---Notes to admin--- If you have any questions, I may or may not be able to answer them, but shoot me an email (andrewhu AT uw)
The public_html folder is displayed at http://students.washington.edu/uwigem/
The php files get their contents from their respective files in the src folder.
Just copy tmeplate.php and change the <?php echo file_get_contents(); ?>
MySQL is on Port 3034 The MySQL root password is this user's password EXCEPT that each character's ASCII value is decremented by 1 This is actually just to prevent bash from misinterpreting one of the characters in the password since there is a special character
So, if the user's password was "cdef9" the MySQL password would become "bcde8" '
#Console Quirks
All the shell commands in ~/.bashrc are run when the connection is initialized. Here, we have custom aliases (so you can pretend that MySQL is installed in the correct place)
If you get a problem where vim or another text editor writes the character '^?' when you press backspace, make sure that the command stty erase '^?'
is in .bashrc
If you think .bashrc is not getting run, then make sure that
if [ -f "$HOME/.bashrc" ]; then
. "$HOME/.bashrc"
is in .profile
Gitignore isn't working! All you have to do is add all the changes you want to track, like .gitignore and any changes you don't want to lose. Now, commit them, so that you won't lose them, just in case something goes wrong
Now naveigate to the top-level directory of the repository (the one with the .git and
.gitignore file). On this console there is a bash shortcut to the nearest top level
directory if you type cdgit
. Finally, run these commands
git rm -r --cached .
git add .
git commit -m "Removing gitignore'd files"
" The first, removes all indices of all files in the repo The second, adds all the files back in, except the ones listed in .gitignore The third commits the removals
##Pushing to Github from Vergil/Attu
The git settings on the UW servers can be different than the ones at home, most notably, how they won't save your login information, or even ask for it if you're trying to push. Leaving you without push access
So, we need to set up the account information. This guide will go over HTTPS pushing. Normally, when you clone a repo, it goes
Instead, what we want to do is clone it from this URL
Don't be worried about exposing your password, since this will only be stored in the .git directory, which is not pushed to the remote
If you've already made the repo and want to change the remote url, use the command
git remote set-url origin https://github.com/USERNAME/REPOSITORY.git
##Getting git to recognize your user
However, even if we do this, and push correctly, Github still won't recognize us as the user we authenticated as! That's because we have the wrong email. Vergil will automatically set your git email to a vergil email, instead we need to change it using
git config --global user.email "email@example.com"