District Docket rev2 is a project which builds and improves upon my college senior capstone project. That project was created for the Chamber Partnership in Dekalb County, Indiana. There will be a couple main focuses of this improvement effort:
- Set-up a proper dev & build process
- Dev Server:
- In rev 1, a PHP Server VS Code extension was used for development
- Rev 2 will use a Vite development server and NPM-managed dependencies
- Build Process:
- In rev 1, we had no build process because we were still learning
- Rev 2 is currently undetermined
- Release Process:
- In rev 1, we handed the Git repository over to the Partnership when we were done
- Rev 2 is currently undetermined
- Dev Server:
- Migrate frontend from "Pure" JS to REACT + TS
- In rev1, the frontend was largely built by one of my groupmates and myself
- I had much less experience with REACT than I do now and no other members knew REACT
- We utilized
if (screenWidth < 700px) {}
logic to change between mobile and desktop view
- Rev 2 will have:
- Easier UI development
- More comprehensive and consistent state management & user experience
- Possible use of existing NPM packages for creating mobile / reactive views
- In rev1, the frontend was largely built by one of my groupmates and myself
- Create a backend to interact with the database directly, this is hit by the frontend through GET and POST requests.
- In rev1, the "backend" was just a different JS file that still ran in the browser.
- This leaks secrets
- Bad for performance
- Means that dependencies cannot be managed with NPM and must be static-URL-imported
- Rev 2 will use a separate Express server to handle requests from the frontend and interface with the database. This means:
- Authentication
- CRUD functions
- Admin functions like Approval
- In rev1, the "backend" was just a different JS file that still ran in the browser.
Currently, there are five "views" that the user can interact with:
Looking at events:
- Views display events tagged as approved in the database
- Events will display in "cards" or "chips" that contain cursory information about them
- Clicking on an event card or chip (for month view) beings up a modal with all of the event's information.
- From the modal, a the event organizer can choose to edit the event and submit the changes for admin approval
- Event organizers can also cancel their events from this view without admin approval
- Responsive/mobile design
- Event List: This view will display all of the approved events in the database in chronological order by default
- Features:
- Filtering by tags, name, host organization, city, under some price, etc.
- Filter by events that the current user created
- Events are color-coded based on tags
- Sort by other factors such as alphabetical by name, lowest -> highest price, etc.
- Event cards display with thumbnail images uploaded by the event organizer
- Features:
- Month View: This view will display the approved events on a typical calendar month
- Features:
- User can use arrow buttons to navigate between months
- User can also "Jump to" current month or an inputted month
- Features:
- Week View: same as Month, but for a calendar week
- Features:
- See above
- See above
- Features:
Submitting an event:
- Event Input: This view will also a user to fill out an event's information and submit it for approval by an admin
- Features:
- Section for general event information such as name, time, and cost
- Ability to create recurring events
- Section for location information such as Venue Address and name options
- State is a dropdown from all 50 states
- that will autocomplete as the user types
- Section for contact information with a dropdown that populates with organizations in the database
- Once an organization is selected from the dropdown, a second dropdown showing the names of people at the organization will appear. These are tied to contact information.
- Section for an event description.
- Section to select tags
- multiselect
- Section to upload a thumbnail image
- Submit button that adds the event to the database as an "Unapproved event"
- Features:
- Admin: This view will contain all of the administrative functions of the site
- Event Approval
- The Administrator will see a list of pending events that have been submitted by users
- The admin can open the same event modal as from other pages, but they will see "Approve Event", "Decline Event", and "Request Changes" buttons
- Managing Organizations
- Admin can CRUD an organization and its information, including people and their info
- Non-admin users will instead see
- a list of all of their pending events, along with any events an Admin has denied or requested changes on
- An ability to open, modify and resubmit event which an admin has requested changes on
- Event Approval
- Input components like
- Dropdowns
- Checkboxes
- Text inputs
- buttons
- etc.
- UI components like
- event cards
- event chips
- navbar
- event modal
- etc
git clone
cd district-docket-rev2
npm ci
Lerna has been configured in this project in the following way (if no configuration has been changed).
NPM script | Frontend | Backend |
dev |
Local Vite server started at localhost:5173 |
Local Express server started at localhost:3005 |
build |
Compile with tsc and vite build |
Not yet configured |