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Madelyn Olson edited this page Feb 27, 2025 · 61 revisions

Weekly meeting schedule

We typically have a weekly meeting every Monday at 15:00 UTC. You can find the link and the exact details of the upcoming meetings here:

Valkey Meeting notes

Format and introduction

Notes will take the form of:

  1. Top level topic
    1. Discussion point 1
      1. Comment about discussion point 1
    2. Discussion point 2
      1. Comment about discussion point 2
  2. Top level topic ...

Core team syncs

Core team syncs happen every Monday at 15:00 UTC. Given the geographic distribution of the team, we are trying to keep the attendance small and we are currently not publishing a public invite. The meetings is open to those that have a topic to discuss though, simply add a request to discuss it in an issue and we will get you the invite.

Next agenda

Core team sync 2025-03-03 (15:00 UTC All zones)

If you are an active contributor and on the invite, you can add items here to be discussed in the next invite.

  1. Module versioning and bundling strategy -
  2. More refined memory management system -
  3. Add cluster-manual-failover-timeout to configure the timeout for manual failover -
  4. Add last_fork_start_time to INFO STATS -
  5. Introduce cluster-ignore-disk-write-errors to prevent the process from existing when saving fails

Past meetings

Core team sync 2025-02-24 (15:00 UTC All zones)

  • Finalize server config cluster-manual-failover-timeout min/max value
    • Very high failover timeout could cause write unavailability, so might be beneficial to add a cancel command. However, it's premature to build it without anyone needing it. Hence, decided against it.
  • Possibly a breaking change for some clients depending on the output so it shouldn't be included in 8.1
  • Discussed RC2 - Stabilization of test failures in progress. No new major features are getting built in. 3 weeks cadence of RC release can be followed.

Core team sync 2025-02-17 (15:00 UTC All zones)

  • Discuss future of kubernetes operator.
    • Good progress. Will try to get everyone together to collect the requirements.
  • Discuss PR -- Add new replicate module API to bypass command validation
    • Updated proposal about the the implementation.

Core team sync 2025-02-10 (15:00 UTC All zones)

  1. Discuss the naming issue for PR
  2. New item for RC1? Show capa in client list
  3. RC1 release content:

Core team sync 2025-02-03 (15:00 UTC All zones)

  1. Which features can make it to the 8.1.0-rc1.
    • Various discussion about the release.
  2. Release candidate version numbering.
    • Whether to revise the decision to use 8.1 rather than 8.2,
      • Decision to stick to 8.1
    • Which version to use for release candidates e.g. in the INFO and HELLO fields. Options: 8.0.240, 8.1.0 (same as GA), 8.1.0-rc1.
      • Discussion of pros and cons of each option.
      • Decision(?) to use the GA version 8.1.0 identical for all release candidates and for the GA release.
      • Idea raised about introducing an INFO field to identify that the server is running a release candidate.

Core team sync 2025-01-27 (15:00 UTC All zones)

  1. Scripting engine modulization (Ricardo)
    1. Allows users to replace builtin Lua with LuaJit, Lua 5.3, etc.
    2. Convert builtin Lua to module? (how and why) (issue #1627)
      1. We decided to postpone this to after 8.1.
    3. How to disable the builtin Lua: Just unload the module? (issue #1204)
    4. Current state: Module API for defining scripting engines already merged (PR #1277), but needs some more API changes for EVAL and for being able to completely provide a Lua engine using module API.
    5. Multiple Lua can co-exist in modules if we just change the call to dlopen() in module.c to use the RTLD_DEEPBIND flag. Safe to change?
      1. We decided that we want a separate pull request for this change.
  2. Decisions we have to make before RC1. What to prioritize?
    1. Rolling downgrade, forward compatibility (Vote)
      1. Approved the PR "Relaxed RDB version check"
    2. Add key-eviction-memory parameter for evicting key earlier to avoid OOM
      1. No consensus about config name and semantics. Discussion continues on the PR.
    3. Add paused_reason to INFO CLIENTS
      1. Please approve or comment on the PR.
    4. Extend LATENCY LATEST to add min / sum / cnt stats
      1. The usefulness of the min field is questioned. Maybe we can skip that one and keep the other fields. Comment on the PR.
    5. Add new SCRIPT STATS subcommand
      1. The usefulness of this command is questioned, and whether stats for scripts and functions should be covered by the same commands. Ricardo will think about the usefulness of this command while working on scripting engine modularization.
    6. Reply Offload yes/no
      1. Concerns about the complexity of the optimization and whether the performance improvement is large enough to justify the complexity.
      2. Suggestion to open separate PR with a simpler approach, which would only avoid copying large strings (e.g. more than one page size) to the reply buffer, and would not be limited to IO threads. It is likely less performant, but can be achieved with a smaller change and less complexity. Ideas to be posted on the PR.
  3. discuss generally our stance regarding minor code improvements / refactoring / syntactic sugar changes.
      1. We discussed. No consensus about general stance. Changes that are objectively to the better (correcting typos) are more often accepted than changes that are more about personal preferences. Git blame is used extensively by some of us, so there's benefit in avoiding changes.

Core team sync 2025-01-20 (15:00 UTC All zones)

Core team sync 2025-01-13 (15:00 UTC All zones)

Core team sync 2025-01-06

Core team sync 2024-12-30 No meeting around new year

Core team sync 2024-12-23

Core team sync 2024-12-16

Core team sync 2024-12-09

Core team sync 2024-12-02

Core team sync 2024-11-25

Core team sync 2024-11-18

Core team sync 2024-11-11

Core team sync 2024-11-04

Core team sync 2024-09-30

Core team sync 2024-09-09

Core team sync 2024-09-02

  • Valkey 8.0.0-rc2
    • Release postponed due to CI failures
      • Discussion about failing testcases
      • Release date postponed to September 3rd
    • Benchmark results
      • Discussion about the importance of I/O threading and vertical vs horizontal scaling
  • Access to NPM @valkey namespace.
    • Apparently, it has been claimed by someone. We'll ask if it can be transferred to us, so we can use it for official Valkey NodeJS projects
  • Upcoming conferences

Core team sync 2024-08-19

  • Next Releases - 7.0.7 - Scoping fixes
  • Valkey 8.0.0-rc2
    • Release date? (27th, GA on 16th).
      • All bug fixes on 26th. No more features after that.
    • Review pending items
      • All items having owners to close those week for rc2.
  • Review Bloom RFC -
    • status
      • Directionally approved. Wait an additional week on feedback about compatibility and migration.

Core team sync 2024-08-12

Core team sync 2024-07-29

Core team sync 2024-07-22

  • Valkey 8-rc1
    • Fatlog - are we cutting this from rc1?
      • Yes
    • Per-slot statistics, PRs are close, just need a little bit more.
      • Discussed metrics, commented directly on PR.
    • Daily failure.
    • Launch date?
      • Try to hit this week?
    • Owner for other items such as release notes.
      • Ping is going to own release notes.
    • Supporting material like a blog post.
      • Ping will also take the pen on the notes.

Core team sync 2024-07-15

Core team sync 2024-07-08

  • RDMA:
    • What is an experimental features
      • It is not built into the core by default
      • It is not subject to our API contracts (we can deprecate and or change it whenever)
      • We will decide at a later point if we want it to be a module vs as a core part of the engine.
    • Should we remove TLS build information from the documentation
      • Yes. We can also remove the testing information.
    • We should also move the file to the file.
      • @madolson will make an issue.
  • How to handle official credentials/accounts for pypi, npm, etc. Storage for GPG private key (needed for Java). New clients: libvalkey-py, GLIDE
    • Folks will get access when they need it. @madelyn will give access to Viktor.
    • Merging libvalkey-py into the valkey organizations.
      • Followup with the requirements and validate it's needed. If it is, it should be gtg.
  • Review topics on