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SCA Agent

The following methods call Veracode REST APIs and return JSON.

Note: SCA APIs must be called with a human user, since the SCA Agent APIs do not currently support being called by an API Service User.

Workspaces, Projects, Issues, and Agents

  • Workspaces().get_all(include_metrics(opt)): get a list of SCA Agent workspaces for the organization. The include_metrics parameter can add counts of issues and other attributes in the response, at some cost to performance, and defaults to False.
  • Workspaces().get_by_name(name): get a list of SCA Agent workspaces whose name partially matches name.
  • Workspaces().create(name): create an SCA Agent workspace named name. Returns the GUID for the workspace.
  • Workspaces().add_team(workspace_guid,team_id): add the team identified by team_id (int) to the workspace identified by workspace_guid.
  • Workspaces().get_teams(workspace_guid(opt)): get a list of teams. If no workspace_guid is provided, return all available teams.
  • Workspaces().remove_team(workspace_guid,team_id): remove the team identified by team_id (int) from the workspace identified by workspace_guid.
  • Workspaces().delete(workspace_guid): delete the workspace identified by workspace_guid.
  • Workspaces().get_projects(workspace_guid,project_name(opt)): get a list of projects for the workspace identified by workspace_guid.
  • Workspaces().get_agents(workspace_guid): get a list of agents for the workspace identified by workspace_guid.
  • Workspaces().get_agent(workspace_guid,agent_guid): get the agent identified by agent_guid in the workspace identified by workspace_guid.
  • Workspaces().create_agent(workspace_guid,name,agent_type(opt)): create an agent in the workspace identified by workspace_guid. Default for agent_type is CLI.
  • Workspaces().delete_agent(workspace_guid,agent_guid): delete the agent identified by agent_guid.
  • Workspaces().get_agent_tokens(workspace_guid, agent_guid): get token IDs for the agent identified by agent_guid in the workspace identified by workspace_guid.
  • Workspaces().get_agent_token(workspace_guid, agent_guid, token_id): get the token ID identified by token_id.
  • Workspaces().regenerate_agent_token(workspace_guid, agent_guid): regenerate the token for the agent identified by agent_id.
  • Workspaces().revoke_agent_token(workspace_guid, agent_guid, token_id): revoke the token identified by token_id.
  • Workspaces().get_issues(workspace_guid, branch(opt), direct(opt), created_after(opt), ignored(opt), vuln_method(opt), project_id (opt array)): get the list of issues for the workspace identified by workspace_guid.
  • Workspaces().get_issue(issue_id): get the issue identified by issue_id.
  • Workspaces().get_scan(scan_id): get the scan identified by scan_id (returned in get_issue).
  • Workspaces().get_libraries(workspace_guid,unmatched(bool,opt)): get the libraries associated with the workspace identified by workspace_guid.
  • Workspaces().get_library(library_id): get the library identified by library_id (e.g. "maven:commons-fileupload:commons-fileupload:1.3.2:")
  • Workspaces().get_vulnerability(vulnerability_id): get the vulnerability identified by vulnerability_id (an integer value, visible in the output of get_issues).
  • Workspaces().get_license(license_id): get the license identified by license_id (a string, e.g. "GPL30").
  • Workspaces().get_events(date_gte,event_group,event_type): get the audit events for the arguments passed. Be careful with the arguments for this and try to limit by date as it will fetch all pages of data, which might be a lot.

Component Activity

  • ComponentActivity().get(component_id): get the activity for the component identified by component_id (similar to library_id above, e.g. "maven:net.minidev:json-smart:1.3.1").


  • SBOM().get(app_guid,format(opt),linked(opt),vulnerability(opt),dependency(opt)): generate an SBOM in either CycloneDX (default) or SPDX format for the application represented by app_guid. Get the app_guid from the Applications API. The following options are available:
    • linked (CycloneDX only): if True, returns an SBOM based on the linked SCA Agent project. Defaults to False.
    • vulnerability: if True, returns an SBOM containing vulnerability information. Defaults to True.
    • dependency (SPDX only): if True, returns an SBOM that includes dependency information. Defaults to True.
  • SBOM().get_for_project(project_guid,format(opt),vulnerability(opt)): generate an SBOM in CycloneDX (default) or SPDX format for the SCA Agent project represented by project_guid. Get the project_guid from the SCA Agent API (e.g. get_projects(workspace_guid)). The following options are available:
    • vulnerability: if True, returns an SBOM containing vulnerability information. Defaults to True.
    • dependency (SPDX only): if True, returns an SBOM that includes dependency information. Defaults to True.
  • SBOM().scan(sbom): (EXPERIMENTAL) Scan an SBOM (pass the filename, including absolute path, as the sbom parameter) and return an updated SBOM with additional vulnerability information from the Veracode SCA Database.

Application Info

Note: You can also access these methods from the SCAApplications class.

  • SCAApplications().get_projects(app_guid): get the list of linked SCA projects for an application. (This API call is also available on the SCAApplications object as SCAApplications().get_projects().)
  • SCAApplications().link_project(app_guid, project_guid): link the application to the project. (This API call is also available on the SCAApplications object as SCAApplications().link_project().)
  • SCAApplications().unlink_project(app_guid, project_guid): unlink the application from the project. (This API call is also available on the SCAApplications object as SCAApplications().unlink_project().)
  • SCAApplications().get_annotations(app_guid, annotation_type, annotation_reason(opt), annotation_status(opt),cve_name(opt), cwe_id(opt), severities(opt array), license_name(opt), license_risk(opt)): get the list of annotations (mitigations and comments) for an application. (This API call is also available on the SCAApplications object as SCAApplications().get_annotations().)
  • SCAApplications().add_annotation(app_guid, action, comment, annotation_type, component_id, cve_name (required for VULNERABILITY type), license_id (required for LICENSE type)): add an annotation (mitigation or comment) to an SCA vulnerability or license finding. Note that ability to APPROVE or REJECT requires the mitigation approver role. (This API call is also available on the SCAApplications object as SCAApplications().add_annotation().)

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