Add a simple control to bump the zoomOffset beyond the default / retine / hdpi setting. This allows you to view higher zoom-level tiles in a large display. Mind your bandwidth, though. See also this question on StackOverflow.
The simplest is to include this plugin after including leaflet:
<script src="leaflet.js"></script>
<script src="leaflet.control.detaillevel.js"></script>
and then add your control using
let detailControl = new L.Control.DetailLevel(0, 4);
where the arguments to the constructor are your mininum and maximum detail level == minimum/maximum zoomOffset. Please be aware that the number of tiles on display grows as 2^(zoomOffset)
, meaning that with zoomOffset = 3
you already display 8
times as many tiles as you would ordinarily.
This plugin is licensed under the MIT license, which is included in the head of the source file. Meaning: do whatever you want, but you cannot blame me if anything breaks.