- 👨💻 I started as a software engineer in 2014 and have 10+ years of experience building full-stack solutions.
- 💡 I focus on delivering user-centered solutions for web, mobile, and desktop platforms, with a special interest in AI tools and automation.
- 🧘 Advocate for a mindful approach to life and work.
- ⚡ Fun fact: At 16, I sold my first startup!
- 💻 LinkedIn Profile
- 🧑💻 GitHub Profile
- 📧 Email: vasihc@gmail.com
- Frontend: JavaScript (ES6), TypeScript, React, React Native, Next.js, Redux, Tailwind CSS, SCSS, Three.js
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js, NestJS, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Firebase, GraphQL
- Mobile: React Native (iOS, Android, Amazon)
- DevOps: CI/CD (GitHub Actions, GitLab CI), Docker, AWS, Kubernetes
- AI & Tools: Langchain, GPT, Unity (React Native integration)
- 🚀 Mobinautica: Lead Developer for a cross-platform mobile app with over 10 million downloads (iOS, Android, Amazon). Integrated Unity and automated CI/CD pipelines.
- 🍎 Cider: Lightning fast campaign management and bidding automation platform for Apple Search Ads
- 📱 Hints: Developed a cross-platform note-taking app with an AI assistant (GPT integration) for web, iOS, and Android.
- Email: vasihc@gmail.com