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Docker Libnetwork Integration

Nuage VSP Release 4.0.R6 and later supports Docker with libnetwork.

The Nuage libnetwork plugin allows the user to create new networks of type Nuage. The new networks of type Nuage in Docker are implemented in the backend by a specific subnet in VSP. A specific Docker network needs to reference a specific subnet from VSP. This is done by giving extra Nuage specific parameters to Docker at network creation time. The user interacts with Docker network, which calls libnetwork. The Nuage implemented plugin serves the request coming from the user.

The libnetwork plugin supports both local and global scope networks. The scope defines if your network is going to propagate to all the nodes as part of your cluster. The simplest use case is for single host networking. This translates to networks that are only visible on the host on which the network is added. This use case is configured with the configuration Scope="local". Multihost networking uses a backend store in order to propagate network information to all the cluster participants. As such, a network added on one node is available on all the nodes. This use case is configured with the configuration Scope="global".

Starting from VSP 4.0.R6.1, libnetwork plugin supports built in IPAM driver where the IP address management is done by VSP.

Nuage libnetwork plugin is qualified with Docker Version 1.12.1 and API Version 1.24.

  • Assumes packages git, golang, rpmbuild are already available on the host and some working knowledge on building go packages.
  • Before proceeding with any of the build steps, clone nuage-libnetwork repo into GO workspace.
  • Set the version required for the rpm: export version=`desired rpm version`
  • Update the desired rpm version in rpmbuild/nuage-libnetwork.spec file
  • Run ./scripts/ to generate RPMs under rpmbuild directory on your host
  • Set the tag required for container: export version=`desired container tag`
  • Run ./scripts/ to generate tar of container under current directory
  • Run "go build" to build the binary in the current directory
  • If compilation is succesful, nuage-libnetwork binary will be created in current directory

Nuage LibNetwork plugin can be installed either using a RPM file or using a Docker image.

Step 1:

Start the Docker daemon as a service. If the plugin is to be run in "local" scope, then Docker service can be started on each host without any extra options. In order to run the plugin with "global" scope, docker-engines on multiple servers need to be started with a backend-store. Following commands show the commands to start Docker daemon as a service with consul.


a. Create a docker service directory as follows: [root@server1:~]# mkdir /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/

b. Then add the docker conf file [root@server1:~]# cat /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/docker.conf [Service] ExecStart= ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -D --cluster-store=consul://$CONSULSERVER:8500 --cluster-advertise=$server2:2376

c. Create the docker socket file as follows: [root@server2:~]# cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.socket [Unit] Description=Docker Socket for the API PartOf=docker.service [Socket] ListenStream=/var/run/docker.sock SocketMode=0660 SocketUser=root SocketGroup=docker


  1. Restart the docker service after creating the the above files using the command - service docker restart
Step 2:

Install the Nuage libnetwork rpm using the following command. This installs nuage-libnetwork binary and the required configuration file templates.

[root@server1:~]# yum localinstall -y nuage-libnetwork-0-0-1.x86_64.rpm

Once the rpm is installed, you can verify that the Nuage IPAM and plugin are running in the background using following command.

[root@server1:~]# systemctl status nuage-libnetwork
  nuage-libnetwork.service - Nuage libnetwork plugin for docker
  Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/nuage-libnetwork.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
  Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-01-10 17:55:16 UTC; 3h 22min ago
  Main PID: 1516 (libnetwork-nuag)
  CGroup: /system.slice/nuage-libnetwork.service
      1516 /usr/bin/nuage-libnetwork -config /etc/default/nuage-libnetwork.yaml
Step 3:

Configure the plugin parameters inside the YAML configuration file. "loglevel" can be "Info", "Debug", "Warn" or "Error" and "scope" can be "local" or "global". 'username', 'password' and 'organization' must be base64 encoded values of their string values. Values shown below are default values that are used if there are no specified values. Place the YAML configuration file under /etc/default/nuage-libnetwork.yaml on each host where Nuage plugin is run. A sample YAML configuration file for plugin input parameters looks like the following:

[root@server1 ~]# cat /etc/default/nuage-libnetwork.yaml
vrssocketfile:    "/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock"
dockersocketfile: "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
vrsbridge:      "alubr0"
loglevel:       "Debug"
logfilesize:    10
scope:          "global"
numofretries:   5
timeinterval:   100
username: Y3Nwcm9vdA==
password: Y3Nwcm9vdA==
organization: Y3Nw
url: https://<VSD URL>:8443
Step 4:

Start the plugin on each host on which it has to run using the following command.

systemctl start nuage-libnetwork
Step 1:

Start the docker daemon. If the plugin is to be run in "local" scope, then docker daemon can be started on each host without any extra options. In order to run the plugin with "global" scope, docker-engines on multiple servers need to be started with a backend-store. Following commands show the commands to start docker daemon with consul.

[root@server1:~]# docker daemon --cluster-store=consul://$CONSULSERVER:8500 --cluster-advertise=$server1:2376
[root@server2:~]# docker daemon --cluster-store=consul://$CONSULSERVER:8500 --cluster-advertise=$server2:2376
Step 2:

Load the containerized plugin into docker images. This can be acheived with the help of following command.

[root@server1:~]# docker load -i nuage-plugin.tar

Loaded image can be listed using ``docker images`` command

[root@server1:~]# docker images
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
nuage-plugin        4.0R6               18dea274c251        6 hours ago         219.9 MB
busybox             latest              e02e811dd08f        5 weeks ago         1.093 MB
golang              latest              47734a1408b7        7 weeks ago         672.4 MB
Step 3:

Configure the plugin parameters inside the YAML configuration file. "loglevel" can be "Info", "Debug", "Warn" or "Error" and "scope" can be "local" or "global". 'username', 'password' and 'organization' must be base64 encoded values of their string values. Values shown below are default values that are used if there are no specified values. Place the YAML configuration file under /etc/default/nuage-libnetwork.yaml on each host where Nuage plugin is run. A sample YAML configuration file for plugin input parameters looks like the following:

[root@server1 ~]# cat /etc/default/nuage-libnetwork.yaml
vrsendpoint:    "/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock"
dockerdndpoint: "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
vrsbridge:      "alubr0"
loglevel:       "Warn"
scope:          "global"
numofretries:   5
timeinterval:   100
username: Y3Nwcm9vdA==
password: Y3Nwcm9vdA==
organization: Y3Nw
Step 4:

Start the Nuage Libnetwork plugin. Start the plugin on each host on which it has to run using the following command.

docker run -v /usr/bin/:/usr/bin/ -v /usr/lib64/:/usr/lib64 -v /var/run:/var/run -v /var/log:/var/log -v /etc/default:/etc/default --net=host --privileged -dt nuage-plugin:4.0R7
Step 1:

Start the docker daemon. If the plugin is to be run in "local" scope, then docker daemon can be started on each host without any extra options. In order to run the plugin with "global" scope, docker-engines on multiple servers need to be started with a backend-store. Following commands show the commands to start docker daemon with consul.

[root@server1:~]# docker daemon --cluster-store=consul://$CONSULSERVER:8500 --cluster-advertise=$server1:2376
[root@server2:~]# docker daemon --cluster-store=consul://$CONSULSERVER:8500 --cluster-advertise=$server2:2376
Step 2:

Configure the plugin parameters inside the YAML configuration file. "loglevel" can be "Info", "Debug", "Warn" or "Error" and "scope" can be "local" or "global". 'username', 'password' and 'organization' must be base64 encoded values of their string values. Values shown below are default values that are used if there are no specified values. A sample YAML configuration file for plugin input parameters looks like the following:

[root@server1 ~]# cat /tmp/nuage-libnetwork.yaml
vrsendpoint:    "/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock"
dockerdndpoint: "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
vrsbridge:      "alubr0"
loglevel:       "Warn"
scope:          "global"
numofretries:   5
timeinterval:   100
username: Y3Nwcm9vdA==
password: Y3Nwcm9vdA==
organization: Y3Nw
Step 4:

Start the Nuage Libnetwork plugin. Start the plugin on each host on which it has to run using the following command.

$NUAGE_LIBNETWORK_REPO/nuage-libnetwork -config /tmp/nuage-libnetwork.yaml &
Plugin needs a restart whenever the input configuration changes

After starting the Nuage plugin in "local" scope, Docker API is used to create a network:

root@ubuntu:~# docker network create --driver=nuage --ipam-driver=nuage-ipam --ipam-opt organization=Enterprise --ipam-opt domain=Domain --ipam-opt zone=Zone --ipam-opt subnet="Subnet 2" --ipam-opt user=admin --subnet=  --gateway= MyNet

to link to a L3Domain in Nuage, the following parameters are required: enterprise, user, domain, zone, subnet. Furthermore, the CIDR and IPAM information must be exactly the same as in Nuage.

Once the network is created, it can be seen and inspected:

root@ubuntu:~# docker network ls
NETWORK ID          NAME                DRIVER
e793da0854ce        MyNet               nuage
4d7098beb610        bridge              bridge
cf0626f73c7c        docker_gwbridge     bridge
b8878a9f9d58        host                host
967ad3ccb5af        none                null
root@ubuntu:~# docker network inspect MyNet
        "Name": "MyNet",
         "Id": "8f8127c363669e8b2c07c5025386a574cbab23a194267bdc6b8d5e54658a8985",
         "Scope": "global",
         "Driver": "nuage",
        "EnableIPv6": false,
        "IPAM": {
            "Driver": "nuage-ipam",
            "Options": {
               "domain": "Domain",
               "organization": "Enterprise",
               "subnet": "Subnet 2",
               "user": "admin",
               "zone": "Zone"
            "Config": [
                    "Subnet": ""
                    "Gateway": ""
        "Internal": false,
        "Containers": {
            "524fbb401c8c6f760e1e66f8be42f603e258c5c7a3807a7f66afa0a1b760295f": {
                "Name": "tender_goldstine",
                "EndpointID": "2b4fb640e6299ae5e00f7cbebebbef112490813cb57cd05a2e9fde5316208076",
                "MacAddress": "7a:42:d6:aa:d0:11",
                "IPv4Address": "",
                "IPv6Address": ""
            "ep-20b306d0998b227289a86ee4b6a69b4171d3dca666b1fe78cdcf5df4c1f86b89": {
                "Name": "thirsty_bassi",
                "EndpointID": "20b306d0998b227289a86ee4b6a69b4171d3dca666b1fe78cdcf5df4c1f86b89",
                "MacAddress": "7a:42:8d:fa:16:f3",
                "IPv4Address": "",
                "IPv6Address": ""
        "Options": {},
        "Labels": {}

To start a Container with access to that network, the network name needs to be referenced during Container definition:

docker run -it --net MyNet nginx /bin/bash

This will trigger the creation of a vPort on Nuage and the vPort should be visible and fully manageable from VSP API. In this use case, the Network is only visible on this specific server. Reachability can be extended by "creating" that same network on multiple nodes.

Multihost networking can be used when the Nuage plugin is running in "global" scope. In this mode, docker networks created on a host would be accessible on other hosts that are part of same cluster. Create a docker network on server1 with the following command:

root@server1~# docker network create --driver=nuage --ipam-driver=nuage-ipam --ipam-opt organization=Enterprise --ipam-opt domain=Domain --ipam-opt zone=Zone --ipam-opt subnet="Subnet 2" --ipam-opt user=admin --subnet=  --gateway= MyNet

That network is now available and ready for consumption on server2:

[root@server2:~#] docker network ls
NETWORK ID          NAME                DRIVER
e793da0854ce        MyNet               nuage
4d7098beb610        bridge              bridge
cf0626f73c7c        docker_gwbridge     bridge
b8878a9f9d58        host                host
967ad3ccb5af        none                null


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