WarzoneStats is a Python wrapper for the COD Warzone Api (https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/5519582/SzzgAefq). There is an additional wrapper for the https://wzstats.gg/ website. There are also some helpful functions to extract useful data from the api responses.
Use the package manager pip to install WarzoneStats.
pip3 install WarzoneStats
Before using the COD Api you first need to login to Activision and get the ACT_SSO_COOKIE
You can do this in Chrome by going into inspect element -> Application tab -> Cookies -> enter ACT_SSO_COOKIE into the filter field
Copy and save this value to use in the package
You should be caching the return values from both Api and ApiGG so you don't keep sending the same request and end up getting ip banned
from WarzoneStats import Api
username = 'huskerrs#1343'
# Can see the platform values by referencing Api.Platforms
platform = 'battle'
sso = 'Get this value from the ACT_SSO_COOKIE that is set in Chrome by logging into activision.com'
api = Api(username, platform, sso)
# You can view all sample responses in the Sample Endpoint Responses Folder
# This endpoint returns lifetime stats like kd, gun accuracy, weekly stats, etc
profile = api.get_profile()
# This endpoint returns 20 recent matches with everything from team name, team placement to the loadouts everyone used
recentMatches = api.get_recentMatches()
# Returns 1000 recent matches, with only the timestamps, matchIds, mapId, and platform
# Useful for using matchIds to get stats of that match (lobby kd etc)
matches = api.get_matches()
matchId = recentMatches['data'][0]['matchId']
# Returns the details of the specific match per player; each players stats from the loadout they used to the kills they got is listed
matchDetails = api.get_matchDetails(matchId)
from WarzoneStats import ApiGG
username = 'nrg joewo#2631118'
platform = 'acti'
api = ApiGG()
stats = api.get_stats(username, platform)
from WarzoneStats import ApiGG, ParserGG
username = 'nrg joewo#2631118'
platform = 'acti'
api = ApiGG()
stats = api.get_stats(username, platform)
parser = ParserGG()
''' and '''
# Get this from either Api or ApiGG response
match_id = '6702851451945654660'
match = api.get_match(match_id)