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HASS Custom component for thermostat with multiple entities controlling, PID, Heat/Cool mode etc.


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Universal Thermostat component for Home Assistant

Universal Thermostat is designed to complete almost all climate control tasks in a certain zone.

Component grew out of Smart Thermostat from hacker-cb, who did the great job I am extremely appreciated for!

Key features:

  • supports multiple heating and cooling entities
  • supports various target entity domains: switch, climate, input_boolean, number, input_number
  • supports invert logic for any heater or cooler
  • supports PID/PWM regulation for supported entities
  • supports auto mode with adjustable cooling and heating deltas
  • supports heat_cool mode with separate temperature cooling and heating setpoints
  • supports templates for configurable parameters
  • supports presets with flexible parameters
  • supports multiple windows openings (or other devices that should prevent heater/cooler working) with individual timers and inversions

Supported domains and modes for heaters and coolers:

  • switch, input_boolean - basic toggling mode or PWM mode
  • climate - basic toggling mode or PID regulator mode
  • number+switch, input_number+switch - PID regulator mode with toggleable switch

Installation (via HACS)

This is recommended way, which will handle one-click upgrade in HACS.

  1. Install hacs if it is not installed.
  2. Open HACS -> Integrations. Click 3 dots in the upper right corner.
  3. Click Custom repositories.
  4. Add vaproloff/universalThermostat repository.
  5. Find Universal Thermostat in HACS catalog and click install button.

Installation (Manual)

NOTE: This is not recommended way, because you will need to upgrade component manually.

  1. Copy /custom_components/universal_thermostat to your <config_dir>/custom_components/ directory.

    • On HassIO the final location will be /config/custom_components/universal_thermostat.
    • On Supervised the final location will be /usr/share/hassio/homeassistant/custom_components/universal_thermostat.
    • NOTE: You will need to create the custom_components folder if it does not exist.
  2. Restart Home Assistant Core.

Simple config example

  - platform: universal_thermostat    
    target_sensor: sensor.kitchen_temperature
    cooler: switch.kitchen_cooler_switch

Full config example

  - platform: universal_thermostat    
    name: Kitchen Thermostat
    unique_id: kitchen_thermostat
    object_id: kitchen_thermostat
    target_sensor: sensor.kitchen_temperature
    min_temp: 18
    max_temp: 28
    precision: 0.1    
    target_temp_step: 0.5
    target_temp: 24.5
    target_temp_low: 24
    target_temp_high: 25
    auto_cool_delta: "{{ states('input_number.auto_cool_delta') | float }}"
    auto_heat_delta: 1.0
    heat_cool_disabled: false
    initial_hvac_mode: heat_cool
      - entity_id: climate.kitchen_heating_floor_thermostat
        kp: 1.3
        ki: 0.5
        kd: 10
        pid_sample_period: 300
        min: 16
        max: 35
      - entity_id: switch.kitchen_heater_switch
        inverted: false
        cold_tolerance: 0.3
        hot_tolerance: 0.3
        min_cycle_duration: 600
      - entity_id: number.kitchen_cooler_regulator
        switch_entity_id: switch.kitchen_cooler_regulator_switch
        switch_inverted: true
        kp: 20
        ki: 0.01
        kd: 2
        min: 0
        max: 10
      - entity_id: climate.kitchen_cooler_thermostat
        cold_tolerance: 0.3
        hot_tolerance: 0.3
        target_temp_delta: 1.0
        ignore_windows: true
      - entity_id: switch.window_1
          seconds: 2
      - entity_id: input_boolean.window_2
        inverted: true
        timeout: "{{ states('input_number.window_open_timeout') | float }}"
      - binary_sensor.window_3
        temp_delta: "{{ states('input_number.sleep_temp_delta') | float }}"
        heat_delta: -1.0
        cool_delta: 2.0
        target_temp: 18.0
        heat_target_temp: 18.0
        cool_target_temp: 29.0


  • target_temp - Climate target temperature, can be changed in UI. Initial can be set via target_temp config option.
  • cur_temp - Current sensor temperature. Will be reported by target_sensor entity.
  • - Reference to the config option.
  • - Reference to the config controller option (heater/cooler).

Common config options

  • name (Required) - Climate entity name
  • unique_id (Optional) - Climate entity unique_id
  • object_id (Optional) - Climate entity suggested entity_id
  • cooler (Optional) - String, Array or Map of the coolers.
  • heater (Optional) - String, Array or Map of the heaters.
  • target_sensor (Required) - Target temperature sensor
  • min_temp (Optional, default=7) - Set minimum set point available.
  • max_temp (Optional, default=35) - Set maximum set point available.
  • target_temp (Optional) - Initial target temperature.
  • target_temp_low (Optional) - Initial target low temperature (for heat_cool mode).
  • target_temp_high (Optional) - Initial target high temperature (for heat_cool mode).
  • auto_cool_delta (Optional) - Target temperature delta for Coolers in auto mode. Could be a template. Default: 1.0.
  • auto_heat_delta (Optional) - Target temperature delta for Heaters in auto mode. Could be a template. Default: 1.0.
  • heat_cool_disabled (Optional) - Disables heat_cool mode. Default: false.
  • initial_hvac_mode (Optional) - Initial HVAC mode.
  • precision (Optional) - Precision for this device. Supported values are 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0. Default: 0.1 for Celsius and 1.0 for Fahrenheit.
  • target_temp_step (Optional) - Temperature set point step. Supported values are 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0. Default: equals to precision.
  • windows (Optional) - String, Array or Map of the window entities.
  • presets (Optional) - Map of presets.

NOTE: at least one of heater or cooler is required.

Common behavior

Initial HVAC mode can be set via initial_hvac_mode config option.

Thermostat behavior will depend on active HVAC mode. HVAC mode can be set in UI.

HVAC_MODE = heat

NOTE: available if at least one CONFIG.heater was defined.

  • All heater controllers will be turned on. Specific behavior of each heater will depend on the controller type.
  • All cooler controllers will be turned off.

HVAC_MODE = cool

NOTE: available if at least one CONFIG.coller was defined.

  • All cooler controllers will be turned on. Specific behavior of each cooler will depend on the controller type.
  • All heater controllers will be turned off.

HVAC_MODE = heat_cool

NOTE: available if at least one CONFIG.heater and at least one CONFIG.cooler were defined.

  • All cooler and heater controllers will be turned on.
  • Specific behavior of each heater and cooler will depend on the controller type.
  • All cooler controllers will pick target_temp_high as their target_temp.
  • All heater controllers will pick target_temp_low as their target_temp.

HVAC_MODE = auto

NOTE: available if at least one CONFIG.heater and at least one CONFIG.cooler were defined.

  • All cooler and heater controllers will be turned on.
  • Specific behavior of each heater and cooler will depend on the controller type.
  • All cooler controllers will pick target_temp + auto_cool_delta as their target_temp.
  • All heater controllers will pick target_temp - auto_heat_delta as their target_temp.

NOTE: turning on controller DOES NOT MEANS turning on CONFIG.CONTROLLER.enitity_id inside controller. Controller behavior depends on the specific controller logic and described below for each controller.


Specific controller will be created for each heater/cooler config option based on CONFIG.CONTROLLER.enitity_id domain.

Switch controller (ON/OFF)

Supported domains: switch,input_boolean

Config options

  • entity_id (Required) - Target entity ID.
  • inverted (Optional, default=false) - Need to invert entity_id logic.
  • keep_alive (Optional) - Send keep-alive interval. Use with heaters, coolers, A/C units that shut off if they don’t receive a signal from their remote for a while.
  • ignore_windows (Optional, default=false) - Need to ignore windows logic.
  • min_cycle_duration (Optional, default=null) - Minimal cycle duration. Used to protect from on/off cycling.
  • cold_tolerance (Optional, default=0.3) - Cold tolerance.
  • hot_tolerance (Optional, default=0.3) - Hot tolerance.


  • Turn on entity_id if cur_temp <= target_temp - cold_tolerance (heater) or cur_temp >= target_temp + self._hot_tolerance (cooler)
  • No entity_id changes will be performed if config min_cycle_duration was set and enough time was not passed since last switch.
  • Behavior on/off will be inverted if inverted config option was set to true

PWM Switch PID controller

Domains: switch,input_boolean.

  • Internal PID limits are integers, defined as constants PWM_SWITCH_MIN_VALUE and PWM_SWITCH_MAX_VALUE (0, 100). So, you must use this limits when tuning pid_params terms.

Config options

  • entity_id (Required) - Target entity ID.
  • inverted (Optional, default=false) - Need to invert entity_id logic.
  • keep_alive (Optional) - Send keep-alive interval. Use with heaters, coolers, A/C units that shut off if they don’t receive a signal from their remote for a while.
  • ignore_windows (Optional, default=false) - Need to ignore windows logic.
  • kp (Required) - PID proportional coefficient, could be a template (Always positive, will be inverted internally for cool mode).
  • ki (Required) - PID integral coefficient, could be a template (Always positive, will be inverted internally for cool mode).
  • kd (Required) - PID derivative coefficient, could be a template (Always positive, will be inverted internally for cool mode).
  • pid_sample_period (Optional) - PID constant sample time period.
  • pwm_period (Required) - PWM period. Switch will be turned on and turned off according internal PID output once in this period.


  • PID output will be calculated internally based on provided PID coefficients.
  • pwm_period will be separated to two parts: ON and OFF. Each part duration will depend on PID output.
  • PWM on/off need will be checked every pwm_period/100 time but not often than each 1 second. (PWM_SWITCH_MAX_VALUE internal const variable)
  • Behavior on/off will be inverted if inverted config option was set to true.
  • It is keep on/off state duration before Home Assistant restart. Last change time is saved in thermostat state attributes.

NOTE: This mode will be set if entity domain is one of the listed above and pid_params config entry is present.

Climate controller (Switch mode)

Domains: climate

Config options

  • entity_id (Required) - Target entity ID.
  • inverted (Optional, default=false) - Need to invert entity_id logic.
  • keep_alive (Optional) - Send keep-alive interval. Use with heaters, coolers, A/C units that shut off if they don’t receive a signal from their remote for a while.
  • ignore_windows (Optional, default=false) - Need to ignore windows logic.
  • min_cycle_duration (Optional, default=null) - Minimal cycle duration. Used to protect from on/off cycling.
  • cold_tolerance (Optional, default=0.3) - Cold tolerance. Could be a template.
  • hot_tolerance (Optional, default=0.3) - Hot tolerance. Could be a template.
  • target_temp_delta (Optional, default=None) - Delta between Thermostat set point and target climate entity. Could be a template. If not mentioned - temperature control will be disabled.


  • Climate entity_id will be turned on when controller is active.
  • Climate entity_id will be turned off when controller is not active.
  • Climate entity_id temperature set point will be adjusted taking target_temp_delta into account if it specified:
    • Thermostat set point + target_temp_delta - for heaters;
    • Thermostat set point - target_temp_delta - for coolers;

Climate controller (PID mode)

Domains: climate

Config options

  • entity_id (Required) - Target entity ID.
  • inverted (Optional, default=false) - Need to invert entity_id logic.
  • keep_alive (Optional) - Send keep-alive interval. Use with heaters, coolers, A/C units that shut off if they don’t receive a signal from their remote for a while.
  • ignore_windows (Optional, default=false) - Need to ignore windows logic.
  • kp (Required) - PID proportional coefficient, could be a template (Always positive, will be inverted internally for cool mode).
  • ki (Required) - PID integral coefficient, could be a template (Always positive, will be inverted internally for cool mode).
  • kd (Required) - PID derivative coefficient, could be a template (Always positive, will be inverted internally for cool mode).
  • pid_sample_period (Optional) - PID constant sample time period.
  • min (Optional) - Minimum temperature which can be set. Attribute min_temp from entity_id will be used if not specified. Could be a template.
  • max (Optional) - Maximum temperature which can be set. Attribute max_temp from entity_id will be used if not specified. Could be a template.


  • Climate entity_id will be turned on when controller is active.
  • Climate entity_id will be turned off when controller is not active.
  • Climate entity_id temperature will be adjusted every pid_sample_period it is provided, or on every CONFIF.target_sensor update if pid_sample_period is not provided.
  • PID parameters will be inverted if inverted was set to true

Number + Switch controller (PID mode supported)

Domains: number,input_number

Config options

  • entity_id (Required) - Target entity ID.
  • inverted (Optional, default=false) - Need to invert entity_id logic.
  • keep_alive (Optional) - Send keep-alive interval. Use with heaters, coolers, A/C units that shut off if they don’t receive a signal from their remote for a while.
  • ignore_windows (Optional, default=false) - Need to ignore windows logic.
  • pid_params (Required) - PID params comma-separated string or array in the format Kp, Ki, Kd (Always positive, will be inverted internally for cool mode).
  • pid_sample_period (Optional) - PID constant sample time period.
  • min (Optional) - Minimum temperature which can be set. Attribute min from entity_id will be used if not specified.
  • max (Optional) - Maximum temperature which can be set. Attribute max from entity_id will be used if not specified.
  • switch_entity_id (Optional) - Switch entity which belongs to switch,input_boolean domains.
  • switch_inverted (Optional, default=false) - Is switch_entity_id inverted?


  • Switch switch_entity_id will be turned on when controller is active if it is set.
  • Switch switch_entity_id will be turned off when controller is not active if it is set.
  • Number entity_id temperature will be adjusted every pid_sample_period it is provided, or on every CONFIF.target_sensor update if pid_sample_period is not provided.
  • pid_params will be inverted if inverted was set to true
  • switch_entity_id behavior will be inverted if switch_inverted was set to true


Windows are optional and their logic will be available if at least one window entity added to the config.

Supported window entities:

  • switch
  • input_boolean
  • binary_sensor

Simple window entity:

windows: binary_sensor.my_window

Entity list:

  - binary_sensor.my_window
  - input_boolean.heater_block

Entity map:

  - entity_id: binary_sensor.my_window
    timeout: "{{ states('input_number.window_open_timeout') | float }}"
  - entity_id: input_boolean.heater_can_work
    inverted: true


  - binary_sensor.my_window_1
  - entity_id: binary_sensor.my_window_2
      minutes: 2
  - entity_id: input_boolean.heater_can_work
    inverted: true

Config options

  • entity_id (Required) - Target entity ID.
  • inverted (Optional, default=false) - Need to invert entity_id logic.
  • timeout (Optional, default=none) - time period to wait until stop/start controller after window opening/closing. Can be a template.

Common behavior

  • after any window entity turns on, controller stops working (off if inverted: true)
  • after all window entities turn off, controller starts working (on if inverted: true)
  • if controller has ignore_windows config option - it doesn't take into account windows states
  • if window has a timeout config option - it stops/starts controllers after time period mentioned


Presets are optional and will be available if at least one preset mode added to the config. All preset modes are equal in functionality, their behaviour depends only on used config parameters.

Mapping key will be a preset name. Preset can have any name, but it is recommended to use defaults, that support icons and translations:

  • eco
  • away
  • sleep
  • boost
  • comfort
  • home
  • activity

Common behavior

  • if any preset is active, changing hvac_mode manually resets current preset to None
  • if any preset is active, activating None preset_mode restores thermostat parameters to None-preset state
  • if any preset is active, activating another delta preset_mode applies all changes relatively to None-preset state
  • preset activation can change hvac_mode if preset config needs it
  • if you want to decrease target temperature, use negative float number.

Single temperature delta preset config:

Config example

    temp_delta: -1.0

Config options

  • temp_delta (Required) - single target temperature delta, signed float, can be a template


  • changes thermostat target temperatures (both ranged and non-ranged):
    • target_temp + temp_delta
    • target_temp_low + temp_delta
    • target_temp_high + temp_delta

Heating/cooling temperature deltas preset config:

Config example

    heat_delta: -1.0
    cool_delta: 2.0

Config options

  • heat_delta (Required) - heating target temperature delta, signed float, can be a template
  • cool_delta (Required) - heating target temperature delta, signed float, can be a template


  • if hvac_mode is COOL - changes thermostat target temperature:
    • target_temp + cool_delta
  • if hvac_mode is HEAT - changes thermostat target temperature:
    • target_temp + heat_delta
  • if hvac_mode is HEAT_COOL - changes thermostat target temperature:
    • target_temp_low + heat_delta
    • target_temp_high + cool_delta
  • if hvac_mode is AUTO - doesn't change thermostat target temperature, but creates additional deltas to auto_cool_delta and auto_heat_delta for controllers:
    • heaters' target_temps will be target_temp - auto_heat_delta + heat_delta
    • coolers' target_temps will be target_temp + auto_cool_delta + cool_delta

Target temperatures preset config:

Config example

    heat_target_temp: 18.0
    cool_target_temp: 28.0
    target_temp: 25.0

Config options

  • target_temp (Optional) - single target temperature, signed float, can be a template
  • heat_target_temp (Optional) - heating target temperature, signed float, can be a template
  • cool_target_temp (Optional) - cooling target temperature, signed float, can be a template


  • if hvac_mode is COOL - changes thermostat target temperature to cool_target_temp if available or to target_temp:
  • if hvac_mode is HEAT - changes thermostat target temperature to heat_target_temp if available or to target_temp:
  • if hvac_mode is HEAT_COOL - changes thermostat target temperatures:
    • target_temp_low will be heat_target_temp if available or target_temp
    • target_temp_high will be cool_target_temp if available or target_temp
  • if hvac_mode is AUTO and only target_temp is available - changes thermostat target temperature to target_temp:
  • if hvac_mode is AUTO and heat_target_temp and cool_target_temp are available - doesn't change thermostat target temperature, but creates additional target temperatures for controllers:
    • heaters' target_temps will be heat_target_temp
    • coolers' target_temps will be cool_target_temp

NOTE: Any of these config schemas could be used, but not mixed!

Future TODOs:

  • Adjustable delays for turning heater/cooler on/off.
  • Add support templates for pwm_period.

Reporting an Issue

  1. Set up your logger to print debug messages for this component using:
  default: info
    custom_components.universal_thermostat: debug
  1. Restart HA
  2. Verify you're still having the issue
  3. File an issue in this GitHub Repository containing your HA log (Developer section > Info > Load Full Home Assistant Log)
    • You can paste your log file at pastebin and submit a link.
    • Please include details about your setup (Pi, NUC, etc, docker?, HassOS?)
    • The log file can also be found at /<config_dir>/home-assistant.log