docker run -ti --gpus all python
A singularity image is unpacked on the CVMFS system: /cvmfs/
apptainer shell --bind /afs -B /cvmfs/ --bind /tmp --bind /eos/cms/ /cvmfs/
source /cvmfs/
python -m venv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate
git clone
cd MEMFlow
pip install -e .
cd ..
git clone
cd zuko
pip install -e .
cd ..
pip install jupyterlab
jupyter lab build
# register the environment in jupyter lab
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=myenv
- Start apptainer image with madgraph and LHAPDF
- Generate the process
- Compile it for python with
- Create multiple config files. All the possible configurations will be generated (as an example iterate over learning-rate list, hidden-layers list etc.). The config file keeps: input dataset, input shape, model and training parameters.
To run it:
python scripts/ --input_dataset=<path-to-Dataset> --maxFiles=-1 <--preTraining>
The argument maxFiles represent the maximum number of config files generated. By default, it is -1 (generate all possible config files). The preTraining flag makes the script iterate only on the condTransformer hyperparameters (unfolding flow parameters are set to the default value).
- Run the model (training and validate loops) for a specific config files.
To run it:
python scripts/ --model-dir=<path> <--on-GPU>
--model-dir: path to directory where the config file and ConditionalTransformer weights (from pretraining) are saved.
If --on-GPU
flag is added, the script will run on GPU.
- Send jobs:
To run it:
python scripts/ --config-directory=<configDir> <--on-GPU> <--preTraining>
By default, the script is running on CPU. If --on-GPU
flag is added, the script will run on GPU.
The script will iterate over config-Directory
and will send a job for every config file.
If --preTraining
flag is set, the script will send jobs for
, otherwise it will send jobs
CAREFUL! Some paths are already set in the script, so modify them before using!!