An agent that learns to play the popular game DX Ball using machine learning algorithms
This program requires the following to run smoothly:
- Sqlite3 (preferably with GUI)
- Python v2.7
- Node 8.10 & npm 5.6.0
- AngularJs v1.x
- Clone this repository
- Navigate to /Backend and run sqlite3 dxball.db
- To install Python dependencies, run pip install -r requirements.txt
- To install Angular dependencies, navigate to /Frontend and run *npm install"
- Install virtualenv, run pip install virtualenv
- Setup a new environment, run virtualenv venv
- Navigate to /Backend/venv/Scripts and run activate
- Navigate back to /Backend and start the server, run sqlite3 dxball.db
- To start python and flask, run *python"
- To start the front-end, navigate to /Frontend and run "node server"
Navigate to localhost:8888 in your browser and see the program in action..
Please feel free to push your changes, if any. Thanks.