In first run search rev-manifest.json in the root of project and cache results to Nette-configurator file.
Base use
<script type="text/javascript" src="{asset "/js/default.js"}"></script>
In production mode that makes transformation and you see in resulted html <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
In development mode used standart file name <script type="text/javascript" src="https://localhost:9090/js/default.js"></script>
In latte template {livereloadscript}
In production mode return empty string ""
In development mode return <script type="text/javascript" src="//localhost:35729/livereload.js"></script>
manifestFile: rev-manifest.json
scripthost: "https://localhost"
scriptport: "9090"
livereloadhost: "https://localhost"
livereloadport: 35729
Scripthost, scriptport, livereloadhost, livereloadport may be empty. In this case used $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']
for hosts and 80
for port values.