This is a solution for a task to generate a discount code Original task/requirements:
The solution using Clean Architecture and Domain Driven Design (DDD) for this looks overengineering. And it is, but the key idea I wanted to deliver with this solution, is that I am capable of programming big solutions with much richer domains than this task. It is easy to scale and maintain, decoupled from integrations and communication protocols. In case you want to build a REST communication entry point, well, you can do that without changing the actual domain. That is my key target.
- React
- DotNet 8
- UnitTests
- Entity Framework Core (EF)
- Logging
- SignalR
- MySql database
- Docker and docker compose
- EF Core migrations
- GitHub Actions
- Automatic test runs
- Automatic SonarCloud scan
- Automatic versioning with GitVersion
- Automatic release as docker image to GitHub image storage
- Automatic git tag creation
- Swagger documentation
Option 1:
Run dotnet application.
Run UI
cd UI
npm run start
docker-compose up db
Add migrations
dotnet ef database update --startup-project Source/DiscountCodes.SignalR --project Source/DiscountCodes.Integrations
Option2 : (NOT WORKING)
To run the application locally for testing, you can use a docker-compose file. For this, you need to have docker up and running (Docker Desktop or free option Rancher will work).
In the CMD inside the main project repo, just run
docker-compose up
dotnet ef database update --startup-project Source/DiscountCodes.SignalR --project Source/DiscountCodes.Integrations
Then open URL: http://localhost:3000/
dotnet ef migrations add create-discount-code-table --startup-project Source/DiscountCodes.SignalR --project Source/DiscountCodes.Integrations
dotnet ef database update --startup-project Source/DiscountCodes.SignalR --project Source/DiscountCodes.Integrations