Multi-thread PathWalks based on number of input cores and total steps per walker.
PathWalks is a random walk based algorithm, developed in R, where a walker crosses a pathway-to-pathway network under the guidance of a disease-related map. The latter is a gene network that we construct by integrating multi-source information regarding a specific disease. The most frequent trajectories highlight communities of pathways that are expected to be strongly related to the disease under study.
- Required libraries: igraph, doParallel
- Arguments: gene_network_file, pathway_network_file, number_of_cores_to_use, number_of_steps_per_core (1 walker per core), gene_restart_timer
- Network files must be in edgelist form.
- Gene network must contain gene symbols.
- Pathway network must contain KEGG hsa pathway ids (example: hsaPathwayEdgelist_commonGenes.tsv, showing functional connections among pathways as found in KEGG and each edge weight represents the number of common genes between two pathways).
- Results: 1. Pathway ranks 2. Re-weighted pathways' network edgelist 3. Pathway clusters
- Example command line call for 6 cores and 1000 iterations per walker, with gene restart every 50 iterations: Rscript pathwalks_parallel.R "geneEdgelistIPF.tsv" "hsaPathwayEdgelistIPF.tsv" 6 1000 50 The 2 translation and 1 links files must be in the same directory with the pathwalks.R script.
Use case example input data included.
- Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (geneEdgelistIPF.tsv, hsaPathwayEdgelistIPF.tsv)
- Alzheimer's Disease (geneEdgelistAD.tsv, hsaPathwayEdgelistAD.tsv)
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