Kubernetes Helm Charts for the Open Science Framework
- Update the version number(s) of your chart
helm package your-chart/
git checkout gh-pages
helm repo index --url https://uvdata.github.io/helm-charts/ .
git add -a
git commit -m 'Describe what versions were udpated'
git push
- Install Helm
- tl;dr
brew install kubernetes-helm && helm init --client-only
- tl;dr
- A running Kubernetes cluster
# Add the charts repository
helm repo add cos https://centerforopenscience.github.io/helm-charts/
# List the available charts
helm search cos/
helm ls
The namespace from the installation will be used.
helm upgrade -i <release-name> -f /path/to/values.yaml
helm del --purge <release-name>
kubernetes/charts@f8d3a1197e4a7167143d42d2081fb05aab1ba396 : stable/nginx-ingress
https://github.com/cos-forks/kubernetes-charts/tree/feature/elasticsearch-v5 : incubator/elasticsearch