This is a mobile app with React Native as a simple alternative for paper version of sea battle.
Target features:
- [❌] Play with friends with simple private game number
- [❌] Create any form ship (you can make a square with 4 points ship)
- [❌] Rules configuration
- [❌] Anonymous login option (no login)
- [❌] Google login option
- Node.Js v18.14.0
- npm 9.8.1
- Java 19.0.2
npx react-native info
git lfs install
(used for large files)- Install Node.Js v18.17.0
- Install Android studio
npx react-native start --reset-cache
npm run android
npm run version:up -- --patch
git tag -a v1.0.X -m 'release 1.0.X: increase versions and build numbers'
git commit -m 'release 1.0.X: increase versions and build numbers'
git push && git push origin --tags
To release an application run this command under 'android' folder
./gradlew bundleRelease
Bundle appears in ...\SeaBattlePaper\android\app\build\outputs\bundle\release