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Trades API

Example API for stock trades allows:

  • to create a trade,
  • to list all the trades,
  • to list all the trades from given userId,
  • to get the maximum trade price for the given currency in the given period of time,
  • to delete all trades from the database.

1. Running locally

Install dependencies

$ npm install

Connect to a database

Create local PostgreSQL database tradesDb (or any other name).

Add .env file to the root directory of the project:


Run migrations:

$ npx prisma migrate dev

Run seeding script:

$ npm run db:seed

Start server on port 1234:

$ npm run dev

2. Running tests with Docker

To start, run:

$ docker compose up

These actions are being performed:

  • creates a container with PostreSQL database,
  • creates a container with an Express app,
  • seeds the created database with some Faker data
  • runs unit tests (mocking Prisma client)
  • runs integration tests using created test database

(To stop, press Ctrl+C)

To remove containers and volumes, run:

$ docker compose down -v

3. Some requests to check

$ curl 'localhost:1234/stocks' | json_pp
$ curl 'localhost:1234/stocks?userId=3' | json_pp
$ curl 'localhost:1234/stocks/ABX/price?start=2020-09-11T14%3A20%3A30.000%2B03%3A00&end=2022-09-11T15%3A01%3A30.000%2B03%3A00'
$ curl -X POST 'localhost:1234/stocks' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "type": "buy",
  "userId": 12,
  "symbol": "ABX",
  "price": 134.26,
  "timestamp": "2022-09-11T19:20:30.45+03:00"
$ curl -X DELETE 'localhost:1234/stocks'