This C project calculates the output characteristics of a JFET based on a SPICE model. In this case the model is the 2N3819 N-channel JFET. Optimization by Rd and Rs requires a nonlinear approximate solution. I use the newton method.
.model 2N3819 NJF(Beta=1.304m Betatce=-.5 Rd=1 Rs=1 Lambda=2.25m Vto=-3 Vtotc=-2.5m Is=33.57f Isr=322.4f N=1 Nr=2 Xti=3 Alpha=311.7u Vk=243.6 Cgd=1.6p M=.3622 Pb=1 Fc=.5 Cgs=2.414p Kf=9.882E-18 Af=1 mfg=Vishay)
This image was created using Excel from raw output data.
This image is part of the output of C program.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct _jfet {
double BETA;
double V_TO;
double LAMBDA;
double R_D;
double R_S;
double V_TOtc;
double BETA_tce;
} jfet;
typedef struct _calculation {
double V_DD;
double V_DS;
double V_GS;
double T;
double T_ref;
double V_GSStep;
double V_GSStepCount;
double V_DSStep;
double V_DSStepCount;
double solverTolerance;
double solverMaxIteration;
} calculation;
typedef struct _characteristic {
double** I_D;
double* V_GS;
double* V_DS;
} characteristic;
typedef struct _values {
jfet* _jfet;
calculation* _calculation;
characteristic* _characteristic;
} values;
double jfetOutputCharacteristics(double V_GS, double V_DS, double LAMBDA, double BETA, double V_TO) {
return (V_DS < (V_GS - V_TO)) ? BETA * V_DS *(2 * (V_GS - V_TO) - V_DS)*(1 + LAMBDA * V_DS) : BETA * pow(V_GS - V_TO, 2) * (1 + LAMBDA * V_DS);
double solverForI_D(calculation* cal, jfet* fet, bool type) {
/* type: 0 - for transfer characteristic
1 - for output characteristics */
I_DActual = 0.0,
int iteration = 0;
// correction
V_TOCorrected = fet->V_TO + fet->V_TOtc * (cal->T - cal->T_ref);
BETACorrected = fet->BETA * exp(fet->BETA_tce * (cal->T - cal->T_ref));
// Newton method
do {
I_DPrevius = I_DActual;
double tempV_DS = ((type) ? cal->V_DS : cal->V_DD) - I_DActual * (fet->R_D + fet->R_S);
I_DActual = jfetOutputCharacteristics(cal->V_GS, tempV_DS, fet->LAMBDA, BETACorrected, V_TOCorrected);
} while (fabs(I_DActual - I_DPrevius) > cal->solverTolerance && iteration < cal->solverMaxIteration);
return I_DActual;
bool jfetOutputCharacteristicsMake(values* value, double V_GSLow, double V_GSUp, double V_DSLow, double V_DSUp) {
value->_calculation->V_GSStepCount = abs((int)((V_GSUp - V_GSLow)/value->_calculation->V_GSStep)) + 1;
value->_calculation->V_DSStepCount = abs((int)((V_DSUp - V_DSLow)/value->_calculation->V_DSStep)) + 1;
if (value->_calculation->V_GSStepCount < 1 || value->_calculation->V_DSStepCount < 1)
return false;
value->_characteristic->V_DS = (double *)calloc(value->_calculation->V_DSStepCount, sizeof(double));
value->_characteristic->V_GS = (double *)calloc(value->_calculation->V_GSStepCount, sizeof(double));
if (!value->_characteristic->V_DS || !value->_characteristic->V_GS)
return false;
// fill the V_GS vector
for (int i = 0 ; i < value->_calculation->V_GSStepCount ; i++) {
*(value->_characteristic->V_GS + i) = V_GSLow + (i * value->_calculation->V_GSStep);
// fill the V_DS vector
for (int i = 0 ; i < value->_calculation->V_DSStepCount ; i++) {
*(value->_characteristic->V_DS + i) = V_DSLow + (i * value->_calculation->V_DSStep);
// make and fill the I_D matrix
value->_characteristic->I_D = (double**)calloc(value->_calculation->V_DSStepCount, sizeof(double*));
if (!value->_characteristic->I_D)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < value->_calculation->V_DSStepCount; ++i) {
value->_characteristic->I_D[i] = (double*)calloc(value->_calculation->V_GSStepCount, sizeof(double));
if (!value->_characteristic->I_D[i])
return false;
int i = 0, j;
for (double d = V_DSLow; d <= V_DSUp ; d += value->_calculation->V_DSStep) {
j = 0;
for (double g = V_GSLow ; g <= V_GSUp ; g += value->_calculation->V_GSStep) {
value->_calculation->V_DS = d;
value->_calculation->V_GS = g;
value->_characteristic->I_D[i][j] = solverForI_D(value->_calculation, value->_jfet, 1) * 1000;
return true;
void jfetOutputCharacteristicsShow(values* value) {
printf ("There are in V and mA.\n\nV_DS\t");
for (int i = 0 ; i < value->_calculation->V_GSStepCount ; i++) {
printf("I_D(U_GS=%.1fV)\t", value->_characteristic->V_GS[i]);
for (int i = 0 ; i < value->_calculation->V_DSStepCount ; i++) {
printf("%.2f\t", value->_characteristic->V_DS[i]);
for (int j = 0 ; j < value->_calculation->V_GSStepCount ; j++) {
printf("%.4f\t\t", value->_characteristic->I_D[i][j]);
int main() {
// 2N3819 JFET spice parameters (only necessary)
jfet _2N3819;
_2N3819.BETA = 1.304e-3;
_2N3819.V_TO = -3.0;
_2N3819.LAMBDA = 2.25e-3;
_2N3819.R_D = 1;
_2N3819.R_S = 1;
_2N3819.BETA_tce = -0.5e-2;
_2N3819.V_TOtc = -2.5e-3;
// calculation setup
calculation calc;
calc.T = 26.85;
calc.T_ref = 26.85;
calc.V_GSStep = 1.0;
calc.V_DSStep = 0.1;
calc.solverTolerance = 1e-6;
calc.solverMaxIteration = 100;
// characteristic
characteristic output;
// collecting structure
values value;
value._jfet = &_2N3819;
value._calculation = &calc;
value._characteristic = &output;
/* calculating
* jfetOutputCharacteristicsMake(values*, V_GSLow, V_GSUp, VDSLow, VDSUp)
* Example:
* -3.0 <= V_GS <= 0.0
* 0.0 <= V_DS <= 10.0
jfetOutputCharacteristicsMake(&value, -3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0);
// showing
return 0;