. Default for agent_type is CLI.
  • delete_agent(workspace_guid,agent_guid): delete the agent identified by agent_guid.
  • get_agent_tokens(workspace_guid, agent_guid): get token IDs for the agent identified by agent_guid in the workspace identified by workspace_guid.
  • get_agent_token(workspace_guid, agent_guid, token_id): get the token ID identified by token_id.
  • regenerate_agent_token(workspace_guid, agent_guid): regenerate the token for the agent identified by agent_id.
  • revoke_agent_token(workspace_guid, agent_guid, token_id): revoke the token identified by token_id.
  • get_issues(workspace_guid, branch(opt), direct(opt), created_after(opt), ignored(opt), vuln_method(opt), project_id (opt array)): get the list of issues for the workspace identified by workspace_guid.
  • get_issue(issue_id): get the issue identified by issue_id.
  • get_scan(scan_id): get the scan identified by scan_id (returned in get_issue).
  • get_libraries(workspace_guid,unmatched(bool,opt)): get the libraries associated with the workspace identified by workspace_guid.
  • get_library(library_id): get the library identified by library_id (e.g. "maven:commons-fileupload:commons-fileupload:1.3.2:")
  • get_vulnerability(vulnerability_id): get the vulnerability identified by vulnerability_id (an integer value, visible in the output of get_issues).
  • get_license(license_id): get the license identified by license_id (a string, e.g. "GPL30").
  • get_sca_events(date_gte,event_group,event_type): get the audit events for the arguments passed. Be careful with the arguments for this and try to limit by date as it will fetch all pages of data, which might be a lot.

Component Activity

See also: You can also access these methods from the ComponentActivity class.

  • get_component_activity(component_id): get the activity for the component identified by component_id (similar to library_id above, e.g. "maven:net.minidev:json-smart:1.3.1").


See also: You can also access these methods from the SBOM class.

  • get_sbom(app_guid,format(opt),linked(opt),vulnerability(opt),dependency(opt)): generate an SBOM in either CycloneDX (default) or SPDX format for the application represented by app_guid. Get the app_guid from the Applications API. The following options are available:
    • linked (CycloneDX only): if True, returns an SBOM based on the linked SCA Agent project. Defaults to False.
    • vulnerability: if True, returns an SBOM containing vulnerability information. Defaults to True.
    • dependency (SPDX only): if True, returns an SBOM that includes dependency information. Defaults to True.
  • get_sbom_project(project_guid,format(opt),vulnerability(opt)): generate an SBOM in CycloneDX (default) or SPDX format for the SCA Agent project represented by project_guid. Get the project_guid from the SCA Agent API (e.g. get_projects(workspace_guid)). The following options are available:
    • vulnerability: if True, returns an SBOM containing vulnerability information. Defaults to True.
    • dependency (SPDX only): if True, returns an SBOM that includes dependency information. Defaults to True.
  • scan_sbom(sbom): (EXPERIMENTAL) Scan an SBOM (pass the filename, including absolute path, as the sbom parameter) and return an updated SBOM with additional vulnerability information from the Veracode SCA Database.

Application Info

See also: You can also access these methods from the SCAApplications class.

  • get_app_projects(app_guid): get the list of linked SCA projects for an application. (This API call is also available on the SCAApplications object as SCAApplications().get_projects().)
  • link_project(app_guid, project_guid): link the application to the project. (This API call is also available on the SCAApplications object as SCAApplications().link_project().)
  • unlink_project(app_guid, project_guid): unlink the application from the project. (This API call is also available on the SCAApplications object as SCAApplications().unlink_project().)
  • get_sca_annotations(app_guid, annotation_type, annotation_reason(opt), annotation_status(opt),cve_name(opt), cwe_id(opt), severities(opt array), license_name(opt), license_risk(opt)): get the list of annotations (mitigations and comments) for an application. (This API call is also available on the SCAApplications object as SCAApplications().get_annotations().)
  • add_sca_annotation(app_guid, action, comment, annotation_type, component_id, cve_name (required for VULNERABILITY type), license_id (required for LICENSE type)): add an annotation (mitigation or comment) to an SCA vulnerability or license finding. Note that ability to APPROVE or REJECT requires the mitigation approver role. (This API call is also available on the SCAApplications object as SCAApplications().add_annotation().)

Users, Credentials, Teams, and Business Units

Accessing: Calling these methods requires a user with the Administator, Team Admin, or Admin API user role, except as noted.


See also: You can also access this method from the Users class.

  • get_users(): get a list of users for the organization.
  • get_user_self(): get user information for the current user. Accessible by any user role.
  • get_user(user_guid): get information for an individual user based on user_guid.
  • get_user_by_name(username): look up info for an individual user based on their user_name.
  • get_user_by_search(search_term, api_id, role_id, login_status, saml_user, team_id, detailed, user_type, request_params): search for users based on parameters below (all optional):
    • search_term: string
    • api_id: search by customer api id
    • role_id: search by role_id (see get_roles)
    • login_status: search by login status (e.g. active)
    • saml_user: search by saml user ID
    • team_id: serach by team ID (see get_teams)
    • detailed: returns additional attributes in summary list of users
    • user_type: search by user type (e.g. user or api)
    • request_params: optionally pass a dictionary of additional query parameters. See Identity API specification
  • create_user(email,firstname,lastname,type(opt),username(opt),roles(opt),mfa(opt)): create a user based on the provided information.
    • type: "HUMAN" or "API". Defaults to "HUMAN". If "API" specified, must also provide username.
    • roles: list of role names (specified in the Veracode Help Center, for both human and API service account users). Provide the role names from get_roles().
    • mfa: set to TRUE to require the user to configure multifactor authentication on first sign in.
  • update_user_roles(user_guid, roles): update the user identified by user_guid with the list of roles passed in roles. Because the Identity API does not support adding a single role, the list should be the entire list of existing roles for the user plus whatever new roles. See veracode-user-bulk-role-assign for an example.
  • update_user(user_guid,changes): update a user based upon the provided information.
    • user_guid: the unique identifier of the user to be updated.
    • changes: the attributes of the user to be changed. Must be JSON whose format follows the Identity API specification of a valid user object.
  • update_user_email_address(user_guid,email_address,ignore_verification(opt)): updates the email address of the specified user.
    • ignore_verification: Boolean. Defaults to False. If True, immediately updates email address without requiring the user to verify the change via email. If the user has not yet activated the account, this must be set to True.
  • send_password_reset(user_legacy_id): sends a password reset email to the specified user. If the user has yet to activate their account, sends a new activation email instead.
    • NOTE: this function uses the user_legacy_id value (as opposed to the user_guid value), which can be obtained via a call to get_user().
  • disable_user(user_guid): set the Active flag the user identified by user_guid to False.
  • delete_user(user_guid): delete the user identified by user_guid. This is not a reversible action.
  • get_roles(): get a list of available roles to assign to users.

API Credentials

  1. Accessing: Calling these methods requires a user with the Administator, Team Admin, or Admin API user role.
  2. See also: You can also access these methods from the APICredentials class.
  • get_creds(api_id(opt)): get credentials information (API ID and expiration date) for the user specified by api_id; if api_id is None, get credentials information for the current user requesting the API call.
  • create_creds(user_guid): create or renew API credentials for the API service account specified by user_guid.
  • renew_creds(): renew credentials for the current user. NOTE: you must note the return from this call as the API key cannot be viewed again. Accessible by any user role.
  • revoke_creds(api_id): revoke immediately the API credentials identified by api_id.

Business Units

See also: You can also access this method from the BusinessUnits class.

  • get_business_units(): get the list of business units in the organization.
  • get_business_unit(guid): get the business unit identified by guid.
  • create_business_unit(name,teams): create a business unit. teams is a list of team_id GUIDs.
  • update_business_unit(guid,name,teams): update the business unit identified by guid.
  • delete_business_unit(guid): delete the business unit identified by guid.


See also: You can also access this method from the Teams class.

  • get_teams(all_for_org): get the list of teams for the user, or (if all_for_org is True) all teams in the organization.
  • get_team_by_id(team_uuid): get the details for a given team uuid, including members
  • create_team(team_name,business_unit,members): create a team named team_name. Optionally pass the business unit guid and/or a list of user names to add to the team.
  • update_team(team_guid,team_name(opt),business_unit(opt),members(opt)): update the team identified by team_guid with the provided information.
  • delete_team(team_guid): delete the team identified by team_guid.


See also: You can also access these methods from the Static class.

  • create_static_scan(binary_name, binary_size, binary_hash, app_id(opt), project_name(opt), project_uri(opt), project_ref(opt), commit_hash(opt), dev_stage(opt), scan_timeout (opt)) - Set up a scan
  • get_static_scan(scan_id) - Get scan details for the scan represented by scan_id.
  • add_static_scan_segment(scan_id,segment_id,file) - Upload a segment of the scanned file.
  • start_static_scan(scan_id) - Start the scan represented by scan_id.
  • cancel_static_scan(scan_id) - Cancel the scan represented by scan_id.
  • get_static_scan_findings(scan_id) - Get the findings for the scan represented by scan_id.

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