That's VenenuX live-build environment, using Linux\Debian as a base system.
It is a source code repository for a ready-to-use Debian operating system that includes powered packages from VenenuX for remote management, hacking tools and development, also some critical component to assist users.
Running what is in this repository will create a disk or ISO with an operating system, ready to use, YES, READY TO USE, DOES NOT REQUIRE TO INSTALL but can be installed, file produced can be "recorded on a blank CD/DVD" or "can be recorded on a USBdrive" and used on the PC, without deleting your installed operating system, but with the option to replace it if you want.
- You must clone this repository
mkdir $HOME/Devel && git clone
- You then must install required software
apt-get install live-build
- Get into the files and customize as you wish
- Start building your new VenenuX ISO
cd $HOME/Devel/venenuxlast && lb clean && lb build
live build creates a structure with which you can alter the result of the live cd, here shown, below the specific documentation of this and how to make your own iso:
├── <--------- this file
└── config
├── archives <--------- xxxx.list.yyyy sources.list for debian package download and install
├── hooks <--------- script that will run wehen the live iso boots or the disk install
├── includes.binary <--------- those files will be put into the ISO file directly
├── includes.chroot
│ ├── etc
│ │ ├── live <--------- live user setups scripts
│ │ └── skel <--------- skeleton /home directory that will setup live user
├── includes.installer <--------- installer preseed.cfg file and logo/theme update for the graphical installer
├── package-lists <--------- list of package names to be included and install on live or disk
└── packages.chroot <--------- manually put packages that doe snto have a repository
- Debootstrap to deploy a debian base root or a Debian OS installed
- networking, recommended fast one
- Live-build and git packages installed
- almost 30 gigs of space available
- almost a dual core machine
- almost 4 gigs of RAM
By example this included the anydesk and metasploit-framework by default XD