A repository for the development and maintenance of MPAS analysis tools.
Analysis is stored in a directory corresponding to each core component, e.g., ocean
MPAS-Ocean. Shared functionality is contained within the shared
This analysis repository presumes that the following python packages are available:
- numpy
- scipy
- matplotlib
- numexpr
- ipython-notebook
- netCDF4
- progressbar
- vtk
- pyevtk with
conda install -c https://conda.anaconda.org/opengeostat pyevtk
- cartopy with
conda install -c scitools cartopy
- xarray
- dask
- bottleneck
You can easily install them via the conda command:
conda install -c scitools -c https://conda.anaconda.org/opengeostat numpy scipy matplotlib ipython notebook netCDF4 progressbar vtk cartopy xarray dask bottleneck pyevtk numexpr
The repository also requires the non-standard mpas_xarray wrapper, installable via
pip -v install git+ssh://git@github.com/pwolfram/mpas_xarray