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vasyahuyasa edited this page Jan 21, 2015 · 1 revision

This site is a short introduction, how authkeys work in collect version


For setting up authkeys on your server you need to change the following things, step by step (I go into detail later). I'm going to describe it all with example keys / domains, please beware these are for demonstration and should neither be used nor be guaranted!

  • Adding / changing your serverauth (your "domain")
  • Adding authkeys through the auth.cfg file
  • Add your authkey to your client

Setting up the server

Open up the server-init.cfg in your server folder. Search the following line:

serverauth ""

and change it to a domain you like (lets say, our server is

serverauth ""

Now we need to add authkeys. You can generate authkey-pairs ingame (using the /authkey command) or using external tools, which are also included in the source folder of remod.

//Some example key
private key: 8bc7103dac2459f096e6dbc84239604315d870619dfa7b6a
public key: +deb49b9c5a3c7fc3ba4c6ca33406cf06525cf38ee0760e40

Lets add the authkeys to server:

  • On a vanilla server, open up server-init.cfg

  • On a remod server, you can choose either server-init.cfg or auth.cfg (auth.cfg is prefferable) The syntax to add a key is as follows: adduser NAME DOMAIN PUBLICKEY PERMISSION

    adduser butcher +deb49b9c5a3c7fc3ba4c6ca33406cf06525cf38ee0760e40 a

Permissions are like following: m (2) = master a (3) = admin If you use a vanilla server, you probably need to use the numbers instead the alias.

That's the server part for now, you can restart your server again.

Client setup

Now open up your autoexec.cfg (config) and add your private key like this authkey NAME PRIVKEY DOMAIN

//You can probably leave the "" out, but it prevents from bugs with multiple servers
authkey "butcher" "8bc7103dac2459f096e6dbc84239604315d870619dfa7b6a" ""

After we saved autoexec.cfg, we can connect to the server and claim permissions via /auth authdomain


Setup your authkeys with a database

For setting up authkeys via a database, you need to do these steps:

  • Set up a database (please check guide.html for instructions)
  • Load syncauth module
  • Add authkeys via database
  • Reload authkeys (optionally)

Load the syncauth module uncommenting the following lines in your server-init.cfg

// local file with authkeys
// set empty if you dont want load authkeys from database with #syncauth else set to "default", not recomended to use with sqlite
auth_db = "default"

// Execute module
exec "scripts/modules/syncauth.cfg"'

After restarting the server you should see an auth table in your database, values are the same as in the authfiles, the authdomain (specified in server-init.cfg / serverauth) gets appended automaticly. Just insert key, name and privilige to your database. Now you can reload all the authkeys in database via the #syncauth command (via irc / ingame). Authkeys get also reloaded when restarting the server.