This project is Based on idea of using CrowdSourcing Theory/Concept To Eliminate fear of Reporting Crime To Police. Started With idea This Is Just a C++/ CLI Prototype to what we are thinking, and developed.
Most people that don’t report crime are afraid of retaliation. Others don’t report more serious crimes, especially if they are a witness. They don’t want to get involved in going to court and having to testify, putting themselves or their families in a situation where they put themselves at risk.
Even when the police say they’ll keep your name out of it, your name is still on the records and can reasonably easily be seen, or even just that you were the only witness and therefore it’s easy to work out who reported them.
Calling 100, Takes time and sometime You really don't have time To report Even if Other factors are not affecting You!!
We respect Privacy thats why our first motive to make this app is to eliminate Tracking Means That In NO WAY YOU CAN BE TRACKED AFTER REPORTING CRIME.
Simply You will Take your Mobile Out, login, And report the crime Based on categories ... Using AI we will show you the most Reported crime on top. In your area... As reports kept on increasing Police will get Notified And they will come there Automatically. That means No single Person is responsible For Repoting crime. And this process take less than a minute.
* fstream
* conio
* stdio
* process
* string
* iomanip
* dos