Extract value of C defines directly from command line
- cmake - required for both building and using
- bash - min. version 4.0
- compiler that can be picked up by cmake (also for using, not only building)
git clone https://github.com/v3l0c1r4pt0r/sadve.git
cd sadve
mkdir -p build && cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
To get value of define AF_INET, defined in header sys/socket.h, one can call:
sadve -d AF_INET sys/socket.h
Then to learn size of structure sockaddr as defined in sys/socket.h, use:
sadve -s sockaddr sys/socket.h
Full help text:
Usage: /usr/local/bin/sadve [--dec|--hex|--format=F] -d|-s|-u|-t|-e SYMBOL HEADER
/usr/local/bin/sadve [--dec|--hex|--format=F] -o STRUCT.FIELD HEADER
/usr/local/bin/sadve -h
-d, --define Print final value of preprocessor macro
-s, --struct Print total length of struct
-u, --union Print total length of union
-t, --type Print total length of type
-e, --enum Print total length of enum
-o, --offset Print offset of field in structure
-I DIR Appends DIR to search path of include files
--dec Print value in decimal form (default)
--hex Print value in hexadecimal form
--format=F Print value in F form, where F is format string as in
--debug Debug sadve itself
-h, --help Print this help message and exit
SYMBOL Symbol which value is to be examined
HEADER Header where symbol is defined
The program is licensed under GNU GPL v3.